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Posts posted by Vadouvan

  1. And to you Mr Gordon.....

    YES, Foie gras does not work with cabrales cheese,let alone with the addition of filet mignon which generally has no flavor in any restaurant......... sounds like a spanish filet rosinni.

    You should have seen that one coming........

  2. Well, it is with much regret that I report that our inaugural meal at Amada last night was very disappointing. I'm actually VERY hesitant to post about it, but Vadouvan's latest thread has given me courage. And what the hell, I don't really know any of you personally.

    :smile: ........Dude, I will walk you to the cliff but I aint jumping with you.

    Dont use me as justification for less than stellar reviews........Jeez...... :laugh:

    My wife and I enjoyed a very nice meal at Amada this past Sunday. Spanish cuisine is so poorly represented in New York - and sadly, the rest of the U.S. - that it was nice to be reminded of how good it can be.

    Um......Joe...Amada is a very good restaurant, Spanish cuisine isnt poorly represented in New York, You should try Urena's, Tia Pol, Boqueria and Casa Mono/Bar Jamon...................In fact while I love Amada, I can comfortably say without hesitation Casa mono does everything they do much better and Cheaper.....especially the a-la plancha items.

    The razor clams, bacalao balls and sweetbreads at CMono are the reference standard of flavor.

  3. The Michelin star status of New York restaurants, now, affects business of these restaurants by hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions of dollars.

    You can guarantee that business has improved at restaurants with a michelin star, like BLT fish, anissa, spotted pig, cru, jo jo, oceana, wallse, etc.

    real new yorkers buy and read this guide and now think to themselves, "i want to have a nice elegant dinner...let's check the michelin guide.... hey, honey, we haven't been to wallse, let's check it out."

    Was that a joke ?....... :unsure:

    Are you kidding me ?

    Real new yorkers ?


    Real Tourists from Japan ?

  4. also, something tells me if vetri was a byo tucked away in some unassuming neighborhood the food would be the shizzy.................

    right, v???

    Daniel, knowing Bill personally, I dont think he was nullifying your points.

    The fact in Philadelphia is there is an Italian paradox where lots of people have criticised the food at Vetri and consistently put up with mediocre food from Italian BYO's that use POMACE olive oil to cook and dip bread at the table. Now I am NOT saying those who have had less than stellar meals in this thread are wrong, certainly I am not trying to dictate taste or call people philistines, I am just saying that Bill (WKL) does have a point. Italian BYO's in center city (with the exception of Melograno) are price driven not quality driven, all the food is missing the finer points of Italian cooking. Without those "finer points" it just has no soul.

    Cheap Olive oil

    Cheap Balsamic Vinegar.

    Pre Grated Pamesan........if it is actually Parmesan, most serve pecorino and grana and the public is clueless......

    Hey Philadining...what the title of that book again, perhaps this subject should be a chapter.

    "Dumas Party of 4, Your Table Is Ready"

    Phil A Dining and Va DOO Van

    Simon and schuster.......... :laugh:

  5. This thread reminds me of the famous Mark Antony speech..........

    "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, we have come here to bury Ceasar not to praise him"

    I certainly take no issues with everyone's opinions, just suprised that once daniel blew the floodgates, everyone jumped in the reservoir...... :laugh:

    HAS anyone had a good meal at Vetri....?

    All that hype cant be for nothing.

    My pastas there were excellent.

    I guess i ordered safe....

    I love that pasta tasting menu at Babbo thats why I did similar at Vetri.....

  6. It was with some trepidation that i read the article "By Any Other Name"...What haappens when a restaurant loses it's namesake chef ?

    I was certainly aware that Lacroix and Taquet had taken a backseat but the other 2 are news to me.

    people's thoughts ?

  7. There is no way in any shape or form that Nobu London, Rockpool, St john,Bocuse Hakkasan or the Gramercy tavern should be on the list of 50 best in the world.

    It just goes to show these "lists" end up being Myopic exercises in politics and geography.

    There are so many more deserving places than those.

    I would completely agree that Achatz's food, while I havent had it, upon detailed analysis is far more ambitious than the Fat duck's. The world's 50 best has a british slant and that is why Nobu london, Hakkasan and St john make it................and frankly makes the list absurd.

    No bu london is in no way better than Nobu tribeca or matsuhisa LA ??????

  8. Zupon....sup

    Ummmm.....Unfortunately Yes, Bernadaud and $52 a piece.

    I buy it directly from Bernadaud or the price would be even more ridiculous AND they will only sell 12 at a time.

    However since I made this purchase, there are two new companies that make some similar stuff for way less. It's not Limoges but still has strong visual impact.

    1. Rhubarb.

    2. F.O.H

    In decent homeware stores, fosters in olde city in philly and a couple of places in nolita....like spring somewhere between elizabeth and west broadway.....maybe mott.

    I am pretty sure within 4 blocks of Room 4 D.

    Getting used to the time zone here.....

  9. They will just use the same guidelines set up by the smoking ban. How many people on here ignored The Smoking Bans infringement on the Owner's Rights, just because they didn't like smoke. Well, here they go again. And yes everyone can make an argument that TransFat is unhealthy.. But again, its not the point.

    Government is a living thing who's natural instinct is to grow.

    But wont it have to involve new FDA rules on food ingredients ?

    We are talking going after some of the largest, richest companies in America with the best connected lobbying groups in Washington DC.

    Cant it really be done without getting watered down till its meaningless ?

  10. Code TV is pretty cool, I just saw the Ortolan Video from Los Angeles, what horrible decor.

    How about the "Not French" Laundry in the Hamptons..... :laugh:

    Andy Lynes

    "I suspect that 99% of the typically british tasting palate is flawed" - Vadouvan


    Andy...Andyyy......it was a joke, I take it back......OK..... :wink:

  11. I'll be curious to hear reports.

    Had dinner with Phila-A-Dining last night, he is polishing his lenses as we speak.

    Dont worry, he is all over it.

    By the way this was first hand info from a Bass employee I am aquainted with and is supposedly a temporary job till a long term chef is found.

    Either way....its an interesting Wife swap.

  12. Sorry if there is a similar thread, staying in the SOBE area for a few days, looking for some down home authentic Cuban food,never done "little Havana", have access to a car , preferable anything good within 30 minutes of Delano Hotel ??

    Also anyone eat at Setai ?

    Worth it ?

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