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zoe b

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Posts posted by zoe b

  1. You have to report back!

    hah! Sorry i forgot about this post=--no, didn't affect the eggs as far as i could tell.

    I swear i can summon up that gag-making taste in my mouth just thinking about those cookies--

    and it does truly surpass fake banana as the worst faux flavoring I can think of.


  2. Have you ever heard of this?

    A commentator on All Things Considered did a piece on snow cones yesterday--and this was her favorite one...

    She liked half cherry, half chocolate, with marshmallow sauce on top.


    Now, I love snow cones--and i've actually never even heard of a chocolate one, let alone one with marshmallow sauce--my preference has always been root beer with double syrup.

    The hub and i thought the marshmallow would harden from the cold ice--I'm just not getting this at all--anyone ever try it?


  3. The fridge was too cold when I left town, and a pint of cream was a block of ice two weeks later.

    Does this wreck the emulsion somehow? Can I thaw it and make ice cream with it? Anything else I should know?

    yeah, it will separate when defrosted--but i think it will work for ice cream, and you could use it for baking--scones!


  4. Since I only buy kitchen appliances at the thrift store, my bread machines are always a decade behind in style.

    But i just got a brand new Breadman--a present, but welcome as there has been a dearth of them in the thrifts for some reason--I was reduced to an ancient Toastmaster that could only make a one pound loaf--the woman at customer service got the giggles when I called up to see what the pan capacity was--she said, "That's an oldie, for sure."

    So, this is pretty exciting--with this new one I can make zucchini bread at the touch of a button.

    It came with several quick bread recipes, and i have Beth Hensberger's The Bread Lover's Bread machine Cookbook, but thought I'd ask here for tips and tricks.

    And fav recipes, too!


  5. I make a gallon at a time--I use 2 Tupperware rectangular lidded pitchers.

    I put a heating pad in the bottom of a cooler, place a plastic lid on top of it to keep the pitcher bottoms off of direct heat, put the pitchers in and leave them for seven hours.

    Perfect every time.


  6. by james hamilton-paterson.

    sorry if this has been discussed--did a search and couldn't find a previous thread on this book.

    Just finished it--it's pretty funny--a satire of all the Tuscany Year type books.

    But the funniest thing is that one of the protagonists is a kind of anti-cook. He considers himself a food adventurer--and develops insane food combinations--some of them not too distant from some of our more avant garde chefs, actually.

    Recipes are provided.

    One of the less disgusting is Otter with Lobster Sauce--to give you a general idea. Pets are not spared.

    It's in the tradition of the recipe as idea--here it's very bad idea. I can't get Udder with Butterscotch Sauce out of my head

    Fernet Branca is in almost every recipe, as well as almost every page as that's what the two main characters guzzle constantly.

    There's a very silly plot--brings Wodehouse to mind. Altogether entertaining.


  7. I loved creamright, sygyzy, but they have only real vanilla.

    And thanks for suggesting ebay, Glori

    Vanilla just gets "cooked" by the heat generated by the saponification process and it changes and loses a lot of its scent--vanillin holds up to the heat and ends up smelling really nice.

    still looking...Zoe

  8. NOT for baking, but I've heard baking supply houses carry it.

    I want to use it in soap--I'm a soapmaker--and real vanilla--bean or absolute-- is not only expensive, but it doesn't hold up in soap--vanillin is supposed to be pretty nice as a substute, but I'm having trouble finding it. thanks--Zoe

  9. Nope.

    Of all the faked fruit flavors out there, I think durian's the worst and I actually eat the real thing.

    that's what is so awful--any fakey fruit flavor is pretty nasty, but these are truly terrible.

    Even in a zip lock bag I could still smell them--finally, Bob gave them to the chickens--we''l see if they affect the eggs!


  10. great topic=--and complicated, as all attempts to live lightly on the earth are.

    I do take the plastic bags sometimes--I use them to line my soap molds for my soap business, and also to cover and wrap all kinds of household things.

    I kind of deplore the buying of specific tote bags--aren't there enough give away and souvenir totes for everyone without buying special ones? I have a half dozen--and i bet anyone who works for a corporation has 2 dozen of them--my local thrift always has a stack of them.

    I'd prefer people to use bags already in existence--ugly or not--to buying new and specialized bags.


  11. we went to the Asian Grocer today--stocking up, but we always have to get some fun snacks and treats--the hub got two packages of wafer cookies--you know, thin crispy wafers with a creamy filling.

    He thought he got lemon cookies--when he opened the package there was a god-awful stink--I looked at the photo on the wrapping and there it was--durian.

    I've never had the nerve to try durian, but these cookies are bizarre--they smell like rotten onions, only worse, and they taste the same--and the taste stays in your mouth, and returns when you have a drink of something.

    In conjunction with the crispyness and the sweetness of the filling --just indescribable.

    I'm sure that actual durians are extremely complex in flavor as well as scent, but this artificial approximation of durian is just stinky

    Maybe if I grew up loving durian, I'd love these cookies--does anyone here get a yen for them?


  12. For New Jersey I’d have to say the spirit has to be applejack.

    Though no longer “popular” within the state itself as I'm sure MANY of the inhabitants either never heard of it or if they have, don’t know what it is.

    If a state cocktail is to be chosen, it must contain applejack ala the Jack Rose, the Jersey Lighthouse or the simple Jersey Sour.

    If not an applejack cocktail than the Jersey Cocktail at the least: Sugar, bitters and carbonated cider



    I like the idea of applejACK IN THE nj COCKTAIL--BUT i WOULD GUEss it's more likely to be Hillary's favorite drink--a shot and a beer--or a tequila shooter, maybe?

  13. these are from FoodShouldTasteGood

    they were on sale, so a hungry shopper--me--bought them.

    Really good--taste like good grainy tortilla chips, with the very slightly sweet, strong and a little bitter flavor of dutch cocoa--, and last of all--they're salty! And they crunch!

    Also got the olive ones--they're kind of meh--olive taste is faint--acceptable but nothing special--but the chocolate's another matter--I'm having them with ice cream tonight.....


  14. My hub likes Hot Rod's on rt 31 in Glen Gardner (Hunterdon County)

    Of course, my fav is Hot Dog Johnny's. Our relatives time leaving and arriving at our house around the hours that HDJ's is open!

    Of course the fact that it's in Buttsville has a lot to do with why the kids love it.....

  15. A friend makes this--stuff mushroom caps with Boursin, drizzle a little olive oil in a baking dish, maybe drizzle a little on top of mushrooms and bake till browned and crispy on top--fabulous.

    By the way, is there a good recipe for homemade boursin?


  16. I don't have pics because they are all gone, but i made the hub giant bourbon peanut butter cups for Valentine's Day and they were a hit--I even liked them, and I'm not a reese's cup lover....

    I used silicone tart molds that have a wavy edge--smoothed melted semi sweet chocolate over the bottoms and sides and let it harden.

    then I mixed peanut butter and confectioners sugar together--the standard recipe seems to be 2:1--I used less sugar--probably between a 1/4 and a 1/3 cup--I kept mixing and tasting--I wanted less sweetness for these than the usual.

    then I started mixing in bourbon--I added as much as I could without the mixture getting soupy--I wanted a strong bourbon taste for these.

    after smoothing the filling on I covered the top with more melted chocolate--stuck out on the porch to chill and then bagged for giving--

    after aging for a day or two these were really delish--rich and buttery and bourbony--and easy as pie to make!


  17. I wanted to use the sunflower mold--you can see it in my signature pic- (that's actually soap) -to make a cake for a shower for my daughter--I want to make something simple yet wowser to thirty-somethings--that i can do ahead-- as my schedule that week is horrific.

    I was thinking some kind of yellow cake with flavored whipped cream and sliced fruit --so what works best in these silicone molds?--i know nobody likes them much, but what would you pick?

    I'm thinking genoise? but maybe a traditional yellow cake? or a bundt recipe? A pound cake?

    The rep for the molds I have mixes a little of the batter with melted chocolate or cocoa and pours it into the center of the mold first--neat idea, I think!


  18. Since I've been making yogurt for a few years now i thought I'd add an update on what I like best these days...

    I stopped adding the powdered milk--I was out of it one time and made the yog without it and decided I liked the taste much better--fresher----and i don't think it's less thick without it.

    I heat the milk, give it a quick cool down in an ice bath and then incubate it in a cooler with a heating pad inside--I put a plastic lid over the heating pad so the yogurt isn't in direct contact with the pad.

    I also discovered that if i pre-heat the cooler i get a faster and better yogurt--thicker and less likely to separate--I've found that longer and hotter incubation can result in too much whey and also the graininess mentioned above.

    With pre-heated cooler it's usually seven hours to get perfect yogurt.


  19. I made the pasta all’amatriciana with my jowls last night--from the NYT article--I did the tomato one--it was absolutely delicious!

    It's one of those simple recipes that taste like a million bucks.

    I truly think the smoked jowls are ideal--I agree with Divina's friend--they give extra flavor. I've never had guanciale, but if it tastes like fat back, it's pretty subtle (although delicious).

    And I agree that that subbing bacon or prosciutto isn't the same. The texture of the jowls is essential--it's slightly crispy in parts, slightly bity, and not gelatinous, not meaty, not fatty--but something like a combo of all three qualities .

    I used 1/3 of a pound rather than the 1/4 in the recipe--just the right amount--my only issue was that I can't break myself of using more sauce than is used in Italy--I just love sauce so much that i want more of it--so the recipe made sauce for 2 1/2 portions--2 for our dinner and enough for lunch one day.


  20. what would you put inside?  I'm trying to think of booze that would taste good with a marshmallow?

    Godiva chocolate liqueur springs to mind... maybe a dark chocolate coating, plain marshmallow, small chocolate liqueur center...

    now that actually sounds pretty good!--have a graham cracker or a Lorna Doone on the side and it could be called a Mallomar or a S'More.

    Apparently, these things make a hellacious mess. Or at least so I'm told by my former coworkers at Amada. Seems a small private party came armed with marshmallow guns and made a mess of the place as part of their "festivities". 

    I never got to try them out as we came down with a horrendous cold that lasted three weeks--cutting PVC pipe and fitting it together was way beyond my ability at that point--making tea would tire me out for the day.

    Next summer, though>........

  21. Well, this is fun! I'm just mixing my first batch up--

    I, of course came home from the supermarket today without unbleached flour--the main reason I went--and pouted for awhile, but I decided to try it with half unbleached and half bread flour--I looked at Anna's pics to see how wet it should be and its having its first rest now.

    And welcome, Zoe--from one Zoe to another--it's great to have you here helping us all out!


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