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Dave the Cook

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Everything posted by Dave the Cook

  1. So it seems that you approve of the TJ offering, @Shel_B.The price is reasonable: $5 /lb. It easily meets our 80/20 rule: >80% of the desired outcome for <20% of the effort. What more can you ask of a ball?
  2. Also excellent in meatball sandwiches, dressed with Marcella's simple tomato sauce and a sprinkling of shredded provolone.
  3. We've been very happy with Trader Joe's balls. The package says "Italian Style," but nothing about them strikes me as particularly Italian, unless that means unashamedly including bread crumbs to keep the ball light. Edit: I see from the ingredient list that parm is in there. Maybe that makes it Italian?
  4. (To be clear, Alex is quoting Yotam Ottolenghi here.) In any case, it's not true, generally speaking, that a large pot of water will return to the boil more quickly than a small pot. See the proof here (go to 5:23).
  5. It wouldn't surprise me if (relatively) undiluted milk was left in the bottom of a pot, and the pot was set to sauté, the milk would scorch. Under those conditions, many things would. People say and/or believe many things that are simply not true, (including not to use milk in a pressure cooker). Such beliefs are often based on little evidence or a misunderstanding of the principles involved. I once had an otherwise very good chef tell me that not letting the salt dissolve in your pasta water before adding the pasta would create urea (uh . . . no). That's one bit of perhaps not-so-surprising news. A second is that, typically, condensed "cream of . . ." soups contain less than 2% cream.
  6. Not to pile on, but most of what we buy from Penzey's comes in bags:175 ml, 350 ml and, depending on the spice, 700 ml bags. Those might be larger than you want (3/4 C of ground spice is going to be somewhere around 3 to 4 ounces by weight), but almost everything they sell is available in this format.
  7. Oh, you're looking for an accessory kit to retrofit a Sous Chef 16, as opposed to a separate processor. Then I dunno.
  8. Isn't that what the Paradice 16 is?
  9. Going back a ways, but +1 to @rotuts for the Hatch chili salsa. We like to keep a couple of assorted salsas around. The TJs Hatch has now replaced Frontera (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) as our standby.
  10. Not being a member of the Cult of the Pretty Blue Flame, I can't advise on gas rangetops. But @blue_dolphin's advice on KA electric ovens is spot on.
  11. All that makes sense to me; thanks, @blue_dolphin. I find the whole process, from 3.25% cow's milk to 83% butter on the refrigerator shelf, pretty interesting.
  12. Thanks @blue_dolphin, that is a cute cartoon, if a bit lacking in detail. My interest was piqued by @pastrygirl's assertion that the cream was made into crême fraiche before being made into butter. Is that really what happens? I imagine that making crëme fraiche and making butter are similar processes, especially in that culturing includes thickening and flavor development. But surely, the same bacteria aren't used for the two products?
  13. That is correct. In case it's not clear, the bacterial cultures are specific to each application. I'd be interested in hearing more about this. From a manufacturing perspective, (to the extent that fluid milk is manufactured, and most of it is), it runs contrary to everything I thought I understood about the dairy industry.
  14. That's true. But how much greater, and does it matter in the finished good? US butter is about 80% butterfat, about 18% water and 2% milk solids and the like. Taking that 18%, we can calculate the water content (0.18 x 16 = 2.88 oz). That's not quite 5 tablespoons. Taking the European percentages (I couldn't nail down the 86% Vermont that @AAQuesada references; the highest I could find was highest I could find was Organic Valley Special Edition, at 84%. Using the same arithmetic (and subtracting 2% milk solids), we get 2.24 ounces, or 4-1/4 tablespoons. So the difference between the two butters is about 3 tablespoons in a pound of butter. I don't do much baking, except for cookies, but that doesn't strike me as a big deal. Checking a few recipes, I found in most cases (the exception being brownies, which have almost no added moisture) the water content of the butter wasn't significant, when placed in context with the rest of the liquid in the recipe. Here's, roughly, the water content of a few: pound cake 8 T milk, 1 T brandy, 1 t vanilla, 3T from egg whites, 2-1/2 T from 1/2# butter (7% of total water from US butter; 6% had it been Euro) banana bread 1 t vanilla, 18 T banana, 3/4 T honey, 1-1/4 T from 1/4 # butter (11%; 9-1/2%) cornbread 20 T milk, 1 T from egg, 1-1/4 T from 1/4 # butter (12%; 10-1/3%) popovers 16 T milk, 2 T from eggs, 1T from 1-1/2 T butter (18%; 15-1/2%) So if you needed proof for your assertion "I'm guessing it doesn't, especially in the quantities used for such baked goods," there it is. Even at the widest margin, European-style butter contributed only 2-1/2% more butterfat. As for flavor, the recipe authors seemed to claim that the biggest difference was between using butter and not (using instead vegetable oil, shortening, lard, etc.). There were assertions that the water content of butter was mechanically beneficial in some cases, but real proof was scarce. What seemed to make big differences were 1) the form the butter took: straight from the fridge, room temp, melted, browned; 2) whether it was cultured or not. The first criteria will determine, in large part, the height, flexibility, puffiness and crispness of the finished product. The second criteria is simple a matter of taste -- you either like it or you don't. Or you like it in some case but not others.
  15. Here's a link to that 2007 discussion. If that group of peeps (including Erik Ellestad, who's @ejehere, and one of the peeps who runs savoystompflannestad.com that Kerry linked to) can't figure it out, I'm not sure what your chances are. Seriously, best of luck. And as @TdeV said, welcome!
  16. Those must be excellent chile rellenos to be worth the indignities travel inflicts upon them. I'd flagged that asparagus salad too. Your version looks promising.
  17. Not to mention that apparently, there's no such thing as a "large" onion, and a big medium can be bigger than a small jumbo. I agree that the only accurate method is by weight. You can't even use volume, because that will vary according to how finely you chop. Sharma's method is helpful, but only for that book.
  18. Our local TJ's don't carry any of the herbs, but they do carry Dorot frozen garlic and ginger. We pass on the garlic, because we're pretty fast with a knife or a press, but the ginger is real time saver, and pretty decent, in the context of something like a stir-fry sauce.
  19. @rotuts, I'm not sure you've understood me, probably because I kind-of buried the lede. We like the TJ's fish nuggets just fine when done in our BSO, but qualitatively they can't compete with our usual fried-taco fish, made with fresh cod and Heston Blumenthal's ethereal batter. So I don't think I can overstate what a game-changer shallow frying TJ's fish nuggets is (for us, anyway), because made this way, they can. Fish tacos have gone from a once-every-month-and-a-half meal to a once-every-three-weeks meal.
  20. Someone who knows the difference between a tautology and a synonym is not, simply by that distinction, a linguist, either.
  21. Inspired by @rotuts . . . . . . and @blue_dolphin in her subsequent post: I was reminded of something. I reminisced and researched a bit, and came across this, from member Pierogi (RIP), way back in 2010: We got a box of the recommended product, and I can confirm that all of the above is true. Tacos made from TJ's fish nuggets (with cabbage slaw and avocado crema) easily meet our 80/20 rule; getting 80% of the food experience while expending 20% of the effort. They'd have been 90/10 if we'd baked them in our BSO, but we added the step of shallow-frying them. They went from pretty good to exceptional.
  22. True. But if Heinz was involved, the Guardian piece probably wouldn't have included: Later in the article, we read: Heinz (including "lots of bored trademark lawyers" and most likely substantial financial means) is not mentioned as part of Momofuku's resources.
  23. I dunno if this is relevant news. That article is almost five years old; I saw those sauces months ago at grocery chain stores.
  24. I don't really understand the question, but does this not help? Cure calculator
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