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Posts posted by Naftal

  1. The antithesis of Picasso was Frank Stella who,I believe, became a famous abstract artist because he was a poor/uninspired painter.

        Does this make any sense? :hmmm:  :hmmm:  :hmmm:  :hmmm:


    Informed and relevant regarding points concerning Picasso and the general comment applies to most contributions to fields, society or culture.

    Remark about Frank Stella may reflect personal taste, but is either not informed or misinformed. (Quibble, but his work tends to be non-objective as opposed to abstract.) To keep this brief comment on topic, I will mention that Frank Stella's wife fed their baby by nursing in the back of the auditorium during a panel that inaugurated an exhibition of the artist's works. At that time, he had moved from the stark minimalist paintings that remind one of contemporary trends in dinnerware (square, linear, often executed without color) to exuberant hybrids of painting and relief filled with dynamic color, texture and curvilnear forms evocative of tangled spaghetti even if none of the forms was abstracted from nature/culture.

    I take back my comment about Mr. Frank Stella. Thanks for the info. As usual I am awed by the depth and breath of your knowledge :cool:..You are very gifted at educating others. I wonder if you are a professional educator, if not, you would make a good one :cool::cool::cool: Thanks again!

  2. Hi,again-This whole discussion reminds me of Picasso :hmmm::huh: Picasso was (as evryone knows)a great artist, and I consider chefs artists, too. I think of Picasso because he was a master who knew the traditions of painting. He even painted a very realistic mother and child :cool: The point is, when he deconstructs painting and gives us cubism I am bound to at least look at his work with an honest, open mind. I may hate cubism(I do),but I owe Picasso the respect of considering his work.The antithesis of Picasso was Frank Stella who,I believe, became a famous abstract artist because he was a poor/uninspired painter.

    Does this make any sense? :hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm:

  3. It’s very interesting what you are saying about comfort foods, and people seeking out these non-threatening foods. It could be the pendulum swinging away from the experimental, or it could just be that we only seek the experimental foods on an occasional basis.

    Hi Judith,

    We just had a huge Sunday lunch which included a rather surprising bottle of Italian brut rosé and a shockingly good 6 year old white Château Neuf du Pape, so I hope this makes sense...

    "Cutting edge" is not what I think of as threatening, I think of it more as contrived for the benefit of notoriety and revenue. On the other hand, traditional foods and ancient ingredients have gotten pushed to the way-side in most modern restaurants and many of us have no idea how complex and layered their flavors and aromas can be. Classical cuisines are based on hundreds, if not thousands of years of method, technique and ingredients and offer us an amazing array of flavors and textures.

    For me, experimental cuisine means using a rice like Favorito which, even though it has been grown locally for hundreds of years, it is now almost extinct and very hard to find and as you might have guessed, it makes mind-blowing risotto. I will bring you some when we come to Montone. :wink:

    To me, going backwards in time is very experimental. :wub:

    Hi- Yes, I too agree with SWISS CHEF. His point about Favorito raises a similar point here . A tribe of indians(native americans)in another state, is supporting itself by growing and selling a variety of wild rice that has been growing naturally on their land for a very long time.

    Also, I think this discussion is a very important one to have.The questions/issues raised here are global and I think they are issues that everyone who is passionate about food should consider.

    I am following this thread very closely. It is just another reason why The Italian SubForum(?) is my favorite.

  4. Hello- I loved the food pictures.

    Is/Are rucola like field greens?

    Loved the Mr. Tomato Head...

    and the green hair is so post-modern :laugh:

    I loved the Diavolos.

    And, of course, I loved menu cover.

  5. I am very suprised that the ultra-orthodox are not protesting this.While I myself think they would be wrong to do so ,I am suprised that they are not marching or in other ways protesting. BTW, Mr. Rogov, I wanted to let you know that you are my favorite food critic and I loved your piece on molecular gastronomy in Israel.

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    home : arts & entertainment Monday, August 27, 2007


    7/9/2007 10:23:00 AM Email this article • Print this article

    ARTS: No Right To Sing The Blues

    In only three years, Seldom Blues restaurant hits a high note of national acclaim.

    Danny Raskin

    Senior Columnist

    Eating one's words never has too good a taste ... Three years ago, those who said that downtown Detroit had problems to solve were correct ... That a restaurant such as this would have a tough rime making it ... And if it did, the restaurant's life would be a short one.

    These people obviously didn't reckon with the persistent determination and staying power of Frank Taylor, CEO and president of Seldom Blues Jazz Restaurant and Supper Club in the GM Renaissance Center ... With his partners, Robert Porcher, Jerry Nottage and Alexander Zonjic, he has not only built Seldom Blues into an excellent dining and rhythms music restaurant, but also a superior Metro Detroit representative on the national scene.

    Seldom Blues might be the only premier jazz restaurant and supper club in the country like it ... New York, Chicago and Los Angeles may have similar operations, but none that encompasses four Seldom Blues attributes ... Great food, great service, great music and an outstanding scenic view ... one that elegantly overlooks Detroit and Windsor skylines against shimmering waters of the Detroit River.

    Because of the restaurant's recognition by the national media, many people visiting Metro Detroit rarely leave without looking up Seldom Blues ... And you never know who could be at the next table, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Sidney Portier, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc. ... Stevie Wonder as a guest entertaining at the piano.

    Since opening in June 2004, Seldom Blues' uncanny consistency has resulted in nearly 1 million people passing through its doors ... Constant goodness of three-year best sellers like Frank's Lobster Pontchartrain duet of tails baked and finished with a shrimp and jumbo crab; Porcher's Bone-On Rib-Eye Steak; AZ's Salmon, Blue-B-Q Sea Bass (more than 120,000 pounds served), double-cut lamb rack, choice steaks (more than 300,000 pounds,) etc. ... Hardly numbers of a restaurant not making it! ... Best sellers, too, like lobster and jumbo crab cakes, available as appetizer or entree, short ribs, etc.

    Also, it is estimated that more than half of those dining at Seldom Blues order its signature Rhythm & Blues Chocolate Cake and Bread Pudding.

    This is not the whole article, But you get the idea.....

  7. Hello- I like short descriptions too. And, as one who does not speak Italian, I would love to see the menu just in Italian. This would give me a reason to talk to my waiter/ess. Also, I would like to point out that even here in the U.S, people often ask about foods in menus in Chinese resaurants, and those menus are written in English . Lastly, being given a menu in Italian would make me feel like I was eating in a place that locals frequent, and that would increase my enjoyment of the meal. One of my favorite and most memorable meals was an asian meal I had in Toronto. It was the only place I ever went that automatically gave you chopsticks, you would have to ask for a fork :cool: This bit of authenticity increased my enjoyment of an already amazing experience. So, that is why I think you should have a menu that is only in Italian.

  8. News Flash :unsure: Recently, Danny Raskin wrote a review of Seldom Blues. Now...It is important to notice that, not only is this establishment not in the NW 'burbs, it is actually in a hotel located in Detroit. Not only that but,for those who may not know it,it's actually on the riverfront :cool::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: . Last and most important, this review is a perfect example of why he is my fave foodie :hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm::hmmm:

  9. Yes! Now I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I know there are many , many good food critics in MetroDetroit.I am interested in hearing about other people's favorites.I realize that most of his reviews are on places in the NW 'burbs and I admit that that is a problem. But I really like the sense of history he brings to his articles. Some people might find fault with the fact that he does not spend a lot of time analysing and deconstructing his meals. I have no problem with that!!!! He knows alot about this area's long and glorious food traditions and that is why I like him.Please, if you have a local critic that you prefer tell us/me about him/her.

  10. I was reading a very interesting thread in the Pennsylvania Forum, that thread was devoted to a local food critic. And it got me to wondering(always a dangerous thing :shock: ): who do you feel is MetroDetroit's best food critic, and why? To get things started,my personal fave is Danny Raskin. I like the way he writes,the length and breath of his knowledge and most importantly, I like the fact that he will review any place, even if it may not be "up-scale". But, what do you think???

  11. Freep article on the new exec chef of Tribute


    and the News has this bit about the chef change at the Whitney:


    The articles were wonderful. I used some stuff from them in another thread. It seems that MetroDetroit does have a thread for general/local food news afterall :cool::cool::cool: BTW Leonard :Do I know who "one notable, enthusiastic dissenter" is :hmmm: ?

  12. Congratulations to Chef Charlie Trotter and the restaurant for their 20 year anniversary. The Chicago Sun Times has a write-up and and little genealogy. The Chicago Reader also did a graphical version, which is worth a look (pdf).


    Apropos of that genealogy: I'm beginning to think that Trotter's ultimate contribution and legacy -- to cuisine in general, and cuisine as it is practiced in Chicago in particular -- won't actually be what he did in his kitchen (as superb as so much of that is), so much as whom he taught. Take a gander around town and observe how many fine artists (Gale Gand, Rick Tramonto, Grant Achatz, Michael Taus, and others) have graduated from Charlie's kitchen. Whatever his flaws, the guy's got *plenty* to be proud of. So have we, in Chicago.


    Hello- Michael Lutes-who also worked under Trotter- is now the chef at The Whitney in Detroit,MI. Chicago should indeed be proud of Mr. Trotter, he is raising the quality of resturants through the entire Heartland :cool:

  13. :shock: Now this is serious :shock: My favorite female food presenter is going mainstream :sad: While I don't approve of or like such things :angry: I am not suprised. I am not suprised that Dino DeLaurentis' grand-daughter would want to try her hand at becoming a pop icon. Like grandpa , like grand-daughter I guess. :rolleyes:
  14. I would cook it for a very long time over a very low heat. I would probably use a slow-cooker and cook it for a minimum of 8 hours. But any low and slow method would work, at least that is my opinion.Oh! and I  would set the slow-cooker to High,must not forget that.

    That sounds like a recipe for shoeleather to me - slowcooking with little fat in the meat.

    I second the idea to cook it quick and rare, but slice it thin. I'd either go for a Thai stlyle hot and sour beef salad or Stroganoff.

    You are correct! Thank you so much! I learn something new everyday. Sometimes

    it is good form me to make to make stupid remarks so that I'll learn something.

    eG rocks :cool:

  15. I would cook it for a very long time over a very low heat. I would probably use a slow-cooker and cook it for a minimum of 8 hours. But any low and slow method would work, at least that is my opinion.Oh! and I would set the slow-cooker to High,must not forget that.

  16. Hello- I have only recently discovered the joys of fresh lychees, so please excuse my simple questions/observations. I have read that green tea is cooling, would this make it a natural partner to lychee? Also, I have seen a similar fruit called longan(spelling?). It is sort of tan in color,but the inside looks very similar to lycees.Are its properties the same as those of lycee?

    Thank you....

  17. I know you've seen my first foodblog and the fridge shot therein.  'Nuff said?

    Yes, Velveeta is, like, totally industrial* and about as far from natural cheese as you can go and still call it cheese (the only substances beyond it are Cheez Whiz -- essential for authentic Philly cheesesteaks, say I; an abomination, say others -- and the aerosol stuff), but in certain foods, it's an essential ingredient.

    Though I have become comfortable enough making macaroni and cheese using real cheese that I can forgo the Velveeta, it does have a certain comforting (oleaginous?) quality about it that for some reason the genuine article doesn't. (Edited to add: And the funny thing is, to my taste, it's actually sharper than most Cheddars -- to top it, you have to go at least to a very good extra sharp variety.)

    *The folks at Sargento mock Velveeta (or is it Philadelphia Brand?) in their current TV commercials depicting boxes labeled "cheese" moving in lockstep along mazes of conveyor belts.  It's not clear to me which Kraft product they are mocking, but the label design and colors make it clear they have Kraft in mind.)

    Hello- I enjoy reading this thread. It has restored my belief that true foodies are really terrific people :biggrin: I realize that this may be off-thread but since it was mentioned: Does anyone remember a TV movie-host from the late 60's-early 70's for whom cheez whiz was an essential prop?

  18. Hello- This seems to be just the place to ask a question that has been on my mind(such as it is) for some time:Is there an Italian version of frommage blanc? I make this style of cheese at home and am curious to know if there are Italian dishes I can use it in.

    Thanks :biggrin:

  19. :cool: I went to Fiddleheads yesterday. I went there for lunch and I went there to celebrate my birthday.It was wonderful :biggrin:

    I had:

           lobster corn chowder with pico de gallo garnish :biggrin:

           flash fried salt and pepper squid with roasted garlic remoulade :smile:

           roasted lamb sandwich with garlic aioli and   a side of sweet potato/bacon

                  hash  :biggrin:

           Wine: Renwood old vine Zinfandel '03   :wub:

    Can you tell that I loved the meal :blink: ?

      In my opinion, the fact that the menu changes seasonally more than makes up for the lack of specials and they even say on their take-out menu that their offerings may change due to the availability of seasonal items.

      I did find the phrase 'garlic ailoi' a bit redundant. But, that was the only thing I questioned about my meal there.

      Again, I loved Fiddleheads.

    Gotta love that lamb sandwich. It has survived on that menu for...lets see, I think that it's on it's 4th chef there. It's tough to get rid of such a great flavor, and it makes you feel so good about just having a sandwich for lunch!

    When I went there, that's what I had, as it pretty much does just pop off the menu. I must say that the description of it lured me into thinking it would taste differently than it did. It was very, very good, but not really what I was expecting.

    The one thing I would have changed about the sandwich was the thickness of the lamb itself. It was sliced so thin that the flavor of the meat was hard to decipher from the sauce in the sandwich. When I have lamb, I like its taste to shine on through like a National guitar.

    As I said in another thread, Fiddleheads impressed me. Nothing more so than the service and ambience. The food all sounded good, and what I had, I enjoyed. I really do need to drop in there again relatively soon. Ignore something, and it'll go away and all that. ;)

    Yes :biggrin: Fiddleheads is a great restaurant. It has all the things I look for in a great eatery.Lets get the word out...
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