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Everything posted by hillbill

  1. If you plan to go check out this printable coupon. $10 off 50, $20 off $100, $30 off $150 Printable Corningware Factory Coupon
  2. I got some good deals at a Corning Outlet that I chanced upon in West Virginia a few years ago. Of course, that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away from NYC.
  3. Let's start a write-in campaign for bacon Pam.
  4. I am in awe. I believe that would be a much better and unique slogan than the mundane
  5. That wold be most excellent, thanks! My landlord doesn't seem to have any interest in fixing the problem, so if I can do something myself... I guess that I should mention that what seems to have solved the problem this time around for me was cutting back all of the trees that were overhanging the house. I've had recurring problems with squirrel infestations in the past and the house owners would seal any holes they found but the squirrels would inevitably return sooner or later. This time around I decided to do a little of my own research (thus the info I collected and sent to you) and presented it to the house owners because I'd been driven insane for the past few months by the squirrel and wanted some more aggressive action taken. First some trees were cut but I still had the problem. Then I pointed out where there were still trees close to the roofline and they cut those also. Finally about two days later the infernal noise stopped and I haven't been bothered since then, for the first time in months.
  6. That wold be most excellent, thanks! My landlord doesn't seem to have any interest in fixing the problem, so if I can do something myself... Done! It's very long, mostly it's repitition of the same basic ideas from different sources. Squirrels in the roof or walls aren't just a nuisance. They can gnaw through insulation of electrical wiring and casue a fire. According to some of the literature I sent to you squirrels are responsible for dozens or hundreds (or many ) house fires each year. Also they do all sorts of other damage, like destroying insulation. Edit: Your landlord might have some legal obligation to take care of the problem. At the very least it would be in his/her economic self-interest. You might want to contact your local county or city health or pest-control department.
  7. I've had recurring problems with squirrels in the ceiling, along with the mice in the house. The most important thing to do is eliminate any sources of entrance. Cut back any trees that overhang the roof. You might need to contact your utility company to have them place anti-squirrel guards on the lines running into your house. And you also need to seal any entrances that the squirrels have made. I collected a bunch of info that I have in one file from every online source I could find about squirrel problems. I can email it to you if you'd like.
  8. As per standard protocol, I googled nalgene because I was curious about the origins of the name. I didn't quite find an answer but this was interesting:
  9. The question everyone wants answered: Is it truly the most revolutionary new product this century?
  10. How do you clean the bags? Edit: Answered my own question at the web site:
  11. Great series of pics. Very satisfying. I felt like I was right there, making and bagging and toasting and eating the sandwich. My favorite pic is the "Set toaster at 3/4 browning level, start toasting" with the finger and the 99cent sticker. My second favorite is the "Insert bags into $7 Toastmaster from Target." Great "you are there" perspective. Hillbill, the eGulleter who wants to see pics of everything!
  12. I am confused. There's no statement or even implication as far as I can see that there's any problem for people who are not hypertensive with salt consumption. So then why is there a suggestion that everyone should reduce their salt intake? It sorta says this will be beneficial and it also sorta doesn't say that there's any correlation between salt intake and non-hypertensives becoming hypertensive.
  13. Those are the bottles that they sell in camping supply stores, right? Are they available anywhere else? And if not, why aren't they widely distributed and sold if they're the ne plus ultra of water bottles? Whenever I hear "Nalgene" I think, "obscure, overpriced, unecessary specialty camping supply item."
  14. When I'm out and about I have a fetish for an Aquafina bottle as a refillable water bottle because of the wide mouth. The mouth on most other plastic water bottles is too small and they bug me because I can't take big swigs of water, the water gurgles out and glug-glugs and I'm ideologically opposed to glug-glugging. I bought a holster for the water bottle that I sling around my shoulder because when I used to put the water bottle in my bag or backpack I'd forget about it and lug around a full bottle of water all day. When the holster is slung around my shoulder and bugging the heck out of me I remember to drink some water every once in a while.
  15. parched? It doesn't seem to imply the same degree of severity as famished. And I've never heard anyone say "I'm parched," but they say "I'm famished" all the time.
  16. The weird thing is I'm not obsessed with hydration. I never even think of it. I'm just thirsty! In fact, I had to google to find out how much the average or recommended average intake was. I never think about it 'till I'm hungry and then there's a nearly bottomless thirst for a little while. Of course I tend to do the same thing about food also, but that's another topic.
  17. I read two very interesting articles about hydration some time ago (and unlike my usual inclination, I'm too lazy to try and track down an appropriate link for each.) One was about how people have become too obsessed with drinking enough water, almost as if there's a "cult of hydration" these days and that most people are going to get enough water during the course of the day without worrying about the 8 glasses rule and without being obsessed about carrying water everwhere and sipping endlessly. The other was that dehydration is rarely a medical problem when someone takes ill in grueling physical activity such as a marathon. If anything the problem is inadequate or unbalanced electrolyte levels. I remember very distinctly that the nutritionist or doctor quoted in the article said that one can be underhydrated, properly hydrated, or over-hydrated and suffer from an electrolyte-related problem, and I believe that the point was that people are most likely to be adequately or even over-hydrated yet have this other problem.
  18. Only when I eat. Also much of the time that I'm describing I was active to very active and I always sweat a lot so I think it's just deferred thirst - a matter of under-drinking for too long then having my body compensate. Not diabetes, been tested negative for that a number of times and I'm not aware of any family history of diabetes.
  19. When I was a kid and went to restaurants with my parents and sister I would end up with everyone's water glasses lined up in front of me because they'd drink little or nothing and I'd drink multiple glasses of water. I still often end up with everyone's water glass because my dining partners will drink nothing (or at least none of their water) with their meal and I'll covet their water. It's not unusual for a waiter to leave a pitcher of water next to me (sometimes I'd ask but often they'd take the initiative) because I'd drink so much. I think that one of the reaons I drink so much with meals is that I'm not at all good a gauging my thirst in the course of the day and drink too little, or perhaps that my thirst doesn't get triggered until I eat something and then all of a sudden I'm ravenously thirsty. Is there a similar word to famished that describes thirst? Am I broken? Edit: btw most of this water gluttony has taken place in far-from-fine restaurants.
  20. When Pam cooking spray came out in the 70's, its celebrity endorser was one Carmelita Pope. Every time I saw it, I would think, who's Carmelita Pope. My parents later said she was a movie starlet in the 40s or 50s. But she could say her name and speak the lines like she was somebody you should pay attention to. When I read this the name "Rula Lenska" immediately popped into consciousness. It's one of those inane bits of minutiae stuck in the nooks and crannies of my english muffin brain. Will Rick Bayless be the Rula Lenska of the 2030's?
  21. If anyone wants to taste the sandwich (exclusively for the sake of research purposes, of course) there's a printable coupon for $1 off a Baguette meal on the Burger King web site. Even the coupon page touts the "only 5 grams of fat" aspect. There's a somewhat humorous and sorta ironic dichotomy inherent in the two different "meals" that they're offering on the coupon:
  22. I'm almost certain that they make a point of expressing "only X grams of fat" in the Bayless commercials. I think the voiceover says it, I'm pretty sure it is stated in words, and I think that perhaps even Bayless mentions it. I thought that they were positioning it to compete with the Subway commercials (and steal some of the public recogntion) that have the guy who lost all that weight eating only Subway sandwiches and that tout the Subway low-fat sandwiches with "only X grams of fat" and I thought that Burger King was probably wanting to evoke a similar low-fat mystique without being extremely blatant about it. My understanding is that most mass-market foods that were promoted primarily on the basis of their low-fat attributes have done very poorly. Taco Bell, for example, did really badly with their "Border Light" line that they promoted heavily in the mid-90's.
  23. Hey waitaminute! How'd you get the ™ for welcome?
  24. Oops! Double post, dunno why.
  25. Wegmans statement about Fish Farming:
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