Thanks. I was making lardo on monday night also so I had some of the basic cure from Charcuterie (2 parts salt, 1 part sugar, 1/8 part pink salt) which I used enough of so that there would be an 1/8th of an ounce salt per pound of meat. I also used some roughly chopped herbs (mostly bay and rosemary) and some crushed juniper berries, cloves, allspice and pepper. Cleaning the hearts was not fun—I wanted to keep them whole, but they each had several blood clots that I wanted to get out. After lots of rinsing, poking my fingers around inside, and selective trimming with kitchen shears I finally got them clean enough that they would only turn water slightly pink when submerged/rinsed. I covered them with the cure, stuffing lots of the herbs and spices inside each heart, and put them open (valve) side down on a bed of parsley so they wouldn't sit in their own blood/juices. I figured I'd give them two days to drain more blood and take on more of the cured flavor. I'll cook them tonight in lard, probably going to go ultra-low heat (180) overnight. Confit lamb's tongues are an interesting idea. When do you peel them? How do you serve them typically? How much salt/cure do you use?