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Everything posted by Shel_B

  1. I just don't buy or use plastic ... problem solved.
  2. A marvelously engineered everyday item to which you probably have given little or no thought. Link to the video
      • 1
      • Thanks
  3. Since there's a split decision on the subject, I'll just give it a try. I can always use the butter for the cornbread again or for other things - nice on my morning muffin. I took Margaret's advice, however, and decided to stay at home today since the weather was cold and wet, and some nice hot soup was bubbling on the stove. So, folks, thanks for jumping in.
  4. Before running to the market to buy some cultured butter, which I've never used in baking, I'd like an opinion on whether there might be a noticeable flavor difference compared to regular, commercial butter in a simple cornbread. Thanks.
  5. Has anyone tried this: https://roliroti.com/products/organic-beef-broth/
  6. @ElsieD and @AlaMoi Thanks for posting you comments about BtB salt content. While it may not prevent me from purchasing the product, the info has gven mr a cautionary approach. I am, however, still looking for a product I saw in a video recently.
  7. @Tropicalsenior Thanks for This useful article ... I remember using a bouillion with "Gourmet" in its name, but I can't find it now ... search, search, search, nothing, nothing, nothing. I have a vague recollection of reading a comment here @rotuts? that the item I'm seeking had been discontinued. It was a product like Better than Bouillion.
  8. I've been looking for an extract or boullion to punch up some recipes, and in my search came across Amoretti brand that claims to be natural, etc., and has all the marketing buzz words to suggest a "premium" product. In the product description they claim to be vegan. How can a natural beef extract be vegan? I could find no list of ingedients on their web site.
  9. Shel_B

    Food recalls

    Granola Bars Being Recalled Click on link to see the details
  10. Shel_B

    Dinner 2024

    That looksvery nice ... well done!
  11. First, does leaving an open container of baking soda in the fridge actually work to absorb odors? Where in the refrigerator is the ideal spot to place the baking soda? Or does it matter? I placed an opened 1/2 small box of teh stuff on a door shelf. Might there be a better or more effective location?
  12. Perhaps you may recall my recent lament about the demise of my 1.5 quart All-Clad D5 saucepan due to my carelessness. Well, its replacement has arrived from Williams-Sonoma, and I'm very happy. I was surprised by how much I missed that pot and how happy I am to have the replacement. Fun comes in many ways, and one fun thing is saving money. I saved $50.00 buying this pot frm W-S compared to All-Clad and Amazon. This is the second time I saved big when buying All-Clad from W-S. The first time I saved $200.00 on an 8 quart D5 stock/soup pot, which serves admirably as a Dutch oven, its shape allowing it to easily fit into my regular oven.
  13. Shel_B

    Lunch 2024

    Been AGES since I've visited an In-N-Out. What's protein style?
  14. Shel_B

    Lunch 2024

    Champagne Vinegar, Yukon Gold Potato Salad This is a very simple, easy, and quick to make potato salad. Just mix some Champagne vinegar with a bit of oil and Dijon mustard and pour it over some hot, dried boiled potatoes over which some salt and pepper has been sprinkled. Slice up some green onions, maybe finely dice a bit of shallot, or add some herbs (tarragon?), let the dressing absorb into the potatoes and you're ready to boogie. Fingerling potatoes are good, too, Russets, IMO, not a favorite for this. Made this in 13 minutes at a friend's place today. Had a Costco dinner frank on a bun along with. Just like a little picnic ... Ø ants. The pic below was copied from the recipe in my files.
  15. Reminds me of a Basho haiku ...
  16. Shel_B

    Breakfast 2024

    Satsumas, homemade cornbread, Kenyan coffee ...
  17. Trader Joe's has, over the years, produced numerous stylish and commemorative bags. Some have become collector's items and command very high price. Here are some of TJ's creations:
  18. This mornng I made another cornbread and reduced the temp from 375-deg F to 350-deg F and ended up inreasing the time by 24%. The result was a much flatter cornbread. The edges remained crisp, perhaps a skosh more than when baked at the higher teemperature, a bit of a surprise. I wish I had a before shot to show you. Thanks for your suggestions. I learned something and improved my results.
  19. Well, that's certainly a solid recommendation ...
  20. (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) I like this unit because of its removeable cup and larger capacity than my old and trusty Krups. If anyone here has had experience with this unit, good or bad, I'd like to hear about it. I bought and got rid of another similar model by Secura because it wasn't very efficient. Is there any other spice grinder you'd recommend? I read the previous threads about grinders but they're old and I'm looking for fresher information. Andiesenji mentioned using the dry blade and container on her Vitamix, but there was nothing more than a brief mention. Anyone using the Vitamix to grind spices, and how has it worked for you?
  21. Have you seen the PBS show, Octopus: Making Contact from a few years back. A teacher in Alaska brought an octopus into his home and the show examines the creature's relationship with his family, especially his daughter. https://weta.org/watch/shows/nature/can-teenager-befriend-octopus-67gdhs
  22. Shel_B

    Breakfast 2024

    As part of my breakfast this morning, I enjoyed some homemade almond milk, made with the organic, raw almonds that arrived yesterday from Massa Organics (https://massaorganics.com/). I've been making almond milk for years and always use raw, organic, almonds from either Massa or another local grower. There's a real flavor difference between them and roasted or cooked nuts, and the older nuts often found in supermarkets. I usually sweeten the nut milk with one or two medjool dates, sometimes I'll add a couple-three drops of vanilla extract or a small piece of vanilla bean (my preference), and always include a very small amount of Diamond Crystal salt. The almonds are soaked in filtered water for at least twelve hours. They are first rinsed well and then the water is changed at least once during the soak. The almonds are then put into a high-powered blender and very cold water is added. The percentage of almonds to water varies by my mood. Most of the time I use about 1.5 cups of dry almonds to about 3/4 of a liter of water. This morning I went a little thinner, using 1 cup of almonds to .8 liter of water. The whole measuring thing is purely personal preference. After whirring for about a minute on high, the mixture is strained through a nut bag. I use Ellie's which is a very well-made and durable product. I've been using mine since 2016: (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) Maybe you'll try something like this. It's very refreshing and very easy to make.
  23. Shel_B

    Lunch 2024

    There was a slight delay in getting these picked as there was some wet weather that prevented the harvest. I'm looking forward to some great oranges this year. I once had a neighbor who had an orange tree, and I tred some unripe oranges. They were more like lemons in their taste and astringency, and they worked as a nice alternative to lemons in some instances. If you ever get a chance to taste an unripe orange, give it a try and see what you think.
  24. Thanks for that. I checked my recipe files and, indeed, all the ink recipes call for squid. Don't know why I was thinking octopus other than, perhaps, because I recently watched a documentary about an octopus (My Octopus Teacher, Netflix).
  25. Is there any advantage over getting time and temp dialed in and using a better technique?
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