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Everything posted by BonVivant

  1. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Fish without chips. The fishmonger cooked the 3 for me. Last of the Pecorino I brought back from Sicily. Another batch of radi from the garden
  2. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Swabian dumplings with Wurst (small bits inside). A Swabian home-style dish I haven't seen on restaurant menus yet. 2 more weeks and the season is over. Cooked these gyoza stle (fried in a pan then added water to steam). I used Peking duck wrappers. Filling has smoked tofu, carrots and (preserved, salted) turnip greens.
  3. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Some radi from the garden. Same radi SV duck leg Lentils and oyster mushrooms
  4. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Glorious weather on this Pentecost long weekend (in my garden). Seasonal "Strammer Max" 2 ways: From Germany to half way around the world in the Ecuadorean sierra... I used my own ricotta. In Ecuador they use queso fresco. Una mas, por favor.
  5. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Very simple and seasonal dinner. Asparagus and eggs come from the villages nearby. Potatoes and North Sea shrimp came a few hours away. The Cantillon, a sour beer, I got in Brussels years ago. Hominy and asparagus gratin The smaller bits went into the gratin.
  6. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    SV confit yolks, chestnut mushrooms and home-made ricotta. Soup but not hot.
  7. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    We had the first hottest day this week so something chilled. Where I am pancakes are more often dinner food rather than breakfast or lunch ("because it's a warm meal"). Also snipped chives and grated horseradish mixed with quark for the pancakes not shown.
  8. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Cheap and nutritious. It's been quite cold for this time of year.
  9. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    The virus has scuppered my planned return to Austria is year but it can't stop me from making Austrian food. "Button dumplings" with scrambled eggs. Matjes are good for the skin My first home-made aquachile. I enjoyed it many times in Mexico. I like my oysters raw but made an exception this time.
  10. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Steamed fresh roe with creamy morels. And Matjes, always.
  11. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    German style "meatballs" with tempeh. Also made the meat version. (Look up "Königsberger Klopse". Lots of recipes out there, though I used one in German.)
  12. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Asparagus and potato soup with Jersey cow's milk. Jersey cow's milk thickened with chia seeds Shaved raw asparagus Prawn roe on the side for me
  13. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Pasta Norma, with double smoked ricotta. Home-made "button" dumplings. (They are supposed to be rounder but my batter was not thick enough) "Gulasch" with tempe and root vegs.
  14. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Pseudo "Khao Soi" soup with moked tofu. Sourdough soldiers, SV yolks. First chive flowers
  15. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    The simplest things often bring me the greatest joy, like this dinner. It's supposed to be quark but I used home-made Jersey cow's milk ricotta, with some kefir added to make it less thick. Smoked tofu with my chipotle paste and other things but I don't remember what they were. Flour tortillas and raw vegs. And then some more chipotle. ¡Ay caramba!
  16. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Leftover cured salmon Frittata with Brussels and leftover home-made ricotta.
  17. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Asparagus again. 7 kilos in 2 weeks. With beetroot-cured salmon and North Sea shrimp (Crangon crangon). I've replied to your PM. Cheers.
  18. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Happy days are here again! Spring elixir SV confit yolks and beef tartare in the form of sausage. Ate this with rosemary ricotta. Buttermilk ricotta
  19. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    When time does not fly one makes ricotta. Also made this pickled aubergine like I had in Sicily (where the strips are thicker. Next time then.). Minced Iberico charcuterie and added some oil from sun-dried tomatoes.
  20. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Dumplings with cream sauce and mushrooms. Store-bought Spätzle. Thanks. I portioned and vac sealed everything as soon as I got home from Mexico. I was in Spain in October and Sicily over christmas-new year. The streets are still empty but it's a different kind of silence now in the 2 countries ravaged by a relentless virus. This is mount Etna, a couple of minutes before entering the car park. And speaking of Mexico, I got back just in time, on Feb 21. Any later than that would be disastrous. I am incredible lucky with my recent travels, but for the first time ever, I have no travel plan for the rest of the year. For now I'm just thinking about the first place I want to visit when this virus shtshow is over. ("Fernweh" is a beautiful word.)
  21. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    When time doesn't fly one makes pancakes. With poppy seeds. With chia seeds and kefir.
  22. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    SV lamb's liver With my own chipotle sauce. Dried chillies brought back from Mexico: First batch of pastes and sauces. Eat them with everything (saves for oatmeal breakfast).
  23. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    2020 the year I get fat and I can tell you it starts precisely in mid March. Burrata and Tirolean Speck on the pizzas. Instant Omega-3 fatty acids.
  24. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Tempeh-boletus (from dried) "falafel" Shiitake and tofu Bitter gourd and bonito flakes
  25. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Quesadillas with lots of cheese (Neufchâtel) and sweet potatoes.
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