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Jon Dubrick

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Everything posted by Jon Dubrick

  1. The only other restaurant that I have experienced that I can say has matched Alinea for pairings is Citronelle in D.C.. That being said, one thing that makes Alinea that much more special is that the food is very difficult to match with wines. The pairings are not necessarily intuitive and by definition are not classic, as there really isn't a point of comparison given the combinations on the plate that Chef Achatz comes up with. I'm not so sure that all the wines, as wonderful as they are paired with Chef Achatz' dishes, would be quite as wonderful in a different context. That is not to say that the wines are not excellent on their own, but that the elevation is really one of synergy as both the dish and the wine benefit by the pairing. Thus some of the wines may appear less stellar in a different context. This is what great wine service is supposed to do. ← Great reviews doc.....look forward to you checking out our place some day
  2. Hey Doc, Good points but bound to happen. I have not been to Moto since its first years so I am not to familiar with what he he running at the moment. We also had to change our Short Rib dish a bit because a restaurant in New York pratically matched our same dish...Go figure Thanks for the reply. Jon
  3. any observations, questions would be appreciated Thanks Jon
  4. Ok here we go guys. Sorry about the lengthy time between the last post and now. I just want to say thank you once again for all the input in regards to the menu posting. The staff and I have been trying to do as much work on the new menu with little available time, but we have compiled some plates for all of you to look at. Please feel free to give any feedback (positive or negative) and we will once again try to incorporate revisions in the future. Topic 1: Menu We have changed some new things in regards to the menu. a. We added a Cheese option to both six and twelve course tastings. b. Reorganized the order of dishes to provide a smother sagway between plates. c. We also took some selected plates from the two tastings and provided an Ala Carte menu to accommodate a more diverse crowd. Topic 2: Pictures We have tried to imitate our original perception of each dish, but like everyone knows that things change with the seasons, unknown environmental events occur, and limited produce selection in the late winter early spring. First there is a Beef Short Rib. General info: Everything went according to plan, but we introduced a dissolving red pepper film to add a new texture to the dish and the Morels we received looked mediocre at best. So we substituted with some Asian mushrooms we found in the Vietmense produce store. Taste: Killer Good (sorry about the slang). Second is the Salmon. We decided to cure the Salmon with Green Tea and then it snowballed out of control. We kept the salty tomato gelee and Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette, but added some beautiful Dandelion Greens and some Matcha Cream Tea Foam. I know a lot of people think ‘foam’ was so five years ago, but we like and it really enhances the salmon in a subtle way. Taste: Very Refreshing. Third is the Duck. This dish was originally going to be served on spoon as an Amuse, but we decided to up the ante and provide a bigger portion (we don’t want the customer leaving for the theater hungry). The duck skin is now served two ways. One as a crispy skin on a mini seasonal salad and the other is a Duck Leg Ragu. We added Balsamic and Red Pepper Beans to add some color, but we will sub the Red Pepper out for something else because the Short Rib already has dibs on the red pepper. Taste: Really complex and rich. Fourth is the Mediterranean Salad. We featured this last year at one of our benefits. The actual salad concept is from the Cube of Imported Feta w/ Tomato Powder, Citrus Powder, Peppercini Powder, Olive Powder, Parsley Powder, & Caper Powder. Taste: Very Discrete Flavors that provide a great entry to future courses. Presentation: The Old Rubics Cube
  5. no not open yet, but line is open for any kind of information. Testing is going well, I hope to post some picks this week ← Hi everyone,44sorry to lead everyone on but you will see some pictures this week. We are testing this minute and I have a little break between tests so I thought I would give you a heads up.
  6. no not open yet, but line is open for any kind of information. Testing is going well, I hope to post some picks this week
  7. D Doc,Thank you for the comments....We have also added an A La Carte Section for people that dont want to be restricted to long tastings. That was one idea that came from this forum...so thanks--We should have some pictures from menu testing the end of this week.
  8. Could be true under some circumstances....but what made you think that this was the only application the sherry was used in ? We do have a very large kitchen with over 3000 menu items used. So I am sure the sherry is used somewhere else ← On a more techi note...For everyones info, if you have misted liquids certain things happen when they are aerated. For sherry as an example, since it is topic of discussion. In our opionion as the lesser quality sherry's are used(ones with high vinegar vs actual sherry) they tend to aerate as pure vinegar. As you get to the higher quality(10, 15,20,50,100 year)(as you all now that has nothing to do with age, but the way they are distilled as with balsamic also)), we tend to actually get the scent of sherry which we are looking for. Also when we "powder" our extra virgins and truffle oils the same applies when when transform them to the powder for, quality does make a difference in the final product. High quality oil, first presses and true truffle oils with no blends tend to work better. Long story short...that is why we aerate 50ys rather than a two dollar bottle of sh*t. Plus one 4oz bottle of 50ys sherry gives about 500 sprays at approx 8.95 for the appetizer approx. so I think we are ok. Thank you for the comment, actually made me happy thinking when I worked out the food cost... so thanks
  9. Could be true under some circumstances....but what made you think that this was the only application the sherry was used in ? We do have a very large kitchen with over 3000 menu items used. So I am sure the sherry is used somewhere else
  10. No one has anymore comments?
  11. Chef, I am a chef and restaurant owner myself and I love going to your place...when I can get a seat:) Great drinks, fair staff but your food is consistent and good. Just thought you might want to hear that.
  12. Rocket...Yes it is a mister with 50 yr sherry
  13. you last statement summed it up....We are so far from classical. We(my staff and I) are classically trained, but we put out cutting edge cuisine, that fun, fun to look at most important tastes great, but wont follow any standards. Dont mistake this attitude as cocky and we are not just throwing stuff togehter. Everything is thought out and does have a purpose. We will just not follow the norm
  14. cool !!!
  15. Hello everyone, Yes Jai is French which means, "I have" alot of debt . My other company Maichef Cuisine is the firat name of my wife Mai, and then me (Chef). She thought to be fair because my family gave her so much grief about not having my name anywhere, she came up with J'ai. My first initail and the last two of her first name. Sort of cool I though and the name flows well and is true. I do have allot of debt now with these two entity's Good comments about the menu all of these will be taken very seriously. Myself and my culinary staff will be the ones delivery the food to the tables. I will need to bring someone in on a consultant bases to help with wines and service of them. If I have not mentioned it, is a very intimate ten seat venue, glass enclosed right in the middle of our commercial kitchen. THe comments of the menu are pretty straight on and will incoroprate some of these ideas. Look in the next week and a half for us to start posting pictures for all of you. I hope to be open in the next six monthes...the plan.... 1. finalize all lic. ie. Liquor and occupancy is holding us up. 2. rigorous menu development, tasting, pictures and feedback finding some other cermaics and serving apparatus 3. a little more detailing of space 4. I will post dates when we are ready to test and if any of you are in the Chicago area I would welcome you to test us out before I have to start charging you Also if someone want to start a business either restaurant or catering please feel free to ask me any questions. I would be happy to walk you thru the important steps, so you dont stumble as much as I have, but it is turing out awesome Later Jon
  16. point taken thank you
  17. Jackal. Very good points........ I need to look at that from another direction. Very good coments that make sense. I will for sure use your advise. Thank you
  18. For one..Grant is on a level of his own, would'nt, could'nt come close to him...He is a style of his own. On my side I have a very unique setting, a strong a drive as Grant or Michael Carlson and most important I have an awesome culinary staff wich I would be lost without. I would go head to head with anyone. The pr is in the works so yes you will hear about us soon enough, that half the battle..getting the hype up and backing it up with a good product. I look forward to sharing my menu, restauarant development and anything else I feel would be worth sharing with all of you. I value your opinions for than anyones because we all do the same thing. Some of my staff are Alinea alumni and we all have worked are been around Michael, Grant and other chefs. You would so surprised at how many extremely talented chefs are around but dont get the chance to bee seen, heard or tasted. This is the one reason I opened this restaurant. This is for them. I am an unknown, except for some of the close chicago culinary groups, but we all know we are all very closing tied. Any of you are welcome at me kitchen, my doors are open and so will the reservation book. You will all have priority. Ok...I am off my soap box. Let me know if there is anything else about me, my operation or my staff you would like to know. Our website is in our profile Keep those comments coming
  19. These are the comments I am exactly looking for. Appreciate all the ideas..keep them coming. About the pricing...whats nice about being in a big culinary city. I can get 75 per person for my six course and 125 for the twelve not including wines. 100 with wines and 155 respectively for the twelve with wines. gotta love it
  20. LOL you guys are to funny. Basically I just wanted some ideas of what you would think about the menu just as it looks. Boring......curious, does it sound exciting. Menu development starts in a week and I will be able to post pictures. More of the ceramics will be coming in this week so I have something to actually put the food on !!! This is a upscale dining experience in a glass enlosed room in the kitchen with ten seats, with two seatings a night. Pardon my spelling sometimes because I am in the kitchen at the same time
  21. J”ai Twelve Course Mediterranean Salad Duck, Thyme, Red Pepper Bean House Cured Salmon, Tomato Gelee, Arugula, Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette Pork Cheek, Plum Puree, Spearmint Shellfish Consommé, Lobster, Vacherin, Escarole Turbot, Fennel, Bok Choy, Couscous, Blood Orange Hickory Braised Short Rib, Pancetta Brussels Sprouts, Yuka, Chanterelle Beef, Indian Curry, Basmati Olive Cake, Dark Chocolate, Raw Sugar, Cocoa Bing Cherry, Black Pearl, Vanilla Date, Chocolate, Cassia Ice Cream, Almond Brittle Katafi, Whipped Yogurt, Berry Compote, Lavender Honey Med Salad is composed of a imported feta cube suspended and on each facet of the cube is powdered tomato, olive, pepppercinni, citrus, parlsey and caper, the cube by the guest is dopped onto powered extra virgin olive oil and then hit with a sherry mist(Basicslly its like a greek salad in one bite). That is the discription they will see on the menu, which is Med. Salad but I did a discription for you guys so you know whats going on. This menu will also be offered paired with wines. We also offer a six course which basically pulls off this menu. We also will be serving Absinthe the traditional way. Anybody have a line the correct serving piece? So please rip apart the menu let me know what you think
  22. I have to say I am impressed to see he knew when to pull back to recollect himself. So many chefs today think..Oh I can put together a descent menu and open a place. That is so not the case. There are so many different levels you have to be on top of. It does not matter if its 250 seats, 24 like his or 10 like mine...it is all the same. I just respect the fact he knew when to pull back, recollect and come back fresh and new. Your loyal customers and chefs the people that really matter, will always understand. This whole article is also in my opinion. So hats of to him..... and Michael welcome back !
  23. Its good to see him jump back on the horse. Family should and always come first!!!
  24. A little fyi...... Cassia buds are the unopened buds of the cinnamon tree. They are picked right before blooming and dried in the sun. Fennel Pollen, is like fennel seed but with a sweet back to it and very intense fennel flavor. Very, very low yiled on harvest so it is the same or even more expensive than saffron. Tasting this, just takes me to another place
  25. Thanks Old Timer
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