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  1. Great Gorge "Resort" in "Joisey" was the poor man's ski slope for those who couldn't make it up to Bellair or Hunter in NY. Having been to the latter I think I would of prefered the former. PJ
  2. pjs

    Pimp My Burger

    BK hired a hot ad agency a year ago. Their numbers are improving. Food still sucks though. PJ
  3. I believe Bourdain and Henderson don't have PR people on retainer. PJ
  4. From the AP: PJ *Mods: move this if appropriate.
  5. I'm crying and smiling at the same time. Godspeed, Julia.
  6. Comprehensive summary published in the NYTimes today: Judge Orders Rocco Out of Rocco's Slick. No marriage, much less a prenuptial. Financial interest wins over personal. Huh? PJ
  7. Olive oil is the preferred lubricant when doing a french-polish finish on furniture, fine wooden musical instruments, etc. The cheap oil works fine and no, I haven't yet seen olive oil listed in the Woodcraft or Garrett Wade catalogs. BTW the preferred solvent for the shellac flakes used in french-polishing is Everclear. Just what you need when the finishing starts to go wrong ... PJ
  8. pjs

    Help with veal recipe

    The veal shoulder chops I buy come with the bones in them, I've never seen boneless shoulder chops. As to what to do with them, I usually debone and cut-up the chops for a stew. A long braised stew with lots of wine added, usually per the directions of M. Hazen. Veal shoulder is one of the few overlooked cuts still available in the meat case that are relatively cheap. Especially when on sale. PJ
  9. pjs

    Cooking Burns and Scars

    First knuckle on the non-dominant hand's index finger. It will never heal. PJ
  10. I stopped buying tiger shrimp about ten years ago when local fresh became readily available here in central east coast Florida. The funny thing is that until the cheaper imports began to reach the market here, even at the fish monger all you could buy were the defrosted from the five lb. brick variety. Now you can buy ~30 to the lb. fresh white at Publix for $6.99/lb. Sometimes they have fresh ruby-reds. My guess is that Publix has actively sought out local suppliers and eliminated layers of middleman mark-up. They seem to do this for local produce also. Maybe WinnDixie can get some legislation passed to save their sorry-ass stores from them. PJ PS Hi Susan.
  11. I still don't think I comprehend. Can you link some posts or threads or something? One of the basic rules (as I understood them, before I ever held a camera, but just read in educational books in my Memaw's house as a child) was that the edges of subjects (e.g., the edge of a shirtsleeve) should not line up with the borders. I understand it to be like having a telephone pole or tree out of the top of someone's head: be aware, and don't let this happen to you. I really would like to see an example of the base of a bowl "sitting on the bottom of the picture," or whatever it is you're talking about. I can't imagine that you can possibly be describing what I am imagining as any kind of a good photographic technique. Thanks, pjs. (PJs? Jammies? Initials? Heh.) Um, I am enjoying my camera. The learning curve is steep. I want a mentor. Wah! PJ=Paranormal Jumper.
  12. Ah, unless you read Hebrew. It's all "where your eyes go first", I guess. So, if you're Chinese it's top to bottom? I'd agree it is a learned cultural bias. (I'll flop the photo and post it as soon as I recover from spending the past few days ridding the office box of the "look2me" virus.) tana, it's not so much a rule but a technique that has its place. Jason has been using the crop and enlarge trick relentlessly as of late and has come up with some really nice images. Chad's salt cellar avatar is also noteworthy. The cellar itself is centered in the frame but the lid and shadow bleed off. PJ Edit: Enjoy your new toy.
  13. I don't take photos, but I have to edit them. So, my 2¢ follows: Shoot big then crop and enlarge. This is the best tip I ever paid money for. Ground your image. Your main subject should just touch or maybe run off the border of the photo. Also known as anchoring. Our brains like to process images from the top left corner to the lower right corner. So compose your photos with this in mind. Flop Behemoth's candle shot and see if it doesn't improve. I'm too freakin' tired to edit it and post. PJ
  14. Shrink-wrapped, pre-packaged, obscenely priced trays of asparagus tips have recently appeared in the produce dept. of my favorite supermarket. No stalk, just the tip. Obviously target-marketed to those unfortunates who don't own a knife. PJ
  15. pjs

    Emeril on steak

    Yup, rib roasts are about two dollars cheaper per pound than steaks at my local supermarket. I find a nice roast and get it cut to my specs at no charge. PJ
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