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  1. faronem

    Long cooked eggs

    Has anyone experience with cooking eggs sous vide for extended periods of time? It's been my experience that cooking meats for too long, even at precise temperatures, can cause textural changes--sometimes rubbery sometimes mushy. I'm wondering if this could be used with cooking eggs to some advantage.
  2. Has anyone ever made "uova inhaminade" or long-cooked eggs? I'm looking for suggestions for a good temperature at which to cook them and any experience regarding length of time. I'm equally curious if anyone has tried to do this sous vide?
  3. Well those just look awesome, whatever they are. I think they are likely Assam lemons--The last time I saw them, I think I was in NYC buying an etrog and they were nearby. Assam lemons seem like citrons to my nose--the peel is wonderfully perfumed and maybe thats the Chinese slang. Less likely, maybe this: http://idtools.org/id/citrus/citrusid/factsheet.php?name=Faustrimedin
  4. When I am home curing pork, say to make guanciale, pancetta, or coppa, I typically put the meat, cure #1 or #2 depending, spices/herbs together then vacuum seal and keep at about 38F it until I'm ready to do whatever I plan next for it, such as air curing. Rarely is it left in the bag for very long...the longest stretch has been 2 weeks. It has always been successful for me. This time I have a situation where I have several cures which have had to sit vacuum sealed for a very extended period--nearly 4 months. I am confident the temperature was controlled under 40F the entire time. Given the length of time in an anaerobic environment, my first instinct was to toss them out due to fears about botulism. But the more I think about it, I'm questioning whether they might be ok--they are well coated what is effectively a wet cure of salt and sodium nitrate. Importantly, these only have #1. My major concern is the potential for botulism. Secondary concerns would be texture or salt content issues. I have not yet opened the packages, but all visual indications are good--great color, good firmness, no visual mold, discoloration or other visual cues. Obviously putrid odors would require that I trash them, but a lack of putrid odors doesn't rule out botulism toxin. Thanks for any advice!
  5. faronem


    Well then, Keller probably wouldn't mind them The reference picture from 'ad hoc' above demonstrate the 'teeth' and easily cause tears.
  6. If you put it in water for that long, I'm guessing the water content is going to increase and you're not going to have something with the texture of coppa. Agreed on both points. I wonder what the impact on texture would be if I let it bathe, then re-hung it for a few days?
  7. faronem


    Tongs have teeth. Teeth chew. For me, for occasions when I can't use a spoon, I find offset pallet knives work great, even on a grill or broiler. Though, they are handy when you need to open a beer bottle. Or for grabbing that mussel which foolishly leapt out of your pan, is now literally on fire, but wedged in the gas burner.
  8. I'm sure this matter has been discussed in part or whole somewhere on egullet, but after 20 minutes of various searches I sure can't find it! ]So, thanks for a pointer if you know of a previous thread. In short, I recently cut down a coppa I made and the end product ended up having too salty a taste. I've made this recipe several times with great success. This time, I'm positive the extra saltiness has to do with the fact that, due to an personal emergency, it had to spend too much time in the salt cure before it was hung (as in over a week extra). This raises a few questions for me about procedures and troubleshooting. 1. First, obviously, any suggestions for an after-the-fact how to rectify this too-salty coppa? Of course, I could chop it up and mix it into some sort of cooked dishes, but in this case, I'm specifically curious about ideas to rescue it to make it more palatable to eat on it's own. I'm open to experimentation. 2. Given that I knew that it had spent too long in the cure, what would have you advised that I had done previous to air curing? I gave it a good vinegar and water washing and about a 1 hour cold water bath before hanging. 3. Can a too-salty result be the result of too much salt in the cure? I wouldn't think so, but now I'm curious. It's been my experience that the amount of salt is less of an issue than the length of time it spends curing. I've always relied on visual cues and firmness. Thanks for any ideas.
  9. It really depends on how gelatinous is your stock. I find if it has any real body or viscosity, it makes the risotto gummy. I really prefer broth. If you don't have broth, I'd severely thin down the stock at least 50/50 with water--or more. As other have mentioned, use the filtered broth from reconstituting your shrooms.
  10. Thanks--your point about removing scum is well taken. I guess I wasn't clear about my cloudiness question--I was wondering if the toenails (not the whole foot) themselves might cause cloudiness. I'd rather not spend time giving these things a manicure if it isn't necessary.
  11. Works fairly well for marinaded thinly sliced flank steak. I found out the hard way that the block cannot have any moisture in it at all before warming (read: explosion). If you wash it off, even with a wet towel, it can take a good 24hrs to dry thoroughly. Melting chocolate onto a cold block is also a good show.
  12. I recently acquired a large amount of frozen chicken feet. I've cooked and eaten these before, but here I'll primarily be using them to enrich a chicken stock. I found a few old threads on this topic, but I didn't see any address my questions; apologies if I missed something. Do the talons/nails/claws actually need to be removed? Specifically, I'm curious if they will cloud a stock. These feet do appear to be de-yellowed/scraped/skinned. What weight proportions might you recommend to just add body? I'm thinking somewhere around 3::1 for bones::feet. Also, I'm curious if anyone can describe a stock made exclusively with the feet. Would you describe it as neutral? I wouldn't imagine it would produce a deep chicken flavor, but I'm unclear if it would produce it's own flavor. Thanks in advance for any time saving tips.
  13. Filling tortellini, surrounded by the aroma of parmesan brodo.
  14. If you look at what your family is saying from a different perspective, is it possible they're saying you don't have enough other flavors to balance it out, like fat or sourness?
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