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Peter the eater

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Posts posted by Peter the eater

  1. Those BMI calcs are ridiculous. I am 6'2 and it says I could be normal at 144 lbs. I would look like a yogi on a 40 day fast if I got down to 160 much less 144. It gives me an upper range of 194 which is fairly reasonable but the lower end of the range makes me question the whole affair. Not to mention that it takes absolutely no notice of frame size.

    Agreed, the BMI is essentially meaningless for a lot of people including me. Years ago I biked 100 miles almost everyday for 3 months going from Boston to San Diego. At 6'-1" and 230 lbs my BMI told me I was obese -- absolute nonsense. A better calculation should include age, frame type, certain dimensions, etc. I haven't weighed 144 lbs since grade nine.

  2. Peter - It's too bad that the dog on the croissant wasn't good, it really did look like something worth trying! Thanks for starting the thread!

    I'm not going to give up -- the chicken wiener is the problem. A thin dry charcuterie product and sharp cheese would be much better.

  3. Not really a sandwich but definitely obscene on a number of levels.

    The grilled chicken wiener with ketchup, relish and yellow mustard on a croissant. . .

    Wow what a great idea! My hubby would love that. Thanks now I have Wednesdays dinner planned. Italian sausage w/ peppers and onions on croissants.

    It didn't live up to my misplaced anticipation. The buttery croissant and the oily hot dog are not exactly a match made in heaven.

  4. I love cheap duck legs. Below are some pix of my orange s.v. approach. I shoot them up with oil and orange juice then reseal the vac bag for a 2 hr 60C bath. Sear and serve with rice and veg.

    pix 001.jpg

    pix 023.jpg

    pix 030.jpg

  5. The chive with a flower is often stiff enough to be used as a skewer much like a rosemary twig. I've done this with small scallops and posted an image somewhere in the eG forums.

  6. I recall learning that it would take an absurdly huge quantity of rhubarb leaves to make an adult sick. Still, we don't put them in the compost. Probably overkill but that's what people do around here.

  7. Great topic. I'm afraid to make fish sticks because cakes are so much easier than logs. Maybe I just haven't tried hard enough.

    With the seasonings that sounds more like a fish cake than what I think of as a "fish stick" (silly name, isn't it?). Fish sticks, to me, are pieces of fish with a crispy breaded coating, like mini fish'n'chips without the chips.

    FoodMuse, what's your definition?

  8. A friend of mine snares rabbits and eats some of the giblets. I've seen a bag of frozen livers in his freezer which I think get treated like chicken livers - fried up with onions, etc. I've not tried them.

    I did have Arkansas rabbit kidneys at a nice restaurant in Chicago a while back. I remember seeing the sous fussing over these tiny organs.

  9. So, should we teach? What are the principles, and what are the principal techniques we should teach?

    My local library system has been very reliable at acquiring books that I suggest. Just chat with the people and fill out the forms. I'm currently pitching Modernist Cuisine for the Reference Section and frankly, it's not going very well. The issues are #1 cost and #2 what the hell is modernist cuisine? and #3 who's going to use it?

    So I guess I'm asking some similar questions.

    (I wish I could take your course)

  10. Has anyone cooked with dried ghost chiles before? Any suggestions?

    Not yet, but I've got a bunch growing from seed in the backyard greenhouse. If they take of like last years habaneros I'll be overrun, followed by a lot freezing and drying. I've got to think they are way, way deadly hot. I advise caution!

  11. I'm looking forward to this episode.

    I was served horse meat at a restaurant in Havana but it was so long ago I don't remember what it was like. I wish I knew where to buy some. Do the primal cuts break down like beef? Is a colt more like veal than lamb?

    So many questions . . .

    <edit for punctuation>

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