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Posts posted by DLim

  1. We get those same varieties of fresh in supermarkets up here in Hubei. I'm surprised more selection doesn't come over from Yunnan.

    As to risotto rice, you might try mixing a small amount of one of the more "glutinous" or sticky varieties (maybe even the kind they use for 粽子) in with another kind of rice. I've done a nice risotto-style dishes here with other grains I found here - 小麦 (some kind of partially milled wheat berries I think) and 燕麦米 (a sort of long-grained barley or farro? dunno). The wheat berries especially cook up with a level of chewiness that I enjoy, while some glutinous rice combined with fat and cheese gives all the creaminess you could want.

  2. I love my Shunn Ken Onion design chef's knife. It stays sharp for seemingly ever, I've had it for 3 years, never sharpened it, and it still slices a tomato as if it were butter. Add free lifetime sharpening if you send it in. It's an oddly shaped knife, but fits my hand as if it were made for me. They have lots of other series in damaskus steel or what it's called, the samurai sword kind of folded steel. if you don't like the shape or handle of the Ken Onion. They also have some that just look like the real deal, I'd not buy those.

    I'd also suggest a cheap butcher boning knife and maybe a slicer too. Really handy, easy to keep sharp, and cheap enough to replace down the road. I use those a lot, not only for boning, but also for slicing cooked steaks etc.

    Don't bother sending your Shun into the factory for sharpening; just do it yourself. I mailed them my 8" classic chef's knife this spring and wasn't too pleased with the results. I knew it would take weeks to get the knife back - I think it took about 3-4 in the end - so I got a $30 Victorinox knife to use at work while my Shun was out. When I got the Shun back, newly sharpened (maybe), it wasn't anywhere near as sharp as the Victorinox I'd been beating up doing prep for the last month. I ended up putting a new edge on my Shun before another month was out. Waste of steel.

    Edit: I totally second the cheap boning knife thing. I use a $25 Victorinox boning knife to butcher for hours every day. It's great to have a knife you don't mind taking to the steel before every task, using to scrape bones and worse, or even ripping through one of those horrible little hand-held sharpening wheel things. I find it a lot more comfortable than a chef's knife for breaking down poultry, so I think it's a great buy for serious home cooks who like to take down whole chickens and ducks.

  3. I love roasted grapes: wash, drain, place in a single layer on a rimmed sheet tray, put in a 425F oven. Once every 10 minutes or so, drain the liquid from the tray off into a saucepan. Turn the grapes once they brown on one side. Roast until they get some good browning and a bit of blackening, then take the tray out of the oven. Reduce the grape juices that you've collected until they're thickened (or add some cornstarch if at some point you're happy with the flavor but not the viscosity), then maybe add some balsamic vinegar for tartness (the juice and the grapes will be very sweet). Mix the juices with the roasted grapes and you've got a great pie filling ready to go. The only downside is it'll be brown, not green :(

  4. I'm pretty sure a single type of fruit (raspberries, or lemons for instance) can vary significantly in acidity between specimens (and batches). At work, we've long had a problem an inconsistent texture in a gel made from agar, lemon, and ginger, and I think it is because some batches of lemons are more acidic than others, which changes how the agar behaves. pH testing would be the way to find out for sure.

    Of course this could be totally wrong or totally irrelevant to your problem.

  5. For the turkey confit, I cured it for 5 hours or so in salt, pepper and brine, then washed off most of the cure and packed it away with a stick or two of thyme and a couple tablespoons of duck fat and cooked it at 176 degrees for 12 hours. Then I chilled it in an ice bath, removed the bags and removed some of the cartilage and then put it in the fridge until service. At which point I threw it into a 420 degree oven and then the broiler to crisp up the skin. It was fine, but almost dry, if you can believe that.

    I sure can: if it spent more than couple of minutes in that oven/broiler, it probably got well above the 176F at which you cooked it -- at which point you lost the benefits of the SV.

    I'd urge you to try it again, crisp the skin off the meat itself, and serve it out of the bag, or perhaps brought to 160-70F after chilling. SV is a technique that requires a different set of tolerances and approaches than other methods, and with practice I'll bet you'll find a few things that for you are unmatched.

    You might be right, though I don't believe a few minutes under a broiler would raise the entire thigh from 35 degrees to over 170. But I tasted it before it went in the oven - right after I SV'd it. It is hard to resist eating some when you're picking through it as I transferred it from the bag to another container. The bag itself had tons of juices/fat in it. Maybe all of it rendered out? or maybe the heritage bird just isn't marbled like the old butterball.

    For the turkey, I would suggest you try what I've seen produce the best results at my work: remove any unwanted cartilage, bones, fat, blood vessels, and whatever else BEFORE you bag the meat (definitely possible, people bone out whole chickens without breaking the skin), then bag, cook, and chill in the bag. For service, rewarm the meat IN THE BAG in your circulator. You don't need to rewarm it to 175 degrees; 144.5 should do you just fine, but a turkey leg will probably take at least 20 minutes to a half an hour to warm through. Then cut it out of the bag, dry thoroughly, season, and crisp the skin however you want to. The meat is already hot, so don't slam it in the oven and forget about it, just focus on getting the skin how you like it. I probably wouldn't even bother resting it, but if you do you just need to flash it in a hot oven for a minute right before you serve it. Of course, you can't make a sauce out of the anything inside the bag this way...

    As to all the juices in the bag after you cook the meat, I think you're right to be worried about them. It's rare for us to get to look so directly at how much we've dried out a piece of meat, but that is in fact lost water that you're never getting back inside the turkey. Perhaps 176 was too high? I imagine you got that number from someone else who has had good results, but what are other people cooking turkey legs at?

    Then again, I've never cooked a turkey leg SV, so I may be full of it...

  6. Since it was a roulade, I don't thing the quick dunk g would work since the meat at the center would remain untouched. I may try a quick sear to kill the surface bacteria. I was wondering if the pounded meat is something like hamburger. We usually treat the center of the meat as sterile. Since the meat was pounded to a 1/4", the bacteria are spread throughout the meat. Or, is only the surface a problem?

    Generally only the outer surfaces of whole muscle cuts are contaminated, but when you roll a roulade, part of that outer surface area ends up in the inside of the roll; you can't just blanch the whole roll, you'd have to blanch and chill the meat before rolling. That should work fine, unless your meat is pounded very very thin, in which case blanching might make the meat tear when you contort it and would probably overcook it before it ever hit the water bath. Of course, your FILLING could be contaminated as well, so make sure you have considered that as well.

  7. It's important to note that brining / marinading doesn't only involve compounds passing through cell membranes. The effects are much more about what passes up / into the spaces between cells.

    Really interested in this - someone above also mentioned interstitial space in muscle tissue. Any literature you can point us to?

  8. I'm pretty sure I got it in a bowl, and there was some kind of optional bread(?). This guy didn't form it into a ball, but I think it was sticky enough that you could have done it. I'll definitely look up Nuo Mi Ji and see if it fits the bill.

    Yeah, definitely tried the lamb soup a few times, and some goopy breakfast soup too as I recall.

    Thanks for the info!

  9. I know for sure, from a conversation with my father (a chemist), that you can disperse enough of a oil-like flavor into water to give the water very strong flavor.

    Are you sure, or are you taking a sip of the water which includes the surface, and therefore the oils? What if you tasted it from the bottom with a straw, after letting the brine sit for a bit.

    There must be some water soluble flavor compounds in herbs which do get into the water

    The conversation actually had nothing to do with brines; I think it was actually about some flavored seltzer water I was drinking.

    As I understand brining, what matters is not merely whether the flavor molecules are water soluble, but how big those molecules are. Not very many are small enough to pass through the cell walls.

    Excellent point! I think cell membrane permeability is also largely determined by electrical charge. We've been talking about non-polar fat-soluble compounds, but in a brine we're also adding ions from salt into the mix, so maybe there's something going on there...here's where I hope someone with a chemistry background chimes in.

  10. Maybe you get just the water-soluble flavors?

    Perhaps the oil-soluble flavor compounds have very very low solubility in water, but enough to make a difference?

    At work, we brine our pork with some aromatics (rosemary, juniper, onion, garlic, black pepper), and it definitely works...

  11. Great article! I recognize a lot of the items you mentioned from my time in China a few years ago. I visited a friend of mine who was teaching English in Wuhan and he took me to what he termed "Breakfast Street" - the full panoply of breakfast-specific street foods crammed into one block, open only for breakfast. I ate as much as I could, (including those spicy peanut noodles and a greasy omelet-fried rice-scallion hybrid) but sadly there was no way I could get to them all. As I recall, we were also in a rush so we could be in time for his first class of the day!

    I hope we hear more from Suzhou!

  12. n4600461_30942240_9603.jpg

    Anyone know what that stuff is? I've been trying to figure it out since about 10 minutes after I ate it in the Muslim Quarter of Xi'an in late 2008. It's some kind of starch, mashed or rolled very small, and chewy mutton or lamb or some other strong-flavored meat. I think it had a five-spice powder flavor, or at least star anise. The receptionists at my hostel told me the starch was wheat, but their grasp of non-hostel related English was limited, so I can't be sure of the accuracy of that information.

    Yeah it was DELICIOUS, and I'd like to make some attempt at replicating it, but clearly I need a little more information before I step down that path...I googled everything I could think of back in 2008, but didn't find anything.

    Anyone have a clue? Or know of a better place to pose this question? Cheers!

    edit: hmm guess maybe this should've gone in China: dining. Sorry! Though I am looking for a recipe...

  13. You can do it. You can even do it from scratch, though you shouldn't have to. Every day at work, I put up "family meal" for 15 or so hungry souls in 30 minutes or less. Almost always entirely from scratch. I slam together a protein, some veg, a full-on sauce, and sometimes the starch as well, all while I'm scrubbing down and setting up my station for service. Record so far: penne with a smoky-spicy tomato sauce, seared chicken breast, and peas in 15 minutes, not counting time to boil the water.

    Get fast. Use frozen food and advance prep and all the other ideas in this thread. But mostly get fast. If you're under the gun anyway, why spend a minute cutting up a carrot when you could have done it in 15 seconds? Do everything faster than you ever have before and do it all at the same time. Sear your protein while you're still prepping your veg; and you've already got the starch cooking, right?

    If that all sounds way too stressful, remember that less time in the kitchen is more time out in the dining room with your family. Also, when you pull it all off, you will be a better cook and feel like a minor god to boot.

    It's hard to push yourself to get faster, better, stronger when there's no chef standing behind you telling you to do the impossible and no seasoned veteran grill cook next to you crushing out prep twice as fast as you, so for inspiration here's a nice clip of some guy from Top Chef doing some useful knife work kind of fast.

  14. A person might be allergic to shellfish and the allergy is severe, possibly fatal.

    For instance, say a genetically engineered fish has some of its genes manipulated and a gene from shellfish substituted so the fish grows more rapidly.

    When you consume that fish your system will recognize the fish as shellfish and react to it.

    This has happened with plants that have been genetically modified.

    Just a note: the BW article makes it sound like the particular GE salmon in question has had fish genes (from Chinook Salmon and Ocean Pout, the latter of which has also contributed genes to efforts to make ice cream creamier), rather than shellfish genes, added.

    Someone asked for a simple explanation of resistance to GM and GE foods. I think people are just generally creeped out. I know I am.

  15. Nice article! Adjacent to the vast galaxy of literature on roasting a perfect chicken is another on the perfect turkey, an analogous puzzle/quasi-mythical beast. Here in the States turkey gets ALL the attention once a year, when the whole country (or at least all the Heads of Household [Kitchens]) scrambles around trying to remember/figure out how to do it right. Last year I was amused by Dave Arnold's typically absurd, brilliant, impossible method. Of course I ended up punting and cutting my bird up, which still didn't guarantee complete victory; you want the meat totally colorless AND juicy?!

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