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  1. thanks alot
  2. i see some ingredient the name is call "pate a bombe". may i know anybody know what's that? thank you
  3. Thank you Alanamoana. yes, i mean making chocolate showpieces.
  4. i would want to find some book about the chocolate display. May i know anybody have idea? thank you very much
  5. use high gluten flour will much better,because more protein in the flour can adsorb more water. And if u punching down the dough more times, the hold will more regular and dense
  6. the cooling tunnel is best for chocolate that isn't the case of humidity, the important is temp and the chocolate use how long to though out the tunnel. so long tunnel temp is different than short one. Humidity is from the water cooling system. Shiny or not is depend room temp. if room temp more stable can make more good result.
  7. Valrhona is my first choice Callebaut : compare the price is very good Lindt: waste money Michel Cluizel: good but compare the price, i'll choice Valrhona.
  8. They don't want to get a raw dough in the bottom that why they add baking powder, somebody will use baking soda. because baking soda can made the colour more deep. if u want the different testure of the curst that depend u use what menthod. and u let the dough rest enough that will not shrinkage.
  9. Thank you so much guys! After numerous experiments I finally achieved what I wanted. and Trishiad, it wasn't the problem of the green so dont worry.^^" A million thanks guys~~
  10. Thanks for your reply yeah the chocolate is in temper. and i didn't put in any filling, i just wanted to do a chocolate shell. would the reason it turned out like this be that I sprayed too much cocoa butter? but at least it didn't form a pool. I tried my 3rd experiment today, i released the chocolate from the mould about 10 hrs later, it turned out the same. then I tried using very little green and used mostly the red and yellow from PCB (the green was from other brand) and it turned out okay. I'll try more to see if it's the problem of the green. Thanks again.
  11. i have a question about why my product like this? i would want to make chocolate shell i clean and polish my mold stay in room temp, after, i use green cocoa butter spray (88F) in, chill for 5 min. then spary yellow cocoa butter (88F), chill for 5 min. then i use bronze-powdered-cocoa butter mixture spary little dot, chill for 5 min. then spary red cocoa butter (88F) in, chill for 5 min. then use temp white chocolate (84F) fill in the mold may i know any wrong i did? pls help me :<
  12. I usually just melt an ounce or so of cocoa butter, pour some out on my marble, sprinkle over some powdered colour or metallic powder and mix with my offset spatula until it looks well mixed. If the colour isn't intense enough, I add a little more. I then keep it in a glass baby food jar, so that I can reheat in the microwave as required. I would experiment with when to add it to the sprinkled green cocoa butter, you will probably get two different effects if you do it before and after the green is dried, both might be amazing. ← I've just tried your suggestion. I used 1 ounce of cocoa butter and apporximately 1 teaspoon of bronze powder and mixed them together. But after mixing for a long time, the color of it is still not well balanced, some of it are obviously deeper in color and other's are lighter (as the picture shown). Did I add too much or too little bronze powder? Usually what would be a normal ratio of the bronze powder and cocoa butter in the mixture? I'm sorry for having so much questions and thank you so much for your help.
  13. Thank you so much for your reply. I will try your suggestion, but how much cocoa butter should I use to mix with the bronze powder? And should I wait till the sprinkled green cocoa butter is all dried inside the mold before adding the bronze-powdered-cocoa butter mixture?
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