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Lets not forget The Seasoning of a Chef by Douglas Psaltis as its the book that spurned the largest debate ever here on Egullet. Great book about a chef working his tail off to get into some of the finest kitchens in the country (and I might say not well kept freezers).
I think this is the key difference here: Much different than a litigious letter. And part of the reason for the uproar, at least in DC circles, is that this plays right into the reputation Chef Greenwood has and has earned and, for all accounts, takes great pride in. ← No difference in my opinion. If fact, one might say this was expected from Chef Greenwood and not from TK so does this make TK a little less California......a little less laid back, perhaps a little more like Chef Greenwood. No telling if a litigious letter would have followed if he had not stopped taking the picutres. Further, this thread is not really about Chef Greenwood. It has turned into a thread about the rights of the consumer or eater to photograph the food we are purchasing. In that light, I ask the question of whether TK and Per Se have gone to far in asking people not to take pictures their food that notwithstanding quality costs a ton. It is the same thing that Chef Greewood. Why would the reaction be any different from the people on this board? RM
Like to know what everyone thinks about TK not allowing pictures in his restaurant. Lots of you just butchered this woman who has the same policy and is not scared to follow through on her policy. Some called for a boycott. Shouldnt Thomas Keller now be put in the same category. Should we now not patronize Per Se. Fat Guy, what do you think? What about others. Lets not be scared of TK now folks. Lets pick on everyone equally. RM
As I promised, I passed up a trip to Ruby's yesterday to go try John Muellers. I cant say I didnt like the brisket because I really did. It was juicy and smokey and and tasty and looked like Kent's pictures. I can admit that it is as good if not better than Ruby's in a vaccum. I will say, however, I was less impressed with everything else they had to offer. The service was horrible (it was the day before thanksgiving so ill give them a pass), the sides inedible and the sauce (which I do care about whether or not that makes me less of a real que head) tasted like ketchup to me (even the hot had no bite in my opinion). No pickes and onions that were super super strong (to the point you could hardly eat them. Environment and frendliness and ease of ordering and service do make a difference in my book. i like the people at Rubys. I like sitting outside. I like being able to walk in the smokehouse and check out the briskets. I love the sauce and the brisket without doubt stands up to JM's. Next time (or perhaps tomorrow) ill be back where i belong. RM
Michael, you have had your say. Now it's time to move on. We are not going to continually rehash the handling of any given topic or the deletion of a post. Not only has all this been explained to you in private correspondence, but it is a never-ending process that we don't permit, for reasons we have explained many times. For the record: we have thoroughly investigated Rocketman's identity. He is not a chef, not a sous chef, not Michael Psaltis. He does not appear to be involved in the culinary community in any way, except by acquaintance. He is surely a friend of one or both Psaltises -- but then, you don't need to know his name to determine that, do you? We know his name (a rather common one), his address (a big city) and where he works (at a desk job unrelated to the culinary world). Knowing any of this wouldn't change a thing, and we are going to maintain his anonymity per our policies. If he violates the member agreement, we will delete his posts (and have on several occasions), just as we will delete any post that violates the member agreement. The issue of Rocketman is closed. It is inappropriate -- not to say inconsiderate -- that we have had to speak so specifically and publicly about a member in response to these incessant harangues. Of course we know there's a potential conflict of interest whenever a member of management is close to a debate. That's why we don't allow those conflicts to affect our moderating policy. A manager -- even the executive director -- who gets close to a debate is required from the point of their involvement to act as a participant. Everybody who has had a point to make in the Psaltis discussion has had the opportunity to make it -- repeatedly -- including you, Michael. You are still complaining that your post about anonymity was removed, even though you were allowed to start this whole, lengthy topic on the subject. Likewise, the purpose of this topic was not to rehash the Psaltis affair but, rather, to discuss the phenomenon of psuedonyms and what they mean for online discussion. That discussion is worth pursuing. From this point on, rehashing of: any specific topic; any decision to delete; or any member's status will be removed without further comment. And no, Michael, you won't receive an explanation. You should be smart enough to know that when a moderator says stop and you continue, your post will be removed. ← So there you have it folks. Im not Mike Psaltis. I do know the brothers Psaltis. I have no pecuniary interest or other vested interest in either of the brothers. I do however have my own opinions and personal style (obviously disliked by many of you). Now that you know all this about me, how does what I said change? Im still a big supporter of Psaltis. I wouldnt be if someone said he punched a watier and then spit on him on the way out. I wouldnt be if other stories like the hand slap incident came out from other places he has worked. But they have not and my personal feeling is the hand slapping incident Psaltis described or the critisim of one chef is not a big deal. That is the way I feel and beleive it or not Im not family. Im just an average joe jockeying a desk with no connection to anything food industry related. Any questions? RM
Sorry to hear that. Im away at my wifes family for thanksgiving or esle id fed ex the pies to you myself. They really are good. You should call and ask if they are frozen or what.
Ive always enjoyed their pies. Apple ecspecially but they are all good. They bake everything right there. When a friend of mine became an american citizen we got a few apple pies and vanilla ice cream to celebrate and everyone loved them. 4 days old though i dont know. Are you close to manhattan avacado?
Bux, If your position is so transparent than why were you not forthcoming when you first mentioned the article written by your daughter. Instead you wrote: "You know I read that article, several times over the years. I have a couple of copies in my library." This is clearly evasive. And can you believe I can rebut your post in all of 49 words....pretty amazing, huh? RM
my problem with blondies is that they used to be Atomic Wings and then when i was up there recently on a monday night i asked and they said they got rid of Atomic. Funny thing is they taste exactly the same. This is the Atomic guys fault for not having something in the contract i guess but I even if blondies is technically making its own wings they owe every compliment to Atomic thus giving Atomic the #1 ranking in the city.
Kent, Thanks. Ive never found that about Rubys but i promise that while im down for thanksgiving (so much better in TX then NY) I will go to Joh Muellers (my father in law told me last night that we have gone and i didnt like it but i think he was remember our trip to Arts Rib Shack) and then right to Rubys and compare the two in a post. Glad someone has at least heard of the place. RM
At risk of appearing like a complete idiot to you, I'd like to point out that more than one chapter has been criticized for what some people consider to be the lack of a complete account or a lopsided account of event all the way up to what some people consider complete and malicious fabrications. I have no need to repeat the comments I made earlier, but I dislike the attempt to bury criticism that was about more than the French Laundry incident by pretending it hasn't been made. ← Bux, You seem to have a real bone to pick with Psaltis here. What's up? I mean when all the comments were made about how Psaltis was never the sous chef at Blue Hill you never once stepped up and said that statement was false even though Im pretty sure it was your daughter who wrote the article stating Psaltis was a Sous chef in NY Metro or Time Out and she had visited at the time it opened and had first hand knowledge of what had happened. While you could have contributed to the board in that instance you chose to remain silent, in my opinion b/c this would have been positive about Psaltis, but if that is not why, let me know....im super curious b/c your posts are all sooooooo negative. What gives Bux? RM
My favorite is a place in Austin called Ruby's. While they dont smoke in sauce a la Salt Lick (I dont know what the fuss is about b/c Salt Lick has been terrible the few times ive been) they have some of the best que sauce ive ever had. The brisket is perfect (hormone free, all natural too) and you can walk right into the smokehouse and check out what is going on with the owner. I always buy a couple of full briskets (uncut) to bring home to NYC and they could not be nicer about some of my more ridiculous requests (like requiring the homemade, not bottled sauce for my briskets). Im really surprised no one else has mentioned this place. I was taken by my wifes family the first time i visited and while i always try to go to other que places when im in town i always find myself at Ruby's a couple time a trip (and Magnolia for migas but that is a whole different thread). Link to Rudys: http://rubysbbq.com/
okay folks. I was walking to a Diwali party last night (Indian New Year....whole different thread) and what do i run accross.....the grand opening of the original soupman store on the corner of 42nd and 5th (southeast corner). Anyway, while Reggie (mr october) Jackson was inside serving the food, Al was no where in sight. I magaged to weasel myself into the line for free soup and got a try of the Lobter Bisque, and Muligatany (two of Al's standbys) but they had no chili (turkey, chicken or otherwise). I have to say i was not impressed. It was not the same soup I ate every saturday for the last 6 years. The bisque was too think.....it dropped off the spoon as opposed to run off the spoon. The muligatany seemed to full of veggies (not enough liquid) but this may be due to reggie not pouring the soup well. The bread is not even close to what he served over on 55th street and while they had Al's little chocalate squares out for people to take it was unclear whether you will get the little fruit plate that Al is famous for giving. Even though it was a store you can walk in (as opposed to a storefront like on 55th) there was no where to sit....not sure if there will be when things settled down but it doesnt seem like there was a lot of room anyway. They are also doing the overplayed, overdone and 5 years ago create your own salad. I cant beleive Al agreed to this as he is a soup guy through and through and it is such a sell out move. I guess the people who cut the deal with him realized they cant make money just on soup. The good news is the prices are down a little (no longer 9 bucks) to around 6 bucks a soup to make it more accesable. The people i talked to all told me that Al has been very strict with the soup and is checking each one before it is sent out. I beleive that but i also beleive he needs to train these people on how to keep it hot and liquidy. Al was always fixing the soups on 55th, dumping some type of liquid in there and mixing. I always wondered what it was but im concerned the soup at these franchise places will not be able to give the care that Al's soup deserved. I guess well see. Ill be going a bunch over the winter and will report back. Love to hear anyone elses thoughts. RM
Actually you may want to listen again. He left Cello (Tourendal's place) for ADNY. He left ADNY to open MIx.....I thin ducasse probably new about that.
8 chefs in 10 years. cant be hanging out too long.
Did you think the interviewers were acting even handed? Seemed to me they had an agenda. They did not discuss his dedication to the field at all which is a big big part of the book. They only wanted to discuss the negative publicity. Cant blame them as we all know scandel sells but lets be fair here.....Psaltis had no choice to defend himself and he comes off a little cocky in doing so. As i said in my last post, to me this brings a little credibility. All the greats.....athletes, businessmen, polaticians.....they are all cocky. Why not chefs? You may not like Trump but if he asked you to invest in a real estate deal with him, i know i would jump at the opportunity.
I thought Psaltis, for a young thirty year old defended himself quite well with all the negatively positioned questions he was aksed. There are plenty of good things to discuss in the book but these two guys decided, for whatever reason, to only discuss the negative. He did not back down and that is probably why he is critisized on this board. He comes off as knowing his business and being somewhat set in the way he works (aka cocky).....for whatever reason that irks people on this board......it gives him some credibility with me. Most great athletes and businessmen are cocky egomaniacs....why shouldnt chefs be. I thought it incredibly funny that the one guy had such a pet peeve with the giving notice isssues. I have a feeling its because his restaurant has had 8 head chefs (most culinary school trained) over the last 10 years. My question to the restaurant guys if your out there is: If you are so respectful to the chef's that work for you (this is what you said in the interview), why do they all leave so quickly? RM
I actually grew up eating temp tee (it was the only thing my LI Jewish mother would buy i believe if i remember due to the "spreadability"). I now find myself only eating Philly (or bagel store bought) and only when im at my folks house do i get the airiness of the temptee. I find in my journey's it is my Jewish friends that have had expirience in whipped. My other friends dont seem to even know it exists....then dont like it when i make them try it. RM
Yes. And I personally delivered to the famous walk in during that period!!! ← Cool! So you must of met psaltis there? Please tell the forum what he was like as a customer of yours and as a human being. I think everyone would be interested. RM
Very difficult and screwed up are two different environments. I can handle VD. In fact, some people thrive on it. Some people rise to the occasion. Some people snap. I didn't say fist fight. I said fight. If two employees are fighting/fueding/bickering to the point of a slap, and one is supposed to be the sous chef, it can add to a very difficult situation. ← I took the term "very difficult" to mean that things were indeed not running very smoothy. One could look at the quote and say since it is not a denial of what is in the book, it may in fact be an admission. Maybe screwed up was too harsh of a term (though I dont think so) but I think you looking at the trees and not the forest. I imagine TK is not in the dark about the books comments (which having read the book you know are not that out of line....ive read the chapter a dozen times and still dont see what everyone is up in arms about) and if he was so upset and Psaltis was so wrong i would have expected him to comment on that to some extent. The bottom line is when confronted with the issue of the book, TK did not say "Psaltis is an idiot", he did not say "i fired Psaltis" and he did not say "Psaltis is getting into fights with everyone at my place". He did say that "it was a very difficult time" which led to some credibility (in my opinion) of some of the stuff in the book. I accept your point on the "fight".....can certaintly make a "very difficult situation" worse. Just out of curiostiy, were you aware of the TK quote from the article when you wrote your first post? RM
I'm not sure Keller would agree that things were "screwed up". Or that having his employees getting in fights didn't add to the problems. ← Rancho, See link to Mercury News article below. He certainly is not saying things were peachy at TFL during Psaltis's time. I think he actually uses the words a "very difficult time" but check for yourself. I didnt make this stuff up. Further, i think the "fight" you mentioned was actually a lot less than a full blown fist fight (as you seeminly make it) which no one on this board has contradicted. Enjoy...... http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews...od/12761049.htm
I can think of a number of reasons why his former chef's may not have blurbed the book. Let me give you some: 1. The publisher may have wanted names that the whole courtry knows as opposed to chefs that only NY'ers and food people are familiar with. Lets face it, the whole world knows Jaques Pepin and Batali through TV. I dont think the masses are nearly as familiar with David Bouley and Wayne Nish. 2. As you mention there are a number of "barbs" to go with the many praises in the book. Most people who are barbed (even the slightest bit) are not going to give a ringing endorsement and tell people to run out and buy the book to read about an embarrassing moment that happened under their watch. 3. I dont know much about the book industry but it would seem to me to be strange for a significant character in any book to blurb that book. It would seem to self serving. Maybe some of the media and book people can comment on this point 4. You mention he left every job under bad circumstances. Ive read the book a few times and Im not sure I agree with this comment. Lets list the different place and see what the book said: - Panama Hatties - If i remember correctly, Psaltis left this job to go to NYC, the place he felt he wanted to "make it" as a chef. He put in something like 3 years at PH and was looking to move his career foward. Certainly not a bad ending here, no? - Bouley - Left to go to March. Where in the book did it say he left on dubious terms? If I remember, at the time Psaltis left, Bouley was renovating. Maybe its a simple need for money or to trade up to what Psaltis thought would be a great learning expirience. Where is the dubious part here? - March - Left to go back to Bouley if I remember correcly which shorlty thereafter recevied four stars. Seems to me to be strange that Bouley would take him back if he left on such "dubious" terms. - Unamed (now i guess people say this is Blue Hill) - Obviously some creative differeces here. Certainly left seemingly on dubious terms. - Chello - If i remember, Psaltis only spent a month there (as he was offered the job at ADNY which i dont think anyone would pass on) and LT was happy for him (at least that is what it said in the book. - ADNY - AD chose him to open mix so did not leave ANDY dubiously. - MIX - Obviously some issues here but there have been issues with every Chowdrow establishment that is not just a concept but real food. Mix is now closed in NY so the problems were obvoulsy much greater than anything Psaltis would or couldve done. If I remember, Ducasse offered Psaltis the opportunity to work in Europe for Ducasse so seemingly no hard feelings between them. TFL - Too well documented here to go over but as mentioned by many TK said things were pretty screwed up at TFL during Psaltis's time and not by Psaltis's doing. Country - Did GZ not get any references here. Seems to me he would have called some of these chefs you mention and either he got good references or GZ or took a real risk. My guess is that Psaltis was given good references. Not sure if i left anything out so feel free to correct me but after writing it all down i see one (maybe two) places he left on, as you say "dubious" terms. Please explain your comment and give some facts to back it up. RM
They tried to talk me out of the double cooked fresh bacom with spicy capsicum the first few times i ordered telling me that I would not like it.....well its become by far my favorite dish and im there at least 1 a month eating it....which is about all the body can handle. You literally sweat chili oil after eating it on a hot summer day.
Unfortunately, the Soup place has closed down. Word is that the "Soup Nazi" is trying to market a line of canned soups. That said, I started working around the corner from his former joint right before he closed two years ago for the year. I tried the Seafood Chowder, the Lobster chowder/bisque, and some other seafood cream soup. It really was quite good but at $10/container, it was a once in a while treat. ← I lived around the corner for year and its sad now that it is closed....in fact, he never came back last year so its been closed a while. It was previously a storefront on 55th b/t bway and 8th. Ive seen him yell at people and take bread away from them just like the show.....no kidding. Truth is, Al is a pretty nice guy. I went almost every saturday (he was open) for years and he got to know me and alway gave me one size bigger for the same price or at the end of the season would give me some frozen soup for the summer. Its true he is beginning to franchise and i heard there is gonig to be a new store around the times square area. Youll also be able to get his soups in some stores (not sure which ones). As far as the soup I thought it was great. Yes it was little expensive and sometimes slightly salty but any of the places in the city (hale and hearty, soupman, etc) are of absolute no comparison. You always (well, i did) got bread, fruit and chocalate and it was truly a meal. My favorite was the chicken/turkey chili, the mushroom barley and the occasional eggplant parmesean. I enjoyed the bique and seafood chowder (where there were big chucks fresh of lobster and shrimp) I dont like the cream based as much as the other. My wife swears by the gazpatcho....which he would make when it started to get warmer. I hope he turns up again b/c right now theres "NO SOUP FOR ANYONE" RM
Lambretta, I guess we were both right in a way. I was over at Margon on Friday. I asked some questions. The new owners are in fact Dominican. The original owner, who is still generally around, is Cuban. Most of his cooks are still there continuing to make his food. The Cuban sandwich itself, which has Salami on it which and which one poster said is not traditional, is in fact the prior Cuban owners own origianal recipe. The woman I spoke with promised to ask him the orgin of the salami next time he was in. The have since, as you pointed out, put more Dominican food on the menu or tweaked some of the prior food to appeal to a more Dominican base. Either way, i had a great lunch speaking to great people. That all for now. More on the salami to come. RM