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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    So you don't bake yours?
  2. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    basquecook, that looks like an amazing spread! Thank you for sharing! Shelby, I had never heard of breaded tomatoes (I know, must have been living under a snowbank or something!) so I had to look them up. Sounds tasty, do you have any secret ingredients or go with the basics of tomatoes, bread, sugar, butter? Your Grammy's salad looks very tasty, also. Yes, feeling like Winter Wonderland here. We had a spicy chili for two nights before the pasta.
  3. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    we had a good snowfall a couple of days ago but it melted fairly quickly. Today, however, was this: Just for rotuts (and Shelby), here is our kitty, fascinated by the snow and the whiskey jacks (instead of the wild turks): And because this is a temporary rental and we had expected to be out of here by now, we aren't doing much shopping so this weekend we are doing clean-up. I had some roasted tomatoes in the freezer and a red pepper that really needed to be used so that became the basis for a pasta sauce.
  4. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    Ha, me too. Was curious about the tart, and I found a NY Times variation by Melissa Clark where she makes it as a savory tarte Tatin rather individual tarts. I am wondering how similar the process/ingredients are compared to the one you made, gfweb?
  5. Though I've found a few bars that will accommodate a surprising amount of tastings. Mind you, we still ended up leaving quite a bit of cash in their till. I remember the Bandon Dunes Scotch Bar as being especially generous.
  6. Yes, we love pictures!!!! Good point, scuba!
  7. Golden Beet Soup (wth onion, lemon, ginger, stock). Topped with a bit of gremolata and sour cream.
  8. yes, welcome! Looking forward to your posts, but not sure we need pics of the sous-vide underwear.
  9. That's almost what we did for Canadian Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago. A boneless skin-on tied turkey breast roast on top of stuffing. It was cooked in the Cuisinart Convection Steam oven and the steam-roast setting seemed to keep it quite moist, while still browning the skin. Edited to add: To properly tie this in to the thread, I don't remember the cost but breast-only can be expensive. This one wasn't too big, so not too many $$$. It gave us a couple of meals + sandwiches. (It's the sandwiches I like the best, I think!)
  10. Serious Eats has a nice suggestion for a long slow baked tomato sauce. The recipe is just for the tomato sauce but you could add meatballs or ground meat at the end. Their reason for the long bake/simmer is that it concentrates the sauce and the caramelization gives complexity. A bit of reserved crushed tomato at the end gives freshness (as Paul Bacino suggests). This doesn't really answer your question directly, but it does give a suggestion for an alternative (and maybe improved) sauce overall, if you did want to try a slightly different approach.
  11. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    That chestnut risotto made me salivate, not sure why. It looks so lovely but I wonder what kind of chestnuts, is it difficult to source the materials or can I make something similar? You are always so generous with info when asked and your meals and photos are so spectacular. You know, I was quite relieved when you made a (slightly) simpler dinner with the broccoli soup and cheese, etc the other night. You were becoming a bit scary with all those complex beautiful meals. I do love seeing them, but I want to believe you are human!
  12. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    basquecook, can I ask about your mac 'n cheese recipe?
  13. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    basquecook, that all looks so lovely. Happy Anniversary!! The honey butter, wow. And the mac 'n cheese looks delectable, also. Everything looks lovely! But I just hope you and yours had a wonderful day!
  14. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    Can you tell me more about the soup? Thanks!
  15. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    We had leftover meatloaf and still enough for a meatloaf sandwich for my husband tomorrow. Also, leftover crushed potatoes with roasted tomatoes and that lovely sherry-garlic-anchovy dressing. Steamed green beans and a bit of champiñones al ajillo (used some red pepper flakes, thyme, garlic, and a healthy splash of Alvear Fino). The mushrooms:
  16. Nice looking strip loin, did you use low-temp cooking? Or...??
  17. FauxPas

    Breakfast! 2014

    I like eggs, and I love how even slight variations can make them seem so different. I made some quick tamagoyaki this morning and finished off some leftover tomato. My spirals weren't as thick or as tight as they should be and each layer should have been thinner, obviously. Still tasty, though! I just used a small round pan, thinking about getting a proper one or maybe one of the small rectangular Lodge pans.
  18. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    Quick picture that didn't turn out very well. Meatloaf (ground beef, veal and pork mix) with grated onion and carrot. I like to add a bit of spinach or chard sometimes, also. Side of crushed potatoes with a variation of the Buvette dressing that SobaAddict70 described in his post. It's a nice way to dress up potatoes. Olive oil infused with garlic and anchovy and I mixed it together with some sherry and white wine vinegar. The potatoes are locally grown (German Butter), boiled and then roughly crushed. A bit of the dressing. Some slow-roasted tomatoes topped the potatoes and some very coarsely chopped parlsey. An avocado that really needed to be used, as well.
  19. I'll take the dog, the pig painting and a small squash, please.
  20. Here's a post from Simple Bites about the blog author's experiences with writing a cookbook. I enjoyed the background she gave on developing the cover image.
  21. FauxPas

    Dinner 2014 (Part 5)

    Looks so delicious - can you describe it a bit more, please?
  22. Sorry, Kerry. Here is the Apple Peel-Infused Bourbon link. Arg, can't believe how many mistakes I make in posts lately. Really need to slow down and double check!
  23. I guess you've considered making your own labels but their printing is spread out over so much of the bottle, isn't it?
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