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Posts posted by insomniac

  1. I'm happy with a restart but alas must work this week so will be erratic in my musings.

    Actually, except for about 3 or 4 most of my replies were sort of gut instinct/off the top of my head otherwise I don't seem to do so well.

    Luckily I have been alive for a long time and have a garbage collection type brain :raz:

    Love the intricacy of some of the solutions, alas not mine

  2. Napoleon has his ass kicked at Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington

    from whom the NZ capital got its name

    NZ and Oz sent troops to Gallipoli in WW1

    the battle is remembered as ANZAC Day on 25th April

    the movie Napoleon Dynamite was released on DVD on 25th April, 2005

    in which the lead character, Napoleon, has a tater tot fetish.

    the 2004 movie Tater Tots was directed by Guiseppe Andrews, who was born on 25th April.

    Annette Funicello and a doner kebab

  3. Glad to hear it has been a year and a half and things must be improving....you know, of all the sleep deprivation and hunger I went thru in that first 5 months,(cereal, yeah) what I strikes me so clearly is sitting with my firstborn in the early hours looking out her bedroom window at the lightscape that was Hong Kong and wondering why the hell were so many lights on at that time of night :huh:

    anyway, they grow up fast and sooner than you would think the problem noise is the sort they make :rolleyes:

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