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  1. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    She always cuts them this way to put into her drinks..... I've learned to survive.
  2. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    😂 I guess I meant proper American garlic mayo
  3. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    Showing my wife how to make a proper aïoli. Step 1) Gather mise en place (always) Step 2) Post about it on the internet (always) Step 3) Actually do the thing (if time allows after steps 1 and 2)
  4. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    I've always solved that problem by drinking it faster 😂
  5. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    Have been traveling so much for work I feel like I haven't even been able to kiss my wife, let alone cook for her. Luckily tonight that changed. Homemade pappardalle and ragu with focaccia. She actually made both doughs, all I did was throw some stuff in a pot and let it simmer.
  6. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    It was a big sandwich! Not ashamed to say I ate every bite.
  7. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    My bread turned out fantastic so I think my life is gonna be nothing but sandwiches now. Curried zuch, shrooms, radish, tomato, avocado, chevre and bacon
  8. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    Grilled chicken sandwich with farmers cheese, roasted poblano, red pepper jelly and homemade bread. Couscous salad and fried potatoes. And since it's Father's Day, the Father of all craft beer.
  9. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    It's pretty rare for me to eat meat these days. But when you are really hankering for a side of cow, ain't no cauliflower steak or grilled Portobello cap (but guys I swear they taste like the real thing!! Not.) Is gonna cut it. Simple roasted veg, simple baked potato, seared strip w/ creamy mushroom sauce and a Central Coast Cab.
  10. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    Pic does this zero justice but man was it tasty. Rice, cauliflower steak, a ton of stewed veg, toasted pine nuts, scallion, French tarragon.
  11. KCWilkinson

    Breakfast! 2018

    Late breakfast, but papa con rajas tacos with charred Guajillo salsa. Tasty!
  12. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    Made some falafel tonight! With scallion tzatziki. Made pita as well but I suck at anything bread so they stayed perfectly 100% flat. So they became pita chips!
  13. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    Some super basic and super Americanized but mighty delicious fried rice
  14. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    This week sucked. So dinner needed to be easy and good for my soul. So having leftover rice and beans, caramelized onions, and chile sauce took care of the easy part. And poached eggs took care of the good for my soul part. Because a runny yolk can cure a lot of ills. Oh, and dinner on the table in less than 15 minutes?? Yeah, never gonna complain about that.
  15. KCWilkinson

    Dinner 2018

    ^^^ I can't unsee the dinosaur now My wife absolutely loves broccoli, but hates the stalks. I absolutely hate wasting perfectly good food, so I have to get creative with how I use the large amounts of "off" pieces sometimes. Tonight that resulted in some weird amalgam of a dish that was kind of burrito bowl-ish, kind of just random Mexican things on a plate. Charred broccoli stalk with rice, beans, chevre, jalapeno, and baby oregano and cilantro from our deck garden. Real tasty!
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