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ulterior epicure

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Everything posted by ulterior epicure

  1. I've always thought that Vongerichten was the first to serve the "molten" chocolate cake. However, recently, I do remember reading *somewhere* that Alfred Portales "invented" it. Please, someone, tell me I haven't been living a pastry lie for the past x years of my life.
  2. I should clarify: the tongue dish was good, but I haven't decided whether or not I love it. The thing is, on the one hand, the grilled tongue was impressively soft; I've never had it so soft in my life. On the other hand, I'm not sure I want to eat tongue of that consistency. I think I like my tongue to have a bit of bounce to it. This was almost like eating panna cotta.
  3. The Smoked Duck Salad really is as good as everyone (who's encouraged me to order it) says it is. What's in the "sour cream" base?? It tasted more like mayonnaise. They said that the mustard seed syrup was reduced mirin. Is mirin (reduced) *that* sweet? Beef tongue (two ways) was great. The slab of grilled tongue was so soft that had I been blindfolded, I would have mistook it for a slab of grilled fat. The shaved tongue with the salad and pickles was surprisingly good. The pickles weren't the sharp-tasting burger pickles (that I hate) I thought they were. They were mild - I'm assuming David Chang's own. The Pork Steamed buns weren't as good as I had remembered them from Ssam Bar. Thought one: too much sauce; it was rather sweet. Thought two: pork belly not as meltingly soft and tender (or warm) as the one I had at Ssam Bar. Thought three: the steamed buns weren't as fluffy or warm (or moist, in a steamed sense) as the ones at Ssam Bar. Seasonal Pickles were great. Really wanted to try the Octopus with Seaweed. Didn't have room to fit it in.
  4. *headdesk* If your reservation were a day later, I'd gladly take the reservation off your hands.
  5. Commerce gets one star. What was that you were saying, Nathan?
  6. So, no second iteration of Kuruma Zushi? Is there a particular sushi master I sh/would request if visiting Kuruma?
  7. I don't get that, but, whatever.FWIW, Jean Georges has been in the kitchen everytime I've been at Jean Georges (the restaurant), though I haven't been in a couple of years. From what I hear, Ripert is also at Le Bernardin more often than not. He was in the only time I've been. I'll be going soon again, I'll see if he's there then, too. Boulud was also in the kitchen the one time I was there. Maybe, I've been lucky.
  8. How many restaurants has Samuelsson closed, now? Aquavit in Minneapolis and Washington Square (a Starr venture) in Philly come to mind. Is Riingo still open?
  9. Not bad. But, in my opinion, you can get much better where you are; Grand Sichuan floats to the top of my mind.
  10. Thanks, oakapple. Maybe both (a la carte and prix-fixe) are offered?
  11. Right, that is EXACTLY what he is saying.
  12. I know!! And, how is it that Extebarri makes it onto the Top 50 for the first time this year? ← Are you saying that it shouldn't be on there? I haven't been myself, so i can't say one way or the other, however, its reputation has grown dramatically over the past couple of years, so I'm not surprised that it is now on there. ← Not at all. I'm saying that (although I've never been to Extebarri), I'm surprised that this its taken this long to get it up to the Top 50.
  13. I know!! And, how is it that Extebarri makes it onto the Top 50 for the first time this year?
  14. If I were in Chicago right now, I'd be at Hot Doug's having a Tongue and Cheese Sausage with Horseradish Mustard, Chopped Liver and Swiss Cheese. It's on their Daily Specials menu right now.
  15. If the omnivores in the group wanted to be selfish about it, they could go to Hot Doug's. The vegetarians could get the "Pete Shelley" (vegetarian dog) or the vegetarian version of "The Sally Vega" (corn dog). It's a shame they won't be able to partake in the duck fat fries.
  16. Dare I recommend Chicago Diner?
  17. Am I to assume that the pre-opening menu prix-fixe is not available on the current post-opening menu? I don't see it offered on their online lunch menu.
  18. No. In what form? If you mean freezer aisle fare, or anything shipped in from Philly, I won't bother. Now, if Capogiro has set up shop and is making it on sight, that's a whole different issue.
  19. Thankfully, I know where the Hyatt on Wacker is. Otherwise, I'd be completely clueless as to which part of the Heartland you are planning to visit. A few things: 1. blackbird is not quiet. 2. spring is a good option, as is one sixtyblue. 3. Consider North Pond. Great food, idyllic and quiet setting. 4. graham elliot's will be opening sometime in May, I believe, but I'm not sure about the noise level. It sounds like it will be within your price rage, for sure. 5. L.20, I am going to bet, is beyond your expense allotment. u.e.
  20. Yes, you remember correctly, if this were either art or history class. But, seeing how neither Picasso nor the Nazi's visited Iowa, they wouldn't know about La Quercia either.
  21. How pathetic - it's taken me three months to get around to posting my experience at La Belle Vie. We had the 8-course tasting. Service was spectacular, wine was enjoyable, and the food was great. Gorgeous dining room. A grateful thanks to anyone out there who might be able to tell me the name of the artist and name of the oil canvas of clouds in the interior dining room. The full review with link to the photos can be found at the ulterior epicure.
  22. Agreed. I really enjoy their matzoh ball soup - they're big and fluffy. The chopped liver is exactly the inelegant fare that makes it comforting.
  23. I have it on (very) good authority that appetizers will be in the $9 to $14 range, main courses will fall within the $24 to $29 bracket (Chef Bowles is trying to keep everything under $30), and desserts at $9. I'm figuring that the average bill for food and wine (before tax and tip) will be around $60 per person.
  24. Left. He left the Avenues end of last month (March). Curtis Duffy, formerly of alinea, is now Executive Chef of Avenues.
  25. Peter, you are right - it does appear that Chef Gras (and his team) are sparing no expenses. I look forward to hearing about the opening. u.e.
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