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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. I am about to take back a product for the first time since I became a loyal customer at their first store in Pasadena in the early 80's. I am not a returner but the coconut oil pan spray just ticks me off. I know coconut oil is solid at room temp - so why did I think this would work? I go to spray and it is clogged solid. Have you experienced this?
  2. I have always balked at the added clean-up with a dedicated fryer based on the assumption that you do not simply recover the oil; you have to clean the nooks and crannies. Interested in an education of the value/upside
  3. On the trussing - think the concept is that the splayed parts allow crisping and browning of the "armpits" as opposed to them being tight against the main frame. What is the big picture on trussing other than keeping the bird compacted for presentation? I would be interested regarding the theory.
  4. Beaten egg whites with a bit of water is suggested and has worked for me. It does not add the extra color that a whole egg can.
  5. heidih

    Breakfast! 2013

    Liuzhou - just lemon and no powdered sugar? We did that tart/sweet thing.
  6. heidih

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 5)

    Looks good to me Anna - are those tofu-shirataki noodles?
  7. As to pasta - I made a well received dish using the puree in lieu of marinara in a lasagna type of dish. Well - I think I used penne and layered the puree (flavored with sage and oregano) with ricotta, mozzarella and some hot Italian sausage - bakes til mingled and melted.
  8. It freezes well. If no inspiration hits soon, that is a good option
  9. heidih

    Turkey Stock/Broth

    We ate early (Dad is 91) so the carcass is already in the crockpot to burble overnight. I always state up front that I would like it, and usually they are happy to oblige. The turkey was not stuffed and not very heavily seasoned. Still, I will just do water and add seasoning when I use the frozen stock for the soups I live on in the harsh Southern California winters I was also gifted with the last vine ripened tomatoes (bizarro weather)
  10. Anna - perhaps you have explained your shallot frying method before - can you recap? Also do you make a batch and store, and if so, for how long? I like even the store bought ones but now have access to well priced shallots so would like to try. Also have you done it with onions?
  11. Does food just taste better somehow when you are hoofing it? Lovely views and that jarred sauce looks tasty as well.
  12. Update - wow - cease operation that irritate people? I live in a suburb of Los Angeles and nobody is shutting down Farmers Coffee though the roasting smell can induce nausea many miles away (including me). Just goofy. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/27/sriracha-judge-halt-smell/3766771/
  13. Adorable - but is that a rabbit with a squirrel tail or are Canadian squirrels endowed with big ears?
  14. That is an admirable goal and a nice sentiment but not realistic in many settings. Mice can squeeze through amazingly small openings, doors get left open for short periods as you haul in groceries or let the dog out for a last sniff before bedtime, wall openings exist that we are not aware of and can not readily see - the list goes on. Rats are bigger so the barrier method is more effective. I have been in the trenches. You also need to get them out (well dead) in conjunction with the barrier methods. They nest in the oddest places that you may not be aware of; effectively trapping them inside - with you.
  15. For the tool lovers out there - we saw an extreme peeling method by a member here http://forums.egullet.org/topic/109342-peeling-butternut-squash/#entry1487946
  16. Not sure if mentioned earlier - simple traps w/ peanut butter - the colder it gets the more they want to cozy up in your kitchen!
  17. I tried Delicata squash for the first time recently. The standard with this little gem is to leave it unpeeled as the skin is thin. Then I picked up a 99cent orange acorn squash and left it unpeeled http://forums.egullet.org/topic/136548-what-new-ingredients-are-you-trying-out/page-5#entry1943362 I have seen kabocha ( my favorite) left unpeeled often. What is your standard MO?
  18. heidih

    Fried Polenta

    I mentioned making polenta for the first time yesterday http://forums.egullet.org/topic/136548-what-new-ingredients-are-you-trying-out/page-5#entry1943362 Today I cut off a section into three fingers and cooked them low and slow as mentioned above in my tiny number 3 cast iron skillet with olive oil. It got a nice just barely crisp crust with creamy insides. I think I could have let it go longer for more crust. There is still most of the plate to play with. Dipped in Sriracha - a riff on fries and ketchup? (I was starving and did not stop for pics)
  19. There are "lobes" inside - it is quite user friendly.
  20. Your traveling kitchen is more well stocked than many home kitchens! Looking forward to seeing more motoring meals
  21. So late to the party on many common ingredients. I got a bit of multi-colored quinoa at Whole Foods a while ago . Got freaked out by the allergy reaction reported and let it sit. I cooked it simply today in water and like the nutty taste and the texture - it will be repurposed later in the week. Polenta virgin though it was in the cupboard as a breading option. I did the microwave style per the package (the Pheasant one that Paula Wolfert referenced in this topic http://forums.egullet.org/topic/53248-polenta/#entry737616 I put on a plate a will grill later in the week. I hope grilling will emphasize the corn flavor. I also picked up an orange acorn squash and am roasting it in half moon shapes. I do not take the skin off kabocha treated this way so I am hoping this skin is edible.
  22. You,made those in the RV? Can you show us your kitchen space? What additional cooking equipment do you bring along such as grill or?
  23. In Los Angeles we are seeing beautiful slim asparagus - I think from Mexico - my source (99 cent store) was out today - will check
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