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Everything posted by lilsouthernhottie

  1. There are *plenty* of places to eat in the OKC area. For mexican--Ted's Chileno's...or in Norman, Tarahumara's (google it, I can't give directions...I still get lost...lol.) If you're heading further south, Ardmore has some good places...like Two Frogs Grill---live music most weekends + great food... Luigi's is good for Italian... Casa Romo's is good for Mexican... There are more but I can't remember off the top of my head. I suppose I could shamelessly plug my brother's restaurant....but it's more of a family/buffet type joint--and it's in Pauls Valley. Ya'll won't starve down here, I promise.
  2. I tried, I tried...to read all the 'serious' parts of this thread...but the entire time I was reading...all I could think of was pasteis de bacalhau....
  3. I agree with Rogelio... ...and I add...you MUST pick up at least one bottle of a decent green wine...the name of the one I like escapes me...but I will look later and edit.
  4. I don't know about in Spain, but it's available in quite a few places near Lisboa...at least two that I know of in Seixal... And *gulp* I didn't know it was horse meat until after I ate it. And liked it.
  5. There are two ways to go about this: You can heat them in a skillet (I stack them as I heat them...heat one, slide the next under it, and so on) which works quite well, but you have to pay attention or you will have burnt spots...or icky still tortillas... Or, you CAN do them in the microwave...but there's a trick...you MUST wrap them in a damp paper towel (I use two, and wrap 'em all the way around.) Make sure they're completely covered by the PT...and then...nuke em. Works better if you do like 6 at a time. Enjoy.
  6. It's 5am...and I am sitting here eating buttered toast...topped with my newly minted toast dope. Mention of toast dope on peanut butter sandwiches makes me wonder...how good would a toast dope enhanced fluffernutter be? mmm...I think I'll have one for breakfast.
  7. FYI on the TMI... Same thing happened to me. Evens out after a bit.
  8. Hmmm...bread. Any kind of bread. These days I'm fond of English muffins...toasted, buttered and covered with strawberry jam. Cheese is good too...especially when atop something filled with more cheese... Makes me want to head to Giacomo's right now for some cannelloni...but they're closed. Cheap wine usually does the trick these days though. Yellowtail Shiraz anyone?
  9. How about a carob (kinda chocolatey...i guess...) tofu "cake"? I found a recipe here:http://www.yogaoasis.org/offerings/recipes.shtml
  10. I think I've got a pretty even mix. I cook a lot of Native American and 'American'...or at least American-ized foods, but I like to throw some Asian, Middle Eastern and European influences in when I can. I grew up in Oklahoma and Texas. Nearly every recipe I got from my family involves either beef, pork, or bison meat in one form or another. I think the appeal of Asian and Middle Eastern food is the shocking difference in flavor and consistency from American food. (FYI, if you've never had a shawarma, you're missing out.) I've always been a bit adventurous, and it has just carried over into food...especially since there's nobody around to complain. I have been cooking for as long as I can remember...if you count licking spoons as cooking. Over the past year or so, I've taken up Portuguese cooking, mostly because I like it, but also because my SO is Portuguese ...and sends me new recipes on a near daily basis. All of the above, mostly from my grandmother, my fiance, and television. Well, not really. I would like to make a decent pie crust without ****ing it up.
  11. Even my dog refused these. Great marketing strategy...bad, bad chips.
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