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Posts posted by grimod

  1. there's a great shack in Bandon... you can rent crab pots and try to catch some yourself or grab a pint of beer and get some already cooked.... yumsters. great spot. Go into the old port area.

    also, if you go to Newport there are a thousand places for seafood. I prefer the Rogue Microbrew for obvious reasons... they al;so have killer fish and chips

  2. Not that Sysco is the epitome of artisanal ingredients, but Sysco and US Foodservice are often somewhat misunderstood. Restaurants at just about all levels use these companies as suppliers. Perhaps a restaurant like the French Laundry doesn't use Sysco, but restaurants at every other level do. You can order anything from lame frozen bar food ("Sysco Reliance") to better stuff ("Sysco Classic, Sysco Imperial") to pretty high level haute-cuisine ingredients ("Sysco Supreme" and various Sysco-owned brands for organics, etc.). It's up to the restaurant. Sysco didn't invent bad food. Food was bad before Sysco became a dominant distributor. Sysco just delivers what people order.

    sorry I disagree. Sysco sucks. Us Food sucks. I am a Chef in a mid level restaurant. I kick both of their salesmen out because their quality is crap. But then I also do not buy farm raised fish (yes, I do not like color added fish) and I would rather die than serve that. Why on planet earth would you buy anything that IS SUPPOSEDLY ORGANIC BY SYSCO WHEN YOU COULD ACTUALLY BUY FROM EITHER A GREEN MARKET OR AN ACTUALLY HIPPIE FARMER? sorry the term organic means absolutely nothing anymore... try looking for the renegade label. Organic simply means that they have paid the 5,000 dollar fee to use that term. Organic used to mean something long ago. Organic now only means you have bought and paid to use another marketing tool. The problem is our government is solely interested in promoting large corporations over us, or we, the people. Take your blinders off. We are so blinded by advertising... In America we spend the least money of any nation on food. Why is it that we buy scallops with fibrin to make perfect form pressed medallions or buy scallops that are dipped in a chemical to make them soak up 25% more water or that Hormel injects it's pork with water or that we genetically alter our food supply or that our governbment allows nuclear sludge to be moixed into our pesticide (6%) with no warning labels. Why does single consumer want to buy anything that is slightly related to Monsanto? Why? because large corporations advertise and we are led to believe that this stuff is safe for human consumption despite concrete scientific proof to the contrary. Try actually reading the label of most Sysco products and read the large amount of additives and fake ingredients they add to make their food appeal to the preconceptions we have of food. No, sorry brother people buy from Sysco because they do not know any better... and most of their clientele has yet to ask the questions.

  3. because in America we only care about the bottom line and we haven't a clue about quality. Case in point: Plugra butter. That is the worst crap on the planet. Plu (more) gra (fat) More fat... The company maybe ought to learn feed the f$%king cow something good and that flavor will be in the butter. Even the worst French butters (President) glean in comparison.

    Bar food in America? Until we Americans stop accepting what we are brainwashed to accept than it will never change... ever. Do not blame the cooks. Blame the owners. Vote by not spending a single penny in that sh&t hole. Do not accept third rate produce out of season; do not blindly believe advertising. Forget Chilis for your baby back ribs... go to a real BBQ spot... you know the kind you can smell two miles away and that you are scared to drive to.

    Food in America is so extremely second rate in comparison to just about every other country. We cry when we cannot have tomatoes in january or strawberries in february. Rather than accept things actually have seasons and that is when we should enjoy them. Do you even remember what a really good sundrenched tomato tastes like anymore? god I am getting so acclimated to those gas ripened in the back of the semi genetically altered pieces of crap that Monsanto wants us to eat.

    Try to actually seek out restaurants and bars that have some slight bit of respect for themselves and do not be suprised when you go to low grade places and get low grade food.


  4. save your money and your time and go to the Anderson Valley instead. Napa is so extremely overrated and Disneyland like. I loathe the place. Most of the restaurants are extremely overrated.

    Go to the Anderson Valley and try great Pinots Noirs and other varietals from Breggo (particularily the Savoy and Ferrington Vineyards); Goldeneye (try all their single vineyard wines); Lazy Creek Vineyards; Londer... also look for MacPhail, De Muth... you can find far better wines here in this undiscovered valley.

    For decent eats go to the Boonville Hotel...

    If you have to go to Napa and you insist on the Disneyland tour of overrated wines at least drink some decent ones... Barrett on Spring Mountain, Corizon, etc. stay away from the big overpriced places...


  5. Good Evening!

    My only comment would be somewhere on that label is probably the term "aroma" or something to that effect. "Aroma" or whatever they used is another of saying artificially flavored. Most truffle flavored items, i.e. truffle oils, butters and spreads, are artificially flavored. I forget the chemical but that's what you are tasting.

    I had a friend who worked for Alain Chapel before he died (I guess it would be harder to work for him after) and she was slicing truffles thinly t put on a dish... apparently not the larger normal portion. He looked at her and said "If you are going to use truffles than use truffles." With that being said... you are not going to find real truffles for less than they cost... wholesale prices of real black truffles are around $400/pound. Truffle season starts in December and ends usually in February.


    eat foods in their due season

  6. as easy as it is to make confit, which always is infinitly better than pre made, why do you not make your own?

    Nothing gets me happier than the smell of confit wafting thru the house or where I work... and nothing gets me happier than to crack a good bottle of pinot in some form and crisp up some legs of confit with potatoes and garlic... I think I will have that for lunch today...

  7. My most prized, in terms of dollars, would be first editions of:

    Grimod's "Manuel d'Amphityrons" written in 1806

    my entire collection of every Urbain Dubois book

    Alexandre Dumas' Dictionary, two volumes, first editions...

    signed Escoffier cook book

    unsigned Escoffier notebook

    original menu from Alexis Soyer in the mid 1800's

    in terms of rarity:

    very small scale published recipe book of rabbit dishes from the mid 1800's

    unpublished manuscripts from late 1800's to early 1900's

    in terms of enjoyment:

    damn, just about every book I own... Cook books unfairly getted cast aside by a lot of book dealers because they want so much to limit food knowledge transmitted throughout the years to a catagory thought to be only consumed by housewives... they seem to forget that a good food book is also an amazing read on food, traditions and culture from a said period... Take for example the time in the mid 1800's when food was shifting massively from French service to Russian service... when the French royalty had their heads cut off and their cooks were sent to "lesser" households for employment.


  8. Let me start out by saying I own roughly 1,800 cook books... a large percentage are from the early 1800 thru the early 1900's... I own a rather large quantity of pamphlets, menus and other such materials... Cook books, for me break down into a few different catagories... some include: early great masters of cooking: Careme, Soyer, Dubois, Escoffier, Nignon, Fracetelli, etc.; some are authors like MFK Fisher, Elizabeth David, etc... others are literary (I am currently reading Clementine, again...)... other cook books I own because I am trying to familiarize myself wirth certain regions and/or techniques... others I own because I love Robuchon, Gagnaire, Ducasse and stilll others have to do with regionality... i.e. Southern, Alaskan, etc.

    now whether or not they include pictures, lithographs or whatever really does not matter as much as the content of the material. Is the author transmitting a concept for which I bought the book? If I want a picture book I will buy a coffee table book and that is that. Words have far deeper meaning than a picture...

    Grimod in Paradise

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