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  1. Following our flavor palate, you already have coriander, how about cilantro for a coriander two ways flavor. Maybe a touch of lime to pique the flavor in your infusion. Just a suggestion.
  2. My current go to is the Flavor Bible by Dornenburg and Page. With fall approaching I pull ouyt Michael Wild's Bay Wolf Restaurant Cookbook, a wide variety of duck and pinot noir pairings and a Steamed Persimmon Pudding to die for. Bill
  3. I have both of Bugat and Healy's books Art of the CAke and Mastering the Art of French Pastry. Missing their French Cookie Book. All are excellent. I have attened a class with Healy and he is a wealth of info. Worth searching out. Try www.ABEBooks.com a consortium of used booksellers affiliated with Amazon. Most current books at lessthan half even with shipping. Good luck Bill
  4. Jaffrey and Sahni are good jumping off starters. For the nuts and bolts of different curry styles and the different methods of preparing your garam masala I recommend Raghavan Iyer's 660 Curries. Covers curry regionally and by method or spice prep from dry toasting to wet prep, Very informative. Bill
  5. The game and fois gras purveyor is Game Sales International. Bill
  6. Hi Check out Italco Foods for wholesale all things Italian. There is a Wholesale Outlet for game and foie gras in Loveland. My computer crashed and I lost the website, but you should be able to find it with google Game meat Colorado. There are a lot of International markets on Leetsdale and Parker with a good variety from Eastern Europe to Middle Eastern. H Mart has awesome produce and fresh fish including abalone(live) and skatewing. Right across the street is Arash, an Iranian market with a co-op of growers for spectacular locovore produce. Also good selection of lamb and goat. Sakura Square at 19th and Lawrence in Denver for all things Japanese, Find out when the fish is delivered for best results. Asian at Alameda Square west of I 25 on Alameda and the Far East Market at Alameda and Federal. Avanza Market on Federal South of Mississippi chiles both fresh and dried, nopales, prickly pears, salsa ingredients(fresh). Hope that helps. Good luck Bill
  7. Google Blue Mountain Honey Questa New Mexico
  8. Hi Questa is South of Fort Garland, Colorado in New Mexico in the Southern San Luis Valley. This is west of Walsenberg over La Veta Pass. I have traveled through there many times and never heard of this honey you speak of. The closest food center would be Taos, NM. You might try starting there. Good Luck Bill
  9. Hi Alice Sur la Table has a good selection, there is one in the Cherry Crrek Mall in Denver, Speer and University. There may be one in the Flatirons Mall up in Broomfied a lot closer to you. Professionally there is Cresco Restaurant Supply Just off 225 and Sixth avenue. Take 36 to I25 South, I70 east to I225 south to Sixth Ave, East on Sixth to the first stoplight. There's a Conoco Station on the corner. Go left and follow to the end of the street which ends at Cresco parking lot. For Spices look for Savory spice shop, I think they opened a Boulder store. You can google Savory Spice Shop and check out there web page. Good Luck Bill
  10. Broccoli and tarragon match very well. Try steaming the broccoli with fresh tarragon. You could also make a tarragon beurre blanc to top it.
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