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Jon Dubrick

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Everything posted by Jon Dubrick

  1. Was lucky to get my hands on a Hobart 80qt and the bowl could use a retinning. Anybody have any leads for the chicago area? I know Central Restaurant offers the services, but I wanted to stay local. It would be a bear to mail.
  2. I have been going thru fennel pollen and casia buds. I use the fennel pollen for gelee's and the casia buds I am making ice cream or foams
  3. If you want the best vanilla extract...make it yourself. Spend some cash on some Tahitian or Madagascar Beans, a bottle of vodka, your choice, but I usually use Absolute or Kettel One. Take six beans, split three and scrap out the seeds into the bottle add those beans. Take the other three and just split them but dont scrap them and put in bottle. In three days you will have some of the best extract you have ever tasted and when you break down the cost you are way ahead. Let me know what you think ? Jon
  4. Everyone, Thank you so much for all the info on Napa. I am not restricting to just Napa, but since I am out there why not check it out. This could be a huge question, but I would like to feature wines from the great US of A this season and next and possibly go across the ocean next year or there after. So any really cool, cutting edge wine guys you can think of that need help moving wine, please let me know. I am not looking to be a michelin rated wine list, but I want to offer wines that are unique enough to go with our really cool menu. We did a benefit this past week in Chicago and can you believe our new restaurant was called "The New Alinea" I appreciate the compliment but my styles are very different, but I do have the passion and staff to back me up, so its going to be a blast. Keep looking for updates or shot me any questions. Anyway back to the wines. I look forward to your ideas and places to check out. Later Jon
  5. Thank you Russ for the info. Jon
  6. Jon~ Just Napa? There is so much more these days to CA wines than just Napa.................. ← Well...Like what
  7. Hello Everyone, I am opening my restaurant in the late fall and I am going to Napa the end of this month. Does anyone have any suggestions on wineries I should go see. I already have appointments at Opus and Acacia becuase I just like those. Those are larger wineries, but I want to help the little guys, and I know there are awesome little vineyards out in Napa. Menu is Progressive American. We featured the restaurant at a Vital Bridges Benefit at the Pennisula Hotel in Chicago...Was anyone there?
  8. Grant, Although we have met in passing and at your restaurant, I wanted to express my support. Things will work out. I have one of your externs on my staff and I hope to one day gain the respect he has for you. If you ever need any coverage at your restaurant in a hurry myself and your extern James Fuchs would be there. Keep your head up. Jon Dubrick
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