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Everything posted by dcarch

  1. A few more hours ----------------------> strawberry cream pie!!!! dcarch
  2. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    BLT, T, T, T -------- Massive "problem" with the garden. Overwhelmed with Huuuuge amount of huuuge tomatoes. Have given away a few hundred pounds already, still busy eating and dehydrating. May be a local La Tomatina Festival? Anyone? OK, going to make BLT, T, T, rainbow BLTs. dcarch
  3. I hope not. More people will be unemployed and go on welfare. dcarch
  4. Suppose you want to publish a book? And you are not ready to share? Supposed you promised a friend who gave you the recipe never to share that recipe? Many other reasons. That's why there are many fake recipes out there. dcarch
  5. It's best not to have the recipe than to get a fake recipe. So, How do you deal with a very good friend who askes you for a recipe which you really don't want to give away without offending him/her? dcarch
  6. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    Thank you. ----------------------------------------------- Warning!! if you are using squash blossoms, be very careful to examine the inside of the blossoms outdoors. If you grow squashes, you probably notice that squash blossoms are very perfume-my and they attract a lot of bees. Half the time you will find bees and other insects inside. You don't want to get stung and have bees inside your home. Agree. Like heidih said. The key is to be very careful in the use of minimum and simple batter. Even so the extreme heat of frying does evaporate a great deal of the delicate fragrance that you can enjoy if you eat the blossom raw. dcarch
  7. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    Why fry squash blossoms? All you are tasting is mostly fried batter. It is too hot to cook and too hot to fry. So I made a salad, with squash blossoms stuffed with goat cheese. Wonderful floral fragrance if the blossoms are not cooked. Also, garden tomatoes with cold tofu. dcarch
  8. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    Fatty vs. oily? dcarch
  9. They also carry all kinds of diseases , including Lyme disease and ticks . dcarch
  10. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    It is too hot and too humid to cook. Tomatoes from the garden and pulled pork from the refrigerator, and called it dinner. dcarch
  11. Relative humidity foretasted for the next 10 days in NY area will be 100%. In other words, air will be completely saturated with moisture. Perfect weather to kill off tomato plants. Hot and humid, ideal for all kinds of fatal deceases. :-( dcarch
  12. It's a jungle in there! dcarch
  13. I might have to become a vegetarian. :-) How is yours doing? dcarch
  14. NY area folks, get ready for lots of cracked tomatoes. Lots of rain is predicted. dcarch
  15. I celebrated Bastille Day by accident. Had French Toast and leftover French Fries for breakfast. dcarch :-)
  16. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    What if he/she does not live near the equator? dcarch☺️
  17. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    All Asian stores have head-on shrimps. I got those from H Mart. dcarch
  18. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    13 Is A Lucky Number I was so confident about the competence of the rescue teams, I knew the 13 guys will be out of the cave all safe. So I celebrated in advance yesterday. I made Thai coconut basil shrimps for a congratulatory dinner for a good job well done. dcarch
  19. Blossom Set will fertilize the blossoms. Just spray on. When used for tomatoes, you end up with tomatoes with very few seeds. I wonder what that would do to strawberries, which have seeds on the outside. dcarch
  20. Have you considered using Blossom Set? dcarch
  21. dcarch

    Dinner 2018

    Just being cheap and quick. dcarch Swiss chard from my garden Leftover mushroom fried rice
  22. Those large bones when you buy a whole pork butt/shoulder, I cut them with my wood shop table saw with a carbide blade. Quick and easy. dcarch
  23. dcarch

    4th of July

    Ha! thinned out strawberry jam in a squeeze bottle. I did have trouble making him understand 9 (blue berries) stars means 9 states. New Hampshire was the 9th State. :-) dcarch
  24. dcarch

    4th of July

    A friend's little boy (6 yo) made me this. No. He is not from New Hampshire. ☺️ dcarch
  25. 1. Select the best variety for your zone. 2. Start seedling early. 3. The seedling needs to go thru a fake winter. To set their buds, artichokes need a period of vernalization, at least two weeks of cold temperatures below 50°F, but not freezing. dcarch
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