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    Suburbs of Cleveland, OH
  1. so proud of my thirteen year old son, the budding chef. he made brussell sprouts and sausage, vanilla bean ice cream for dessert.
  2. Soba, those brussel sprouts are a thing of beauty. I keep forgetting to thank you! my mom is a vegetarian, and you give me such inspiration when I cook for her. thank you!
  3. I was very intrigued by a recipe I found called eight can taco soup. It was stupidly easy, and we were having a very brutal cold snap so I figured, what the heck, I'll give it a whirl. this made an enourmous amount of wonderful soup! Even my son loved it, he's autistic and notoriously hard to feed sometimes. it got better the next day, and the leftovers froze perfectly.. You simply combine all the ingredients, bring to a boil, cover and simmer for a few minutes, that is it. you can serve with taco chips, sour cream and/or some cheese on the top, you can make it hotter or milder, whatever you prefer. I happened to use a cup of frozen corn in place of the canned corn. I also assume you can sub the chicken out for another, equal amount of other meat/seafood, etc, but I did not. I'm going to make this again, very soon. Ingredients: 1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 (15 oz.) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1 (14.5 oz.) can petite diced tomatoes, drained 1 (15.25 oz.) can sweet corn, drained 1 (12.5 oz.) can white chicken breast, drained 1 (10.75 oz.) can cream of chicken soup 1 (10 oz.) can green enchilada sauce 1 (14 oz.) can chicken broth 1 packet taco seasoning
  4. Popcorn. me and my son love popcorn. and I also eat olives and cheese.
  5. Offal here too. shellfish, but that's an allergy, so... and game. I know, I'm a cheap date.
  6. Oh, God yes. They are proof God loves us and wants us to be happy. And Cheese corn. yes, Dan Dee cheese corn.
  7. In a wierd way, this is using up Thanksgiving leftovers... I had a lot of sour cream and whipped cream leftover, as well as some lovely canned organic apricots, so I made a Blancmage of sorts, using both cherry and strawberry Jell-0. It had a lovely taste, very smooth and both tart and sweet..
  8. christine007

    Dinner! 2012

    Very nice, everyone! Such inspiration here. Tonight, I made a quiche with two cheeses, parmesan and cheddar, and some really nice ham my sister gave us. Note the turkey guarding it jealously. He figures if we eat quiche, he's safe. Served with fresh sweet potatos. I didn't use to mind canned sweet potatos, but these have totally spoiled me now. Served to my son Ross, my best critic ( Because he loves everything.)
  9. christine007

    Dinner! 2012

    Tonight, I did a stuffed acorn squash, the filling was sage sausage, fresh picked apples and sweet onion, with a touch of maple syrup. Our side was a rice dish with chicken broth and a white sauce mixed together. It came out nice and creamy!
  10. christine007

    Dinner! 2012

    Thanks Kim! I finally got a camera and I'm looking forward to more photo adventures. I don't find you food dull at all, the opposite actually, you cook real food and you always put imagination and love into it, and it shows. The potatos look amazing, I'm doing something along those lines for Thanksgiving.
  11. christine007

    Dinner! 2012

    Today I made a pizza with pepperoni, two cheeses, mozz and parm, and some really nice mild sweet onion. got a nice crust on it too. it was good.
  12. Those Hippos are almost too cute to eat.... I found the new coconut flavored three musketeers bar, and while it tasted okay, much to my surprise and dissapointment, it was artificially flavored with no real coconut at all. oh well.
  13. Hi to Kim and all!! At the grocery yesterday, they were giving out samples of Campbells new sauces for chicken. I swear we never buy sample stuff ,but these were so good. I made it today with buy one get one free chicken breasts, and I added apple slices from when we went apple picking, and fresh mushrooms. it was so good, Breakfast? Well, yeah: LOL.
  14. I would have to say, the protein of your choice.
  15. Peanut butter on toast, dark toast, with butter. No jam.
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