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ulterior epicure

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Everything posted by ulterior epicure

  1. I've had the short ribs and the boar - both are good, but I prefer the boar (with the paparadelle?). I'd be all over the pompano! Neither have I! u.e.
  2. I also find it curious that you had foie and fish - both times I've had the tasting, they served fish then meat... did you choose these courses? I've had that blackberry/peach crisp - and yes, I agree, very good. u.e.
  3. Um, there was one year of my life that I became vegetarian - not because of some personal/environmental/political/humanitarian campaign, and not because of some lapse in sanity, but simply because, well, I don't know, I just didn't feel like eating meat. Well, I do remember the first time I came back to the carnivorous team... it was a burger - it was in a cafeteria and I swear it was the best dang burger I'd EVER had. Judy, I venture to say that 1924, despite all its lauded talent and goodness, didn't do anything special... it might just be your cavewoman instincts roaring... On a more topical note - what was on the burger? u.e.
  4. ... and I'm wondering on what basis she gets to review a restaurant after two visits? I don't think she went more than twice based on the article... AND both times steak. u.e.
  5. Aaron - welcome to KC!! Thanks for the post - I need to read her review rightaway. Stick around, I think you'll like us KC'ers on eG! u.e. P.S. monkfish's resto is SORedux.
  6. ... and here you pick up on one of my favorite aspects of Sushi Yasuda. Both times I've been, I've gotten a tremendous intuitive or subconscious sense of freshness because of what you note here. There's very little "fishy smell," which I find extraordinary. Perhaps what makes a visit to Yasuda's bar most pleasant is that unlike most sushi bars where you feel distanced and separated from the sushi chef(s) by a big ole glass case, at Yasuda, you get a sense of personality by being more in "touch" from the chef... and here I allude to the "hand-to-mouth" service (not literally) that I mentioned upthread. u.e.
  7. It's begun. I want UPDATES!!
  8. Have you stopped going to the cinema/theatre because they prevent you taking photos? ← No, but the food goes with me in my stomach at the end of the night. In contrast, the reel of film can be replayed to thousands. My point: there's an expectation that when you buy a meal/food in a restaurant - it's yours to do with as you please. Eat it, don't eat it, photograph it, share it, chew it and spit it out... In a movie theater, it's understood that the ticket allows you entrance to the theater to view the movie only. It's not intended for audience members to take-away. I can see what you're trying to say - but that logic doesn't work here. By the way, having come back from China recently, I don't know who in their right mind would buy a bootleg copy that was a hand-held job in a theater.
  9. Um, maybe someone has mentioned this - but they do have the "Naked Burrito" - you know, taking away that larger-than-life tortilla cuts the calories by a gazillion... and surprisingly, some of the fattiest ingredients are the ones that sound the healthiest (ie. vegetables). u.e.
  10. This is the first review of Mr. Steurtz that I've read - besides being hit over the head repeatedly with "brevity," I have to say, that drool comment really made me go ... u.e.
  11. 'splain, please. Appointed by or with what? Excuse the newbie, but I'm gathering this is a "small plates" type of establishment? By the way, ned, the thread title. u.e.
  12. ... of course they are, I'm not living in D.C. anymore... Y'all enjoy 'em for me!! u.e.
  13. You know, ash123, I don't know... I assume it has soy sauce and lots of cornstarch... perhaps some beef stock. u.e.
  14. I don't know why, but I've never enjoyed the barbacoa as much as the chicken... and the steak is usually dry. A bonus for teetotalers! Agreed - always two salsas - but I go for the spicy corn relish.
  15. Elrushbo. Where've you been? When I ate at the Cosmos 3 years ago, when it first opened, I was really impressed with the food. If they're serving the "Chocolate Globe" - you MUST get it. Also, it's getting around to game season, and if your lucky enough to be offered venison - I'd urge you to try that too. u.e.
  16. ... and here I must defer and desist, for I admittedly am not very familiar with GR's food. (I'll even admit that I've never even watched an episode of his show - "Hell's Kitchen"?) You're right - I haven't been in Britain for nearly a decade now (last time was in college) and I have a lot of eating to do over there - St. John's, Fat Duck, GR, Waterside Inn, etc. *Sigh* I would love to visit. So, your take, Vaudovan (if I'm reading you correctly), is that GR's no-photo policy, if true, is more out of a fear of rampant online criticism? Hrmmm... that's interesting. By the way, would you say that Blumenthal is the most (only?) "cutting-edge" chef in the U.K.? u.e.
  17. Well, shoot - get thee to a nunnery yo'self Judy! Fie!! [no sic - old English] Yep, been to Bella Napoli over in Brookside - and you're right - they do Neapolitan pizza, well, like it's Neapolitan. Duh. And, yes, I do take home some things when I'm there (besides the extra calories)... like olives, and sardines, etc... Anon, after a satisfying slice o' Naples at Bella Napoli, I can roll meself over to the good people at Foo's for some frozen custard. It's much better than the craptacular "gelato" the have on the south-side. u.e.
  18. Whoa... I thought that I was subscribed to this this thread, but I guess I wasn't. So, no pictures of the food? Man!! All of my (recent - ie. within the last 4 months) photos have been taken without a flash. Yes, Alinea, included (twice w/o flash). I've taken photos in cave-like restaurant (as you will see ), but since I invested in a nice lens (as Vaudovan points out), I haven't really needed a flash. It just takes some practice (okay, lots), and some post-production adjustments (okay, sometimes a ton) on Photoshop, or some other post-editing program. I suspect that if true, G.R.'s policy is not for fear of disruption - as clearly many have pointed out that non-flashing photography isn't really that disruptive. Rather, it's the point-and-critique type of exercise that goes on on this very forum (and others) that G.R. might be trying to avoid/minimize. I suspect that even-more troubling to G.R. is the fact that his ideas - plating, presentation, combinations, etc... - will be spread throughout the world for other chefs to crib... That's just my take on it. Well, if G.R. is going to be that stiff on the no-photography rule, then he's lost me as a potential client. I would really like to try his food - but if I can't take the memories I want from a meal that I pay for, then I simply won't go at all. Of course, I'd call the restaurant to confirm that this policy is in effect before making any judgments. u.e.
  19. Lunch all the way down at SPIN! Nothin' much to add - including enthusiasm - everyone else on eGullet pretty much summed it up. I will will agree totally with chicagowench on the "Rosemary flatbread" (side order $1.95) I'll also voice a "second" to her observation on the ordering system: As for the other food... I decided to follow chileheadmike's lead and ordered the Salsiccia di Pollo & Gorgonzola 12-inch for $10.50. Had I read his and Zeemanb's comments more carefully, I would have added carmelized onion-fig marmalade for an extra dollar (b/c I saw that carmelized onions were already on the pizza) - but I didn't, so I didn't... I ordered pinenuts, but then I saw those were on the pizza already... so I went for crimini. I was pretty impressed with the amount that ended up on the pizza. I'll let chileheadmike speak for the crust, as he was dead on: Except I would add that the effect of the rim being brushed with olive oil, because the crust was so thick, was that it ended up being tough and chewy instead of crisp and light - as I like my Neapolitan pizza crusts to be - thin & dry is pizza crust perfection to me. I would also have to say that I really missed out on the strong yeasty flavor that I love so much in thin crusts...As for the toppings: Knowing there was a problem with the gorgonzola, and being a stinky cheese fanatic, I was on the look-out. None to be seen, none to be smelled - but a small morsel to be tasted... too small to bill the pizza as a something & Gorgonzala pizza. Sausage was sparse - was very flavorful - but that's probably because it was really fatty. My toasted pine NUT was very good. It was lonely, but because I reached first, I got the slice with the pine nut. My friends and I also split a large "8 Color" pizza ($7.95). Not sure where they get the 8 colors - celery and lettuce are both green... but I suppose radishes, when sliced, are red and white... whatever. The point is, it wasn't exactly the confetti carnival that I was expecting. As I was expecting to get my fill of pine nuts on the pizza, I asked to sub artichoke hearts for them in the salad. Everything was fresh, crisp - and, unlike the pizza, full of stinky gorgonzola. Aso, I appreciated the fact that they oven-bursted the grape tomatoes - far from carmelized, but just smokey enough to add an appreciated layer of taste. The gelato freezer case was just screaming at me from the moment I walked in. (in fact, it distracted me from seeing the $7.95 lunch deal. *Fooey*) I was dubbed the royal taste-tester for my small group and tried all 10 or so flavors. I wept. The "cioccolata" was slushy, wet and flavorless - tasted like nearly melted fudge-cicle. The lemon-blueberry had just been put out and was frozen stiff - the blueberries were crystalized balls of icy steel. I'll spare you the rest of the descriptions. I felt so bad for having tasted all of them that I bought two small ("piccolo") cups ($2.50). As for value: sure, for what you get, you can't complain: After one add-on, my pizza cost $11.50, plus tax. The salad was the worst value - for $7.95, I could have gone down the road to my favorite JoCo lunch pit stop, D&D, where for the same price, I could feast on more greens and pretty and tasty things than at SPIN! I could also get decent (far from great - but not the slushy tasteless stuff here at SPIN!) gelato there. Oh, and they definitely have better bread down at D&D... rosemary, flat, or otherwise.Again, this ain't rocket science... which is probably why, unlike the other people on this thread, I wouldn't go back. I could make better pizza at home. Sure, it takes time and effort... but so does the drive down to 119th & Metcalf - especially with gas prices as they are. When I'm in the neighborhood next time, I'll shimmy myself over to either D&D's, if I'm in a hurry, or to M&D's at 40 - or heck, try out Cassis for lunch. No more SPIN!ning for me.... u.e.
  20. Thanks ronnie. I thought something had tickled my radar about her... well, wherever she ends up, the desserts will be great.
  21. Okay, leave it to me to recommend a salad... If their online website is current, I highly urge you to try either (or both) the heirloom tomato salad with burrata or the endive with poached egg. I've had versions of both and they were stellar. I can't vouch for the waffle & bacon (although that sounds great to me) as a dessert, but I think you'll find it difficult to be disappointed with anything that Ms. Lane produces (is she still there? I can't remember.). u.e.
  22. I suppose this would be an inappropriate time/place to mention that in college, I used to eat 2 Chipotle burritos - with all the fixin's - for dinner? I suppose I shouldn't mention the tub of popcorn and ice cream I'd have right before bed either...
  23. Thanks Alex. Your version looks (and sounds) like a more successful version of the one I've had. Question: Is agave nectar for taste, texture, chemical necessity or all three? Have you experimented with other flavors? And, where can the common home cook find Methocel food gum SGA150? u.e.
  24. I've never understood "hot ice cream" - I've had it once at Moto, and all I can say is that it's like a warm custard... can someone expound on the texture/qualities of "hot ice cream?" u.e.
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