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  1. jfield


    I agree with dougal. While it sounds like the product could reduce waste, just by virtue of its containing gelatin, it does not allow for true vegetarian cooking. Ovo-lacto veggies who adore cheesecake, for example, would no longer be able to order it. Or creme brule. I'd like to think that, if folks use this stuff, restaurants/caterers let their guests/clients know about it.
  2. Very sad news. David Lebovitz has a really good post from when the founder, Robert Steinberg, died. Nice post: http://www.davidlebovitz.com/archives/2008..._steinberg.html
  3. Actually, the correct proportion of sugar to egg whites for a stable foam is 2 parts sugar to 1 part whites. No problem w/your recipe there. I would look to the speed at which you whisked your whites. Optimum speed for the most stable foam is medium on a stand mixer. It'll take a little longer, but the bubbles will be small and densely packed-the end result will be almost creamy rather than fluffy. Whipping too fast makes bubbles that are too big and unstable. That means they pop. Next time, start slow then increase speed to medium, adding the sugar a bit at a time, along w/salt, espresso powder and corn starch. Fold in nuts last. Good luck
  4. I agree with paulraphael. It's probably not your recipe so much as it is your technique. His pointers are excellent. Make sure you're not refrigerating your dough before baking. "Mash" the balls down so they're somewhat flattened--that will help them heat through more quickly so the butter melts and spreads. You could also bake on dark cookie sheets that will absorb rather than reflect heat.
  5. You want your panna cotta mixture to be as cool as possible--just short of setting, really, when you mold it. That way, no separation occurs and your lovely vanilla bean seeds stay suspended instead of sinking and looking awful when you turn them out. Try this technique from my site: http://www.pastrychefonline.com/Panna_Cotta.html I love panna cotta--hope this helps
  6. Use corn flakes. Honest. You could also probably find a recipe for sugar cones and spread the batter really, really thin and cook them like crepes, cool and crush them. Corn flakes work pretty well, though:-)
  7. If you absolutely have to trim, melt some coating chocolate and "paint" the cut surface with that. No crumbs, plus it'll add another flavor and texture to whatever you're making.
  8. If you're not afraid of mail ordering them, these ones are salt-preserved: http://www.harvestessentials.com/meat-proc...al-casings.html Good luck
  9. The basic crumb topping posted by NB is exactly what I would have suggested, as well. For what it's worth, add a pinch of salt--it will really bring out the flavor (unless you're using salted butter).
  10. Hi there--my two cents worth is this: we used to make large batches of batter at the restaurant I used to work at. We then made mini cupcakes to serve as a dessert component. We kept the batter in the fridge for no more than 2 days, and we could discern no difference in flavor or texture between the "fresh" ones and the ones we baked from refrigerated batter. We did not do this with any cake leavened only with baking soda--only double-acting baking powder, as KarenDW suggested.
  11. You don't have to freeze ingredients to use the PacoJet (although, that was the original intent). Here's a link to a page on their site that shows other attachments and their uses, one of which can be used for grinding nuts. Of course, the Paco is very expensive, as is this extra set. I still say: use the food processor. http://www.pacojet.com/html/en/pacojet.htm
  12. Good thread. We've recently moved to a new town and are renting for a year before we decide if we really want to live here, long term. As a result, we have a wee little kitchen. SpaceSavers has helped quite a bit. I've gotten some under shelf shelves: http://www.spacesavers.com/unshelbas.html and some expandable shelf organizers: http://www.spacesavers.com/ms-expandable-shelf.html I also got a wee step stool at Target, and now I use my very top shelves (never did before--too short and plenty of cabinets:-) Love the idea of using the side of the fridge for "gadgets." Might be using that one in the near future...
  13. Ooh, Theresa, I like the way you think!
  14. As almost all the examples indictate, and as Tri2Cook said, the hardest things to make aren't the ones with tons of exotic ingredients. It's the items with short ingredient lists that rely on the baker's technique to achieve perfect results that are the real kickers. I submit for your approval--a perfectly flaky pate brisee. There are 4 ingredients: flour, butter, salt and ice water. I spent more than a few sessions trying to get it right. I even watched others do it, and ended up with overly wet dough that toughened and shrank upon baking. I've finally gotten it down, and it all comes down to "feel." A recipe can't teach "feel," you've got to find that for yourself!
  15. Maybe this: http://www.bestcookvideos.com/tag/spanish-food/
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