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    Rochester, NY
  1. karlos


    You don't need to be a member to use their pharmacy, so just tell the person by the front door you are getting a prescription. That way you can look to see if they have things of interest or use to you before joining. You only need to be a member to buy anything.
  2. Wegmans brand lump is surprisingly good, it's Royal Oak as someone upthread pointed out.
  3. This is much more delicious than it sounds and so easy.
  4. Epicurean cutting boards. I have been pretty happy with mine. To the people that can't possibly fathom why someone would want one that is dishwasher safe, I'll go out on a limb and guess they don't want to wash the darn things by hand. That's why I have mine.
  5. Wicked Good Charcoal Some of the best stuff I've ever used.
  6. That big time money would have been totally offset by that $3 cup of coffee if they were a paying customer.
  7. I like Marmite. You have found these in the US?
  8. I'll have to find these and give them a whirl. I've tried Journey bars and they were just okay. This has been on my list of things to try and figure out making at home because I hate, hate, hate sweet things for breakfast and would love a portable thing to eat out of hand in the morning that doesn't involve chocolate or peanut butter.
  9. I can't say I've ever heard the time involved was to cook out the raw taste, but for color and some depth of flavor. Certainly, a bechamel doesn't get cooked for that long. Am I misunderstanding your question?
  10. I found this amusing...
  11. Interesting article about something I have given no thought to as a frequent diner. I've always read menues from laft to right, top to bottom. Weird to find out the conventional wisdom said otherwise, although the article points out that that conventional wisdom was wrong anyways. I've never considered the profit margin of any dish I have ordered but obviously the restaurant has. Kind of neat that they can lead your eye to their more profitable dishes with some little tricks on the menu. I'm going to start paying more attention to my menus.
  12. Sweet deviled eggs? I've never heard of such a travesty.
  13. Pretty sure the orange stuff is roe.
  14. karlos

    Obscene Sandwich

    Oh man, smoked meatloaf is amazingly good!
  15. I don't know the answer to this but you may get more answers from Cheftalk. Good luck.
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