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Bill Poster

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Posts posted by Bill Poster

  1. My (embarrassing) mistake; I really am a complete novice on wine, so go easy on me. After talking with Berry bros the general feeling is that the price per case will most likely be 3000 sterling upwards..

    Anyway, these are my choices

    Ch Belair

    Ch Valandraud

    Lafleur Petrus (if i can find any at good price v.popular)



    La Mondotte

    Bellevue Mondotte(rare and top marks)


    Doisy Vedrines

  2. Thanks for the feedback; Berry Bros have a Chateau margaux 2005 at 174 sterling a case. I am a complete novice; does this seem a good pricepoint?

  3. Plantation 1990 Guyana old reserve is good but not great. Was I expecting too much? This is only my opinion tho; Smells decent/fragrant, initial taste is nice and smoky but the v.bitter finish ruins it-needs to be sipped on ice or diluted with a little cold water.

  4. How to go about bulk buying? As I am in uk , is it possible to buy direct?

    The wine i am thinking of investing in is Chateau Magdalaine 2005; what say you?

  5. Admin: Threads merged.

    I'm interested in why cachaça is the drink of the moment(in the uk at least), while Agricole rums languish. Is it down to the vodka drinkers looking for a different buzz? I guess cachaça is more neutral tasting so this would make sense to me. Or maybe its just down to the image of cachaça. How is 10 cane doing in the states?

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