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    Milwaukee, WI

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  1. I tried this using peanut butter. The result is sort of cool - but the yield is tiny. I probably didn't use enough water this time around (and perhaps too much geletin, I went at nearly 1%), and the result is much of the stuff is left over in the filter (too thick). Question: Is everyone here using anormal coffee filter? Or do you have something special? Also, has anyone tried repeating the process over again to remove more color? I've noticed a "tint" to most of these clarified stocks which is nice sometimes, but I just wonder what it would take to get it near perfectly clear.
  2. http://www.ticgums.com/store/ This is probably the best source. Tell them what you want to accomplish and they will recommend a ew products for you. They carry a product like "sodium alginate" in a few different ways - different textures, prehydrated, etc etc etc etc. They will send samples too
  3. I just discovered Bjonda. Very nice place, great out of the way location, and very nicely decorated (I don't really care what places look like, but this one is rather nice!). We went for lunch, and is was awesome. They do have a tasting menu similar to Sanford also. I would probably recommend this place as a 2nd choice to Sanford. Erik
  4. You can BYO in Wisconsin all you want, usually for a corkage fee. You can also now (just passed this year!) take your unfinshed bottle of wine home with you! Yay! Wait, I don't have a problem finishing bottles of wine.... but it's a good law anyway
  5. Wow. I never imagined how helpful everyone is here! I hope someday I can be of help too! After the first attempt, I switched to using all cream. Hopefully I'm on the right track here. I think one of my problems is sugar. I live in Milwaukee, and if I wanted rich sweet ice cream, I'd go get some frozen custard. I've been making recipes and halving/quartering the sugar. I'll have to stop that for a while until I get the consistancy fixed. I'll try adding liquor! Who wouldn't want that?! I'll also try whipping up the mixute before spinning it. Do you do this right before spin, or do you whip and let rest in the fridge? Inverted sugar is on it's way. L-epicerie - what a cool website! Thanks again for all the help!
  6. I just bought an icecream maker and have been experimenting alot. I seem to be doing something wrong, as my ice cream always turns out perfect after it is done spinning, but then the day-after product is frozen stiff. It's so hard that when I scoop it, it chips away at the ice cream. It's actually sort of interesting, producing a gratin texture, but it's not what I'm going for. I do chill the mixture well, either overnight in the fridge or in an ice bath. I've tried multiple recipes with different ratios of cream, eggs, etc. I usually use a mixture of whole milk and heavy cream. I've tried vanilla, mint, maple syrup, and chocolate. My freezer is set to 0 degrees F. How do you get your ice creams to be smooth, creamy and scoop-able after they are frozen?
  7. Sanford is one-of-a-kind in milwaukee. To my knowledge there are no other tasting-menu type places around here. Some jewels in milwaukee that I've discovered recently are: Sticks & Stones Langniappe Brasserie Envoy (had poor service here once, though) Also, if you're in the mood for steaks, I think MKE does it pretty well. Try Yanni's or Mr. B's (owned by the bartolotta group). There's also a more casual trendy placed called Carnevore that was really good. And I'll second the votes for ROOTS and Coquette Cafe (one of my fav lunch spots). Lake Park Bistro is good, their brunch is excellent, but I find the dinners sortof overpriced for what they are, this is supossed to be the flagship Bartolotta restuarant, and the price confirms it.
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