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Posts posted by Naftal

  1. Hello-I am still learning this system.I accidentlly posted this on the beer forum too and am not sure how to delete it from there. Richard? Anyways, I meant to write here that I attended a tasting of Korean teas.I was not told the names of the teas, but my favorite one reminded me of a Dragon Well with a slight roasted rice flavor. And, these teas were served on a set made in the studio of Korea's Living National Treasure. This made the event even more special.

  2. I think both will be "plain" because I'm happy to add my own flavours with whatever is interesting at the market.

    I'm thinking one strong-dark-smoked etc. type tea and one with no caffeine, that way people have that option.

    Hello-Regarding "strong-dark-smoked"teas: I think your best bet might be a lapsang souchong/ russian caravan type or perhaps an english breakfast tea,which is "strong and dark" but not really "smokey".At least that is my opinion.

  3. Today finally did the experiment, round 1

    Used Rishi Tea Pu-Erch Tuo Cha tablets

    Rinsed each briefly, did not break them up

    Brought water to about 185 degrees

    Steeped tablet with 1 cup water, poured 1/3 to single cup and rest to thermos, then added another cup of water to the leaves for 2nd steeping.

    Repeated 3 times, net 4 samples of different rounds of steeping and 1 sample of all mixed together

    Then took a fresh tablet and, after rinsing, steeped it with 4 cups of 185 degree water, and let steep for 4 minutes.

    Tasted the results with puffed rice to clear the palate in between.

    Results?  Not that surprising.


    The first 1 minute steeping was thin, light, hardly worth drinking.

    2nd minute steeping was still thin, notably darker, and a bit more tannic.

    The 3rd and 4th minute steepings were not really distinguishable, but very nice.

    The mix was the most rounded flavor.

    And the single brewing with 4 cups for 4 minutes was essentially indistinguishable from the mixed single steepings--equally delicious.  The primary difference was that the mixed cup was a bit cooler by the time the larger volume brew was ready.

    Hello-I am a big fan of tuo cha, and I enjoyed reading your post. I have one question:Were you using a "raw" or a "burnt" tuo cha?

  4. Hello-I should have mentioned that good Lapsang Souchong does indeed have a "smokey" flavour that it gets as a result of the way it is processed/smoked.I have been told that this is why good Lapsang can only be made in limited quantities and if a tea-seller fails to reserve enough he/she will have a long wait until fresh Lapasang is available.So, the difference is where it was smoked. Once it was smoked "on the trail" and now it is smoked "in a processing plant".

  5. Two questions..

    Has any one tried tea from Peets? and does anyone know of a Russian caravan that they like?

    Hello-Back in the really, really, really old days: Russia did indeed get its tea via caravan from China. These caravans would light a fire each night when they camped. As a result, the teas they were carrying took on a smokey taste. The building of the TranSiberian railroad had two related effects on the tea-trade:it made caravans unneccessary and it brought the price of tea down thus making it an affordable drink for the poor. All this is a long introduction to a simple statement which you may know: most high- quality "Russian Caravan Tea" is really Lapsang Souchong.

  6. Hello- This was an  wonderful tea. It had a taste similar to  my favorite chinese green teas,it was lighter in taste, but similar. I brewed a small pot western-style,and I brewed some in my gaiwan. Thanks :cool:

    Can you say more, Naftal? Was their any difference between brewing in your gaiwan and brewing western style?

    Hello-I guess that one could say that I brew western style in a gaiwan. One difference would be the fact that I am only brewing one cup in a Gaiwan and when I brew a pot, I am brewing more than one serving. So the actual amount of tea would differ quite a bit.Also,when I brew it in a pot I usually strain it and pour it into cups or a reserve pitcher, when I brew it in the gaiwan I drink it from the gaiwan.I did not brew it gong fu style(as might be expected since I used my gaiwan).Obviously, both tastings were similar.

  7. Hello-Yes, I have my tea and I have brewed it Western style.It was very nice.It had all the qualities that I associate with a classic beencha(the shape of the cake in the photo on the packet) made by a first-rate producer,which of course, it is. I tend to brew tea by "feel" so I don't have a lot of technical data 'though I aways brew blacks/pu-erhs in water that has come to a full rolling boil. Again, it was wonderful, thanks.

  8. Another matter to keep in mind when tea shopping: 4 ounces of loose tea will brew 40 to 50 cups on average (this is Western style, one infusion). Do the math; tea can cost considerably MORE per pound than coffee, but less per cup!

    From the TeaSource.com website:

    "Tea is the most affordable luxury in the world. But at first glance it may seem expensive. A tea that costs $100.00 per pound only costs 50 cents per cup when brewed. A pound of tea will typically yield 200 cups (vs. 40-50 cups from a pound of coffee).

    Also, many of the teas in our collection will yield as many as 4-6 infusions from the same leaves (particularly oolongs and greens). For many teas, those later infusions yield the most interesting flavors. Since most of the caffeine is released in the first infusion, this is also a way to reduce the caffeine content."

    Hello-Yes, Yes,Yes! Being able to resteep the leaves also cuts down on the cost per cup. This is a very important point.

  9. Hello--I love this thread. I think that it is a very important topic.

    I need to find myself a good, but relatively affordable, every day tea.

    I want a black tea.  Something pretty "bold" and full flavored.  This would essentially be something to drink instead of coffee.  Not that I am giving up coffee, but I have found that brewing a pot of tea to be a bit more convenient than coffee (when starting with whoel beans)

    .   But what I am looking for is suggestions for affordable "gourmet" type teas.

    look at Vitamin Cottage in their bulk section, I have been buying earl grey for$10 per pound. looked up their adress,its 7517 Campbell Road, Suite 500

    Dallas, TX 75248

    Good luck


    I get a very nice Earl Grey in bulk at my local Chaldean market. It costs approx. $7/lb. They have a bulk green and a bulk black for the same price.
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