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Posts posted by Naftal

  1. Hello-Has anyone seen the Dec. 23 New York Times article on this topic?

    Do you mean this one?

    Although Mr. Obama has proposed changes in the nation’s farm and rural policies and emphasizes the connection between diet and health, there is nothing to indicate he has a special interest in a radical makeover of the way food is grown and sold.

    Still, the dream endures. To advocates who have watched scattered calls for changes in food policy gather political and popular momentum, Mr. Obama looks like their kind of president.

    Not only does he seem to possess a more-sophisticated palate than some of his recent predecessors, but he will also take office in an age when organic food is mainstream, cooking competitions are among the top-rated TV shows and books calling for an overhaul in the American food system are best sellers.

    Like most political prognostication, it's still the 21st-century version of reading entrails (from humanely raised animals, of course) and tea leaves (fair trade and organic).

    Hello-Yes, thank you.This is the piece I meant ,I did not know how to creat a link to the NYT site.

  2. Hello-I know no one asked, but...One reason Tea can be resteeped is  because most tea leaves are rolled.With each steeping, they unroll a little more.I know there are other reasons too, like the fact that all the oils and other goodies just  don't come out after one steeping, but I thought this was interesting.

    interesting point. Some of my most-re-steepable teas are the most highly compressed, but some of the straight white teas which are nearly flat before steeping also do well. It makes sense to me that many teas don't give everything on the first steeping.

    What I am very curious about, however, is whether there is a significant difference between tea steeped multiple times and tea steeped once for longer but with a larger volume of water--e.g.,

    one teaspoon of tea steeped 4 times with 6 oz of water for 1 minute each


    one teaspoon of tea steeped 4 minutes with 24 oz of water

    Do the multiple infusions have some additional agitating effect that helps to get more good flavor out of the leaves, or is the tradition of multiple infusions simply a practical way to make use of smaller vessels for brewing?

    Hello-Obviously, I can only speak from my own experience/opinions... I have noticed that the 2nd, 3rd,4th steepings actually taste different from one another. I enjoy comparing these differences.In my opinion, it is not a matter of more flavor, but of different flavors.A small pot allows one to finish one steep quickly and go on to the next. But, if I am brewing a tea that does not change much from one steeping to the next(or one in which the change is undesirable), I will get a bigger pot and use more tea and more water. I always brew pu'er in small pots (for multiple steepings), but I will brew a large pot of my rose-scented tea for long term enjoyment of its rosey goodness. Does this make any sense?

  3. Hello- This is a very interesting topic. I am sorry if my comments appear vague...I think my interest stems from my general interest in Chinese culture/philosophy.IMO It is difficult to study any aspect of traditional chinese culture without finding tea somewhere.The school that taught me Tai Chi Chuan had a "tea-room" on-site. The two sources that Taoism and Confuciusism share in common are the "I-Ching" and the tea house. I am not Chinese, so I cannot say that my thesis is 100% true. This is just an observation.It is not my desire to insult anyone by oversimplifying things.

  4. Hello- I am of the "wing it" school. Though, I recently started using two egg-timers to time the process. I use the second timer to add time over 3 min. :huh: . Does anyone use the fish-eyes/string of pearls method for getting the temperature right? When bubbles (fish eyes) start forming the water is right for whites and greens, when the bubbles begin to rise in a single line(string of pearls) the water is right for oolongs. And a rolling boil is used for blacks. Has anyone used this method?

  5. Hello-I know no one asked, but...One reason Tea can be resteeped is because most tea leaves are rolled.With each steeping, they unroll a little more.I know there are other reasons too, like the fact that all the oils and other goodies just don't come out after one steeping, but I thought this was interesting.

  6. Here are a few tea cups.

    The white one on the left is about 150 ml in white bone china from silkroad.com. Simple, elegant and pleasant to drink from. Teas usually look their best against a white cup.

    The small (30 ml) one in front that the - erm, photographer - neglected to turn to the front - has a fish design on  it. Used for gongfu.


    More on the other three:

    Chinese tea cup from an Asian grocery



    Tea bowl, a gift from a friend many years ago, made by an Austin potter, name forgotten. A pleasnt vessel to drink from with its monks bowl shape. I use it for drinking Sencha.


    30 ml Yixing tea cup for gongfu from Chinese Teapot Gallery on eBay


    Hello-Regarding the tea cup you got from the asian grocery:1) I have a gaiwan of the same 2)Did you know that the thinner parts were created when rice grains, placed around the cup, were burned off during firing?

  7. Hello-Realizing that this is a very subjective subject, here are my thoughts:1)whenever possible, it is best to stick to the water temp. rules, 1a-When it is not possible to stick to water temp. rules, increase steeping times, 1b-Continue to increase steeping times -on the first and subsequent cups-until you get a brew that you like, 1c-follow Richard's advice, 2)It should be easy to get a good cup of TGY, 3)let us know how things turn out.

  8. Hello- I drink different teas different ways :huh: . I drink Chinese and Japanese teas straight. But, I drink teas from India and Ceylon with milk. I love Earl Grey with milk.

  9. Adore Earl Grey with milk and sugar, please.

    This is rather low brow, I suppose, but Williams Somoma sells a Taylor's (I think) in cinnamon spice that I really like to have at Christmastime.  With milk and sugar, please.

    Yes indeed! The spiced teas always call for milk and sugar - actually it all goes back to the "Railway Chai" once a staple in India, perhaps it still is.

    Hello-I always drink Indian teas with milk.

  10. This overall PNW board is sleepy, so thought I'd chime in.

    I also like Panama Tea House. Can't say I like a specific tea, but I like the variety - though the prices have climbed quite high from a few years ago. Beautiful interior with great photos of old Nihonmachi. I also like the different seating spaces, including a large table where it's fun to spread out papers and work if no one else is around.

    Do you have a favorite tea when you go here?

  11. Probably the best tea I've had in a commercial setting was at the Yixing Xuan Teahouse in Singapore. The owner, a guy named Victor Low, is a tea-appreciation fanatic. But there are no sandwiches or anything like that, so I'm not sure how the place would be categorized.

    I think what you have identified is the difference between a Western-style tea room and an Asian-style tea house. For the latter, the tea is the thing.

    Hello- Richard, I think you are on to something. I agree with you, in Asian-style tea houses the taste and presentation of the tea is the most important thing. Food is secondary,good but secondary. My prefered tea house-open since February, and so it had no chance to get on that list-is a traditional Chinese tea house.They serve a real gong fu cha. But the points I wanted to make about their food are: 1)they have a chef who makes amazing salads and other remarkable delights which are displayed at the front counter 2)he works there part-time and, so I do not forget,3) real,quality cookies,too.

  12. Hello-My two personal rules regarding water:I never use distilled water. And (if possible) I don't reboil the same water. I am very flexable on this second rule.If I am making only one cup at a time, I may reboil the water.This is especially true if I am making black tea. I am sorry for getting OT. I guess I should just say that IMHO any water that is not distilled is fine with me.

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