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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. Finally watched it. Thanks for the on demand tip. Interesting group. Some very strong contenders. Some weak links. But, now that Debbie Downer is gone, I guess we can concentrate on Miss Priss. Have we ever heard what the third "C" stood for? It sure isn't for conservative dress.
  2. Ya know, I let my angst go with Lisa's win because Antonia's dish was lacking in several ways. Ok, so we have to look at someone who should have left in Restaurant Wars if not before. But then, to accuse Stephanie and Richard, two of the nicest competitors we have seen in all the seasons, of some slight when they did not jump up and scream for joy?! My wife said she must be lying about having a girlfriend. Who would have that sorry waste of skin and air? Sorry Lisa, you are indeed disgusting. 91% bitch. On another note: so how does Richard get the car back home?
  3. Yay! The perpetual whiner Matty is gone. That guy is bizarre.
  4. I have seen it with bread crumbs on top only rarely and I could tell by the look I was getting that I was not to say a thing. I did see it when I lived up north and it did often have other items in it that were not served at my grandmother's and mother's tables. Bread crumbs denotes casserole to me. But you said you mixed them in? I have never had that. To me, southern style is almost a macaroni crustless quiche with a good baked cheese top on it. Very smooth and creamy in the center. But alas, I married an Ohioan and the poor thing grew up with a non cooking mother. She likes the box better!
  5. Anybody know when these repeat? I can't stay up that late on a work night. I tried to look at the sched on their website yesterday, but it was non functional.
  6. Is she the one that looks like she stepped out of an 80s euroband video? I keep expecting 99 Luftballons to crank up.
  7. Where did you get that quote? ← Tom's blog is here. ← The reason I asked is that was not there at this time yesterday. It was added during the day.
  8. Where did you get that quote?
  9. My point was not to suggest Harold Dieterle be head judge instead of Bourdain so your argument is irrelevant. The measuring stick here is Collichio. The criticism of Harold's opinion based on his experience vs. Bourdain's is ludicrous; it's like saying that, oh, David Wright can't say Willie Mays was better than Duke Snider because Wright hasn't played baseball for as long at a high level as either of the people he's comparing. I, on the other hand, don't take the show that seriously. It's just another food competition show so I'm fine with Bourdain as a judge. People who think Top Chef is somehow "better" than any other cook-off might disagree. That's all I'm saying. Oh, and I've eaten at both Perilla and Les Halles. Have to give the nod to Perilla (knowing full well that will get me crucified here in egulletland). ← We are all good PDC. I was not implying head judge either. Collichio as the measuring stick is a perfect point. Tom hangs with Bourdain not Harold. And I am sure Perilla is very good as well as modern.
  10. PDC, If Harold had the backup for his criticism I might be more inclined. Considering the people Tony knows and has cooked with, I dismiss the charges. Not maligning you, I know what you mean. But I mean....Harold who? edit to add: link to Harold's menu of unquestioned food credibility. Note hanger steak and cheek du jour. Hey, that sounds like bistro food. Several other items do too (poisson) and 20 years ago his menu would been WTF? IMHO http://www.perillanyc.com/index.php?page=menus&sec_id=265
  11. Thanks for the link; classic bourdain at his best. I too am perplexed by choosing frozen scallops. There are few things worse than frozen wet pack scallops. The quickfire was good although one would think that some of the contestants had never cut their own steaks before. I thought the PB Mash was going to be a disaster and was suprised that it was so well received. I'm not going to make that dish anytime soon though. Harold had some pretty harsh words about Bourdain's subbing for Tom last week on his TC Season 4 Blog. Harold's Blog With any luck Bourdain will feel compelled to respond. I too think Lisa will be out next week but one never knows... ← Ouch, pretty harsh Harold. Let me know when you have put in the years on the line, written books, had a sitcom and several TV shows. Jerk.
  12. In the previews it looked like she got it buzz cut for the heat.
  13. Nothing wrong with getting paid. In fact, some of those participants are so bad I suspect they ARE getting paid. I thought each year had a "ringer" that was just too bad to be real. This year, I think they all are. Count me in. I will even do pratfalls if they like after GR hits me with halibut.
  14. I have been reading all the blogs on the TC site and the scallops are an interesting situation. Tom and Chef Tramonto both state they use no frozen seafood at his branded restaurants. I believe that. He stated it may have been accidentally delivered by the purveyor and not caught. So, why was it in the cooler section of the walk in and not the freezer? It would be tough to return to the vendor thawed. Was it product placement gone bad and Spike did not think? Can you imagine the producer yelling into their mics "No no you idiot, look behind the (****) family of frozen seafood products!!"
  15. Nah, we all like Iron Chef too. But, Hells Kitchen lets you laugh.
  16. Well, all in all a good episode. On to Puerto Rico. I sure was hoping that Dale would be where Lisa is at the moment. But, at least Spike is gone, despite his very skillful meat fabrication (well done!), and Lisa's days are numbered. I loved Tom at the pass this episode. The comments were hilarious. Riding Richard on his dish, laughing at Spike's scallops and the priceless response to peanut butter potatoes. When I heard that I was equally amazed. I will try it, but I do not have high hopes. Maybe Tahini potatoes, but Jif Russet Terror? I just don't know. What if I die? Then you won't be going to Puerto Rico. Edit to add: Spike was WAY out of line calling out Tramato (sp?) I thought the guy was going to come over the table at Spike and would have cheered. Tom was painfully embarassed you could tell.
  17. Fried green tomatoes. I have some in the fridge for tonight.
  18. Shelby, N.C., is the home of livermush. That's actually about 50 miles from Charlotte. It's the home of the yearly livermush festival. Yes, it is essentially scrapple. Makes sense if you know the migration patterns of the 19th century. The Great Wagon Road from Philadelphia brought German settlers to Western North Carolina. Bob Garner also has a credible theory for why that gave N.C. two styles of barbecue. I wrote a whole story on livermush once. Even tested recipes for things made with livermush. (In the interest of journalistic integrity, followed up with a column admitting to the world that I detest liver.) I also had to get up at 3 a.m., after flying back on a late-night from Seattle, to go watch it being made. A great moment from a food-writing career: Seeing an industrial-size kettle on one side of the room, I wandered over, stretched up on my toes and peered over the side. Behold: a sea of pig snouts smiling up at me. The moment is etched in my mind and floats back up when anyone starts talking about the "glamour" of food writing. Don't know if I could post a whole link, as that was a few years ago, but I could probably send a copy to you if you were interested, Holly. A couple more tidbits: In North Carolina, there is a "mush/pudding" line. On one side of the state, it's called livermush. On the other, the texture is smoother and it's called liver pudding. I'd have to look it up to be sure, but I seem to recall the dividing line is the Yadkin River. And the greatest livermush moment in Charlotte history, of course, was the arrest of the Baghwan Shree Rajneesh, who was nabbed at the airport here while trying to flee the country. In jail, he supposedly partook quite happily of the standard inmate breakfast fare: Fried livermush and grits. ← And just down the road from Shelby, where my brother was born, is Forest City, my Mother's hometown. Grew with mush all the time. Neese's brand? Anyway, also in that area is the town of Sandy Mush. I was told the name came about as some colonial soldiers had to hastily leave the area and dropped their breakfast in their haste. I have no clue if that is even remotely true, but it still makes me laugh. My Yankee grandparent's (it was a mixed marriage you see) were from Lancaster, PA area and New England, respectively, and so scrapple was a regular feature. And they were the same product as far as I am concerned. When cold, you can slice it like polenta or grits and fry it up. Okay, now I am hungry.
  19. Vidalias and Brunswick Stew. Oh, and little drink called Coke.
  20. I tried to make Thomas Keller's coronets last night, but as taco shells/tostadas with cumin added and crushed pepper instead of sesame seeds for shrimp and his avocado salsa. In trying to pare down the recipe to a dinner for just my wife and I, the batter was obviously not right. I cut it down in half at first since it called for two egg whites. The batter was too thick I thought. I now have my doubts as in trying to thin it a bit, it went downhill fast. Anybody have a similar take or better small batch on these? I salvaged them as a kind of deconstructed tamale and they did taste great, but they did not have texture or shape on their side.
  21. Doodad

    Dinner! 2008

    We made Richard and Dale's "green perplexed tofu" last night from Top Chef. It was pretty good, but not something I would make often. The beef fat was delicious on the tofu.
  22. Sliced or cubed for stir fry. Ground for taco meat.
  23. I was wondering if we would ever see him again or if Bravo completely pissed him off with the blog fiasco. ← ???? Inquiring minds want to know??? ← Search for the other thread. Basically, Bravo had his blog sponsored by Michelob without his knowledge and he told them to blow.
  24. I was wondering if we would ever see him again or if Bravo completely pissed him off with the blog fiasco. Subject for another thread, but he has three new books on contract including a sequel to Kitchen Confidential!
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