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  1. After much searching and bidding, I am slowly building a complete set of "The Pleasures of Cooking," a publication of Cuisinart Cooking Club in the late 1970s to the late 1980s. On the way I have gotten extra copies that I do not need. I have up them up for sale on ebay so another foodie like me will enjoy them. My ebay id is tah99. Some are complete sets for certain volumes. The condition of the issues are mostly excellent, with a few having some scuff marks on the cover and/or spine. If you're interested, go on over to ebay and make a bid. Complete sets: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=140282263195 Partial sets: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=140282271550 Previously I sold issues and set up a donation to eGullet through Mission Fish, but the minimum donation is $5 for each item, which was more than what I made off of the sale. So I will make a donation directly to eGullet when they sell. Complete sets of issues available: 1981/82 (Vol. IV) 1982/83 (Vol.V) 1983/84 (Vol VI) 1984/85 (Vol VII) (3 sets available) 1985/86 (Vol VIII) (2 sets available) 1986/87 (Vol IX) (2 sets available) Incomplete sets available: 1983/84 (Vol VI) No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1985/86 (Vol VIII) No. 4, 5 1986/87 (Vol IX) No. 1, 5, 6 I also have individual issues that are not on ebay but if you're interested in them, let me know. Individual issues available: 1982/83 (Vol V) No. 5 1983/84 (Vol VI) No. 3 (2 copies available) 1983/84 (Vol VI) No. 4 1985/86 (Vol VIII) No. 5 1987/88 (Vol X) No. 1 (2 copies available) "A Sampling of Recipes Created by the Cuisinart Cooking Club" - 1 copy Email me directly if you have any questions: tahallam@gmail.com Thanks!
  2. I found two recipes, one for a 15 second Carrot Cake and the other is a Carrot Pecan Torte. Which one do you want?
  3. Some of your may remember Jane Snow, who was nominated twice for the James Beard award, and was the former food editor for the Akron Beacon Journal. After leaving the Journal she started a newsletter online through the Journal web site but they abruptly let her go three weeks ago. She has a new publisher and site so if you're interested in subscribing go to http://www.JaneSnowToday.com Terri
  4. Thanks! A couple of weeks ago a group of about 35 of them came up for auction, including some the rarer volume I and II. When the bidding got over $215, I bailed out - as much as I would have loved to have them, it looked like the other bidder was much more serious about getting them than I was. Now I regret letting them go....maybe some day. After a long time watching eBay, I finally got myself a full set and some answers about the screwy numbering of the issues. The magazine started out as a monthly publication titled "Cooking" and it was a small format (approx. 5 X 8). Issue no. 1 was March 1978, these ran through issue no. 10, Dec. 1978. The next issue was the first of the large format (8 1/2 X 11), bimonthly format with the "Pleasures of Cooking" title and was numbered Vol. I No. 12 Mar/Ap 1979. The last issue, to my knowledge, was Vol X No. 1 July/Aug 1987. I *think* this is right Betty ←
  5. I picked up a cookbook named "The Best Bread Ever." I was curious -- can it REALLY be the BEST?? Julia Child's french bread, Mark Patent's whole wheat bread, the Fleishmann's Yeast honey wheat bread -- those are really good. How does this book live up to it's title? The bread is yummy (isn't just about all homemade bread?), and has that crisp crust and fluffy inside that I love. That is really great considering I use a buillt-in oven from 1968. The book emphasizes precise measurement of the flour, careful monitoring of temperatures (water, flour, dough), uses the food processor to quickly knead the bread, and s-l-o-w, cool rising. There's no sugar in the basic bread recipe, so the yeast is gently awakened by the interaction with the flour. The author carefully explains each process. So what makes this book great? The combination of techniques plus simplicity -- back to the basics of breadmaking. Is it the BEST? Well that is up to each reader and cook. Post Script: My daughter, a 20 year old total bread novice liked the loaf I made so much that she decided to make another the next night. She thought the cookbook was great.
  6. This is my first time attempting this, so tell me if it doesn't work. Try this: http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcI...=2&userid=tah99
  7. I have about 23 issues of The Pleasures of Cooking for sale on eBay. 10% of the proceeds will go to eGullet. My seller id is - tah99 I will discount shipping and handling for multiple orders, so if you're looking to either start a collection or complete one, take a look at my auctions and see if any of the issues will be of help.
  8. As I fill out my collection of "The Pleasures of Cooking" magazines (the Cuisinart publication), I've noticed an inconsistency in the numbering of the issues. If someone out there was a full set, can you tell me if there was a year with 12 issues? Did the numbering change about 1/2 way through the publication? I would greatly appreciate someone checking and letting me know.
  9. Earlier this year I posted a inquiry about The Cuisinart Cooking Club Newsletter and The Pleasures of Cooking Magazine. Joy! I have been successful on my hunt and have been lucky enough to find several issues. I'm still working to fill in my missing issues (mostly the first two years), but I have been having so much fun reading through the copies as I get them. What an education in cooking and food! What's especially interesting is the profiles of the chefs and their restaurants. So thanks to all on the list to those who encouraged me to go out and find copies. I do have some duplicate copies. Is there some place on eGullet where I can offer these for sale or should I just post them on ebay? Anyway, if anyone is interested in further information about the contents of the magazine, you can email me and we can exchange emails. Have a Happy Holiday!
  10. I just read the recipe for madelines with mashed potatoes -- and the pictures! Yum! Checked eBay last night too, there was nothing. I think the secret is out. Last week I stopped by a favorite antique store that I hadn't been to in a while. The place is packed so full of stuff it is hard to walk! Anywhile, while I was killing time waiting for my daughter to look at the room full of old glassware I happened to look at a wall full of old magazines, and on a whim I looked through one of the shelves, and oh my gosh, there was a stack of "The Pleasures of Cooking" stuffed within a bunch of Gourmet Magazines! I bought the 6 issues that he had at $1.50 apiece and sat the weekend pouring over the recipes. I am now lusting for the other issues even more. Read the whole wonderful thing, as well as the lively discussion it whizzed up, here. ← ←
  11. What a great retrospective! So now that I know that I am not imagining things, I'll keep on my hunt. Anyone ever try and collect the recipes and tips from the newsletter and put them in a cookbook or web site? If anyone has the first issues of the Cooking Club newsletters please let me know and I'll pay you for the photocopies! Read the whole wonderful thing, as well as the lively discussion it whizzed up, here. ←
  12. Back when I first purchased my Cuisinart DLC-7 Pro I subscribed to something called the "Cuisinart Cooking Club." I received this great newletter filled with recipes and chatty information about using my new miracle machine. What a great resource! I learned how to adapt recipes, new blades, and all sorts of stuff I didn't even knew I needed to know. I have all of them tucked away in my folders, but would LOVE to find the issues that I don't have -- the very early ones, and the last few after Conair changed the name. When I look for issues on the internet or on ebay, it's like they never existed! I can't find them anywhere to be bought or copied. Am I the only one in the universe that loved these gems? I would love to see a cookbook filled with these recipes! Anyone with more info on where I could find them? Thanks!
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