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Everything posted by BonVivant

  1. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Garden "picnics" Orange tomatoes Creamy purple cauliflower And vinho verde
  2. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    My snacks and also dinner
  3. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Noodles, chard and edamame. Daikon kimchi alongside Confit yolk More yolk? Yes, salt-cured A savoury porridge of hominy and beetroot puree I have actually done dumplings gyoza-style, with blueberries. Unfortunately, there was no natural light that day and this week I'm out of dumpling wrappers. Next time. I don't know the name of this variety but it's big, fat, juicy, sweet-sour kind.
  4. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Eating the colours Amaranth mixed with teetroot puree, wilted samphire and smoked herring. We have 2 mussel seasons here. First one starts in July and the other in October, I think. Brought this back from Sicily. Fish sauce/garum. A little goes a long way and not to be added to food being cooked, unlike Vietnamese and Thai fish sauce.
  5. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Cherry dumplings again. This time with a boozy cherry sauce, thickened with macadamia. Enough scotch in the cherry sauce to fail a surprise breathalyser test. Went biking the other day (74km/45mi distance covered) Cottage cheese and radish shoots Egg Cheese Where I stopped for a lunch break It's really simple. Fill dumpling wrappers with pitted cherries, seal and boil until surface. Keep it simple so that I can enjoy other components with the dumplings.
  6. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Sicilian pecorino Sicilian-style pasta The carrots stained the noodles and made them pretty. Crispy tempeh. Pictured are North Sea shrimp and Vietnamese-style fish sauce.
  7. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Still enjoying cherries. Chia seeds and Jersey milk
  8. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Meatballs Cream sauce and potatoes. Pink thing is rhubarb mush. Finely blended soft tofu and kelp, salted white shrimp left whole. Mixed well and steamed everything.
  9. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Eating with my fingers Leftover shrimp the next day Up to my ears in cherries every day
  10. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Pasta with dill. Aubergine and breadcrumbs for one, and smoked sprats for the other. \ Hard to see... shredded SV duck leg meat with shiitake.
  11. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Germany meets Vietnam. Briefly fried Vietnamese pork paste, fried potatoes in Iberico fat, soft eggs and lots of gherkins. Just like how Leberkäs is served. Korean-style noodles with vegs and kimchis Another batch of radi from the garden I'm a bread eater and am telling you with all certainty Germany is the country for us. I almost cry every time I enter a bakery in Germany. Hinkel is an example (a bakery in Düsseldorf). It's often full, and when it is you can't see the inside at all. Germany blows almost all other countries out of the water when it comes to fantastic breads. The only country I can think of which also has good breads (but they don't have the sheer varieties) is Austria.
  12. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    I eat this every fortnight, with different various components each time. Chunks of fried hake (from the market fishmonger). Love pork rinds! First boiled then stir-fried together with fermented black beans and Lao Gan Ma. Sprinkled with pan dry roasted Sichuan peppercorns. Also beet greens with fresh turmeric and garlic The rest of pork rinds got turned into snacks So, restrictions have been further eased but...
  13. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Frittata with kelp. I eat so much asparagus, not sure if these were ever posted...
  14. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Rye bread Ricotta I made Smoked sprats and tomatoes. Hominy in the style of Austrian Gröstl. Rendered crispy Iberico charcuterie and more radi alongside. @Franci, ideas for your salty jamón: steamed clams in sherry (almejas con jamón). In frittata. Broad beans (habas con jamón).
  15. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Rösti and smoked mackerel Finally got a Chinese plate, then dropped it 5 minutes after leaving the shop. Well, I fixed it when I got home (photos below). Clumsy perfectionist. SV pork neck. I made a "char siew" marinade with all the typical ingredients but without hoisin. I don't like hoisin. Mine has chipotle sauce in it. With Peking duck pancakes and chicory. More char siew-chipotle sauce on the side.
  16. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    With pineapple-scotch bonnet salsa Eggs cooked in cream Cured salmon and sourdough Little patas Sardines in tin, and Sicilian pecorino.
  17. All's whale that ends whale. 2020 is an extraordinary year for everyone. It is extraordinary especially for me. Finally made my dream of seeing whales come true. And eating real Mexican tacos was really just icing on the cake. The whales have managed to reduce this ice queen to a puddle. Watch in full screen mode (click on the little "enter full screen" icon in the bottom right corner)
  18. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    In the back garden. Made various potted things for a picnic in the back garden. Pâtés, North Sea shrimp, tomatoes etc. This time I rendered this Iberico fat for the potted shrimp. Minimalist Banh Mi You can make it now. Look up "Schwäbische Wurstknöpfle"
  19. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Fish without chips. The fishmonger cooked the 3 for me. Last of the Pecorino I brought back from Sicily. Another batch of radi from the garden
  20. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Swabian dumplings with Wurst (small bits inside). A Swabian home-style dish I haven't seen on restaurant menus yet. 2 more weeks and the season is over. Cooked these gyoza stle (fried in a pan then added water to steam). I used Peking duck wrappers. Filling has smoked tofu, carrots and (preserved, salted) turnip greens.
  21. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Some radi from the garden. Same radi SV duck leg Lentils and oyster mushrooms
  22. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    Glorious weather on this Pentecost long weekend (in my garden). Seasonal "Strammer Max" 2 ways: From Germany to half way around the world in the Ecuadorean sierra... I used my own ricotta. In Ecuador they use queso fresco. Una mas, por favor.
  23. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    Very simple and seasonal dinner. Asparagus and eggs come from the villages nearby. Potatoes and North Sea shrimp came a few hours away. The Cantillon, a sour beer, I got in Brussels years ago. Hominy and asparagus gratin The smaller bits went into the gratin.
  24. BonVivant

    Lunch 2020

    SV confit yolks, chestnut mushrooms and home-made ricotta. Soup but not hot.
  25. BonVivant

    Dinner 2020

    We had the first hottest day this week so something chilled. Where I am pancakes are more often dinner food rather than breakfast or lunch ("because it's a warm meal"). Also snipped chives and grated horseradish mixed with quark for the pancakes not shown.
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