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ulterior epicure

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Everything posted by ulterior epicure

  1. FabulousFoodBabe. Great to hear a good report out of CT. Can you elaborate, please? Do you mean fancy? Or fanciful? I'm really curious because on my one visit to CT a couple of years ago, I found the plating and presentation very simple - almost minimalist. Yes, CT to this day is my gold-standard for excellent service in the U.S.
  2. Helder just retired.Oh, that's too bad - now I'm a little sad I never went to Parkheuvel. Yes, I remember he had an Indian (?) name. And, yes, I did mean to say Chatillon in Noordwijk (forgot)... sorry to hear he hadn't done anything noteworthy at the new location. Oud Sluis still is the most outstanding meal I had in Benelux (and if paulbrussel says things have only gotten better, I'd take his word for it)... followed far behind by two-star Mosconi in Luxembourg (See here and here). Hof van Cleve comes in at third... De Librije was just disappointing. de Bokkedoorns was sort of boring. I left beluga rather upset and Le Bouquet Garni (Luxembourg) downright mad.
  3. Actually, my 'puter is maxed out with Acrobat and all the graphic programs... but for some odd reason, it's not coming up. I need to go back and try again. u.e.
  4. Wow - I had no idea that Helder left! Where has he gone? What ever happen to the two star chef that moved out to the coast of The Netherlands? I think he moved to a hotel restaurant near de Bokkedoorns? paulbrussel - what was his name? Have you (or anyone else) been? u.e.
  5. Hrmmmm... I can't seem to open them in my browser... I did think it rather interesting that he offers a "reduced calorie" menu - in a chocolate lounge. God bless America! u.e.
  6. I just bought a few of these from the Dean and Deluca's near me. I haven't tried them yet, but you can see them here. They're the last seven in the set (scroll to the bottom and you can click on them individually). I actually need some help identifying a couple of the bon bons. I'm pretty sure that both the "Pecan Bourbon" and "Mon Petit Kumquat" are from Chocolat Moderne, but I'm not sure where the "Rose Tea" is from. I'll have to call D&D's for a positive I.D. They said that they get all of their chocolates from either Chocolat Moderne or Christopher Norman. I suspect the Rose Tea is C.N., but I'm pretty sure all the rest (six of the last seven) are from C.M. u.e.
  7. Please elaborate... the only savory waffles I've had have been chicken and waffles - but even then, the maple syrup is key... I suppose you could throw cheese or ham on them... u.e.
  8. Now that, I'll have to try! But, as I said before, you lather that stuff on just about anything and I'd eat it - and I bet it'd be great! u.e.
  9. Oh honey, you ain't seen nothing. I'll admit, it's probably not the type of dessert that most of you are thinking of: half a watermelon (one of them big'uns) - keeps me cool during these hot summer months. See also: my signature line.
  10. Um, who cares? Look, you smear nutella on cardboard, and I'll eat it!
  11. Alright, so I'm nearly two years late in reading this article - but what a riot! Thanks for posting this - it has been a fun read! u.e.
  12. Sorry aidensnd... I can't help with a recipe. In fact, I'm even more clueless than you are. While I've had Ferrero Rochers before, I'm not even quite sure what's in them - I know there are nuts (hazelnuts?) and chocolate, of course... But, there's a crispness to them - a layer of wafer? I'm not a sweet tooth, so anyone reading this will be shocked that I have no clue what Almond Roca's are... To be sure, I've heard of them, but I can't say that I've actually eaten one. u.e.
  13. Good for you raji! But, this is disheartening news for the rest of us! Enjoy it while it lasts! u.e.
  14. Looks like an exciting event! I'm especially interested in seeing how authentic their robata will be. Anyone going to this Harvester's event? Unfortunately, I'll be outta town... look forward to reports. Hint. Hint. u.e.
  15. These were the prices the last time I was at the Avenues (in May). But, of course, things may have changed. Agreed. One of the most accommodating restaurants I've ever dined out. u.e.
  16. Well, I'm always one for devoting a whole thread to a new resto: Drum Room, At the Hilton President, Kansas City. u.e.
  17. If I'm not mistaken, Starker's Reserve has a Grand Award from Wine Spectator. u.e. [edited to add: I mispoke - Starker's Reserve and JJ's both have been brought down a notch by Wine Spectator. Sorry about that.]
  18. Very true... but why is this necessarily a bad thing? Instead of looking at as a penal/reward system - why not see it for maybe what it is? That is, Bruni's really evaluating things on a total package deal - how he feels. Certainly, a restaurant critic's job is to opine - and it depends on his/her preferences. Clearly, Bruni like his steaks grilled, not roasted. He doesn't care for circus frills (e.g. Le Cirque, Del Posto and Morimoto), but he does like traditional cuisine (e.g. Le Bernardin). Menu simplicity also seems to be favored (e.g. Megu, Craftsteak, etc...). ... so, knowing his pattern, I know where I stand in comparison with his tastes - and it guides me just fine through the NYC culinary scape. That's all I can ask. To say that he's inconsistent, I don't think is fair. In fact, I find his preferences and aversions rather apparent. That's all I need. So, are we asking for a more predictable restaurant critic? One that plays to our tastes? Just a thought... don't all jump down my collar at once now! Just some food for thought. u.e.
  19. Has anyone been to the Phillips Chophouse in the Phillips Hotel at 12th and Baltimore? u.e.
  20. Tramonto and Gand battle it out with Batali on Iron Chef America this Sunday (July 30th) at 8pm CST on the Food Network. u.e.
  21. That's a whole lotta food! (Not that I'm surprised - 'cause it's Z's)... did you manage to try all of it? Favorites? u.e.
  22. So true froggio... but Shalmanse, what would you recommend for a(n American) visitor instead?
  23. I've only eaten at HvC and OS. Between the two - OS. I think it's more fun. HvC is more traditional and not as inventive... also pricier. But, OS is kinda outta the way in the middle of nowhere... HAVE FUN!! I haven't been to the other three. I've mixed things about all of them. u.e.
  24. Mmmm hmmmm... good eating, indeed. Thanks for the report and pictures, Molto E. u.e.
  25. Wondering if anyone can help me out (give advice): Top two fine dining restos in Shanghai... I hope one of them is J-G because I really want to visit. Bonus points if you can provide the price (either in $ or RMB) for their tasting menus (or equivalent fare). Thanks! u.e.
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