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  1. Wha'd he say? Was it about food? The Food Network? What? rj
  2. At the risk of being called negative and mean-spirited I will offer my opinion on the Food Network's wallowing in candies, cakes, ice creams, i.e., anything sweet that they can make into a weekly show. Even their best chefs and programs have been saturated by this. I see this as this as another step in their downhill slide into mediocrity. Do you have an opinion?
  3. Can anyone tell me where to find organic or free range Kool Ade? Thanks rj
  4. arjay

    Crab Legs

    Sunny and Maher, Thanks for the advice. This should make it a great dinner. rj
  5. arjay

    Crab Legs

    I would like to invest in king crab legs for a group of friends, and I need to know how much to get for a moderate serving. The crab will be the entree. In my area there is no help available. Thanks rj
  6. Free-range pancakes and organic molasses with a local farmer's fresh butter. Rain Forest Costa Rican coffee. Delicious!
  7. I never go out without my lot of dining helmets. Formal, uptown, bistro, mom and pop diner. You can never tell for sure what headgear you might need.
  8. arjay


    British Thermal Units (BTUs) are owned by the British. They receive royalties on every one we use. I would only use grills, etc., that use ATUs or don't specify any ownership at all. This could save on your price and the balance of trade.
  9. My favorite restaurant meals of the past year: 1) The Bantam Chef (Walhalla, SC) 2) Subway, (Walhalla, SC) 3) Rancho Nuevo, (Walhalla, SC) 4) The Steakhouse Buffet, (Walhalla, SC) 5) Paesanos (Seneca, SC) Sorry, I've run out of favorites.
  10. Some folks will eat ANYTHING. Even raw horses when they are not even starving.
  11. Some abominable "foods": Snails! Anything that has suckers on its legs Any part of a duck that is still bloody rj
  12. It appears that the one pound per US citizen is fully represented on this thread. There are several "foods" that Americans generally are not fond of including squid, octopus, duck, etc. Why do you think that is?
  13. edited: rj
  14. I was in London in a very nice hotel in their beautifully appointed, nicely equipped bar. I asked the nice, seemingly competent bartenderette for a dry martini, straight up. She brought me a glass of Martini and Rossi dry vermouth.
  15. I sincerely hope that eating raw chicken is dangerous. I'm much more afraid of people who want to eat it raw than the chicken itself. rj
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