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Everything posted by FauxPas

  1. Not at all sure about that, I wasn't in the area back then, but it may have been called that by some folks. I don't think the Tohono O'odham would call it that, they don't like being referred to as Papago, as far as I know. Papago basically means 'tepary bean eater' a name given to them by others and then adopted by the Spanish, etc. Tohono O'odham means 'people of the desert' or similar. But I'm no expert either! 🙂
  2. Also, meant to mention that there is a terrific Tohono O'odham museum/cultural centre at Topawa, near Sells, AZ. It's worth a visit, we used to stop in when we went to Desert Rains Cafe, but since the cafe closed.... 😞
  3. I know they use the saguaro fruit/syrup as part of the summer rain ceremony, so I wonder if that is what she is referring to? There are some important rituals connected to the harvest and use of the fruit. (Some of them a bit odd, not sure how much is still practiced this way, see for example: https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/precipitous-purgetohono-o-odhams-saguaro-wine-feast-ushers-in-rainy-season-6425902 )
  4. Salinas lettuce in Canada may have been imported to Canada, though no e coli outbreak showing up yet. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/romaine-lettuce-e-coli-outbreak-1.5370929 Here in Tucson, we bought an organic Caesar salad kit a few days ago and ate some that night. The next day, I read about this Salinas lettuce issue and checked the bag. Sure enough, it said Salinas, so I threw the rest out. Hoping the organic lettuces weren't affected as much as the non-organic. Hoping we don't get sick, anyway.
  5. Don't eat romaine lettuce from Salinas. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dont-eat-romaine-lettuce-from-salinas-california-u-s-health-officials-cite-e-coli-outbreaks/ This article has more details: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2019/11/22/romaine-lettuce-safety-alert-e-coli-outbreak-expanded/4274292002/
  6. And as we discussed, there are a gazillion places to eat in this area. We really have to meet at a more interesting place next time! But that location seemed very convenient for you folks and we had limited time that day. It's always wonderful to see you and I hope we have more visiting time during our next get-together! Our burgers were fine, quite good really, and we agree the fries were good. Also, loved that curry ketchup!
  7. We got even more rain in the Tucson area and very early this morning we were awakened by some decent thunder and lightning as well. The sky is clearing now and the sun is shining but we might get another bout of rain later today. I have an appointment and some shopping to do, so I hope it holds off until I get home. I always find it hard to describe the taste of prickly pear. I think of it as a tropical berry flavour with a slightly chalky note. Someone (can't remember who) described it as a mix of watermelon and natural bubble gum flavour. My husband's 7 year-old grandson was visiting recently and had a sip and said it tasted like wine. I laughed, looked at his dad and asked, "He drinks wine?" I guess he has had a small taste or two. 😄
  8. Have to wait until Dec 1st to start the calendar, no peeking or snacking until then, ha. Kitty is interested in it though, gave it a very thorough sniff before I put it away. ☺
  9. Trader Joe's has Advent Calendars for dogs and cats. Are these new this year? Don't think I've seen them before. Anyway, our kitty received one.
  10. Somewhat similar to using the Instant Pot for juicing, I think. https://www.thekitchn.com/extract-fruit-juice-easier-fas-154002
  11. That's brilliant! They should really hire you!!!! 🙂
  12. Here's the one I usually buy, it's just the pressed juice and a bit of pulp, no sugar and not boiled down so it tastes really fresh. I love the colour and the slightly tropical berry flavour. I often add a couple of teaspoons to sparkling water, as in the photos. The claim of 72 servings seems completely far-fetched to me, but it's true that you don't need much for colour or a bit of flavour.
  13. They ripen in the late summer (August/September) so by now they've probably been ripe for a couple of months, but as long as they are juicy, they should be good to use. Like any fruit, I assume they are at their best when first fully ripe but I'm not a cacti expert either. 😀
  14. Here's another description of the freezing method (See Process 2 in the article): http://www.rootedfood.com/musings/2014/12/11/prickly-pear-harvest
  15. Oh yes! That would be delicious and so pretty. Maybe even add a touch of tequila?
  16. They are a bit past their prime, but could still be in very good shape. I'd be a bit careful/discreet about foraging there, it might be restricted. I just bought some of the AZ Cactus Ranch nectar from our local Sprouts. We have visitors from Canada and I wanted to make them prickly pear beverages, maybe even a margarita or two. 😄
  17. yes, it really is a perfect solution for this place. As I said, kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Laughing about the 2 liter sodas.... 😀
  18. Do you just use that one cup of custard mix or do you top up with more custard after positioning the sliced apples?
  19. A year ago, I posted about a nice little stand that Target was selling that worked really well for Instant Pots. I did buy one and it languished in the box in our storage room until today, when I FINALLY put it together. It's not hard to assemble and it really does the trick, so I'm kicking myself for not doing this sooner (though to be fair to myself, we were away from this house for six months or more). I have the 6 qt IP on the top, the Mini IP on the bottom with its Slow Cook lid, and other lids and some steamer baskets on the middle shelf. The beauty of this for me is that the stand fits perfectly inside the pantry and it's very lightweight and can be quickly and easily pulled out when needed. I have an electrical outlet right outside the pantry and a bit of space there so I can conveniently cook on the stand itself, then slide the whole thing back into the pantry when I'm done. So it really clears up some space for me and could possibly even hold a bit more! 😀 Pantry door is just to the left and kitchen is to the side.
  20. Hahahaha, that's pretty much what my husband says. And he says it EVERY time I eat cottage cheese, which I rather like, so I've heard him say it quite a lot. 🤣🤣🤣
  21. Just tried a brand called Good Culture, made in Wisconsin. The local store (Fry's/Kroger) only had the 2% small-curd and I know some people don't like that, but I thought it was pretty good. A bit tangy, but nice and creamy. Ingredients are skim milk, whole milk, cream, Celtic (?) sea salt, live and active cultures. They also have a Whole Milk version and a Double Cream, wouldn't mind trying those ones. Has anyone else?
  22. This is more than what you are actually asking for, but there is a site called The Dinner Daily, which will shop the sales from your local grocery stores' flyers and prepare a meal plan and shopping list around those items. It's free for two weeks. But maybe you are looking for something both free and simpler! 🙂
  23. The Beecher's cheese box is in the Tucson stores, so I would think it would be showing up in the Phoenix stores.
  24. I wasn't being snarky, I really wanted to know where it was from! There are a couple of sea salt producers here on the Island (scroll down to see a few). I usually buy from Clever Crow Farm which is very near here. It's a very small operation, Lia slowly simmers the salt water on the stove in her farm store and has a drying room for the salt (and herbs) on the lower level. Thanks for checking on the source! 🙂
  25. I would have asked them what part of Vancouver Island their sea salt comes from. 🙂
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