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Everything posted by BonVivant

  1. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Indeed. Matsutake prices in Japan... US$247 US$165 I ate it cooked in rice in Japan. So incredibly aromatic.
  2. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    It's rhubarb time. There's chocolate in the filling. The 99% Lindt is for me. Cheese-rhubarb paste ratio I added some SV beetroot to the rhubarb mush I used Edelmont in the toasties. My brain decided to ignore the word 'cumin' on the Munster but the Munster is too pungent so there's no point, really. I don't need any cumin in my food. More soft and runny cheese. We have nasty autumn-like weather 10 months a year.
  3. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    I don't usually eat steaks. It's been a while. Thinking of Baja Sur. Hopefully next year. My very first fish and prawn tacos in Mexico, in Guerrero Negro to be precise. Came back every day for the tacos. I think they had to refill the chilli sauce when I was done. 2 rounds of these. Ate them standing next to the taco truck (this rare moment when it was not crowded so I could make this photo on another day). The street is the same road that runs from CA (USA) all the way to the tip of Baja California peninsular.
  4. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    We have @CantCookStillTry, now we also have CantBakeStillTry! Crumpets baked in the oven (second try). Radishes and cottage cheese Radish-buttermilk "soup". Just the 2 ingredients made in a blender. Green paste is pureed radish leaves. Scrambled eggs on toast The paste (anchovies and semi-dried tomatoes in oil crushed in a mortar)
  5. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Duck breast Garlicky pasta with wilted spinach
  6. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Purple asparagus salad (tossed in gherkin brine). Watched in horror as half kilo of this pretty asparagus turned green in the steamer for another meal. Sweetish mustard. Standard sharp mustard with a honey-whisky-orange jammy sauce added. Cured salmon belly How I am able to slice salmon so thin Check out this map to see herring spawning locations and stocks. The herring I eat come almost entirely from the Noth Sea, and some from Danish _and_ Norwegian spawning grounds. The herring that come from the other 2 countries are specifically prepared "our way" and our standards so it can pass as our own, according to my fantastic herring book. Young people here don't eat herring. Not posh enough for them. Too healthy/nutritious, too delicious. Don't want to have to contend with the bones. We need another winter of 1945.
  7. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Missing Spain. Blistered padrons Boiled octopus I have been to Montes winery and did a tour and tasting. Beautiful vineyard and cellar. Colchagua Valley is a wine-drinker's paradise. I was there one April staying 4 or 5 days just to chill and drink wine. No other tourists staying overnight, probably because it was the southern autumn (low season) and harvest was done in March. The 4 tourists I saw during winery visits and tastings came from the capital with their private guides-drivers. Came all the way from Santiago to this stunning valley just for a couple of hours and had to hurry back, wow.
  8. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Whole smoked herring is the best. I am glad most people scoff at it, that means it'll remain cheap and more for me. So much umami, like butter from the sea. So far every whole one I got in the spring came with roe. The first thing I eat when I cut it open. It's a different @Shelby🤠 DIY wheat noodles Lamb's liver in square bowl for me. First test batch crumpets No more nice spring weather since this. We sat on our tiny patch of lawn in the back garden eating these. Forgot this one last week. Rollmöpse/Rollmops. No, it's a compact oven with microwave function (and many more). The model with steam function has a water reservoir separately, on either side of the oven. Mine looks pretty nice without it. I do all the steaming* in a cabin after swimming, at home it's on the gas hob (with ginger and soy sauce etc). (*A different kind of steaming...) No "course". Just straight up with a spoon. Thanks!
  9. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Just-back-from-the-woods Flammkuchen (store-bought fresh dough) Just-back-from-the-woods beer. Drank it whilst making Flammkuchen. No time for photography when it was done. Tofu, pork balls and mushrooms cooked in this clay pot.
  10. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Ricotta Booze is for yours truly The Mortlach First time baking with the new oven.
  11. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Fried calf's liver and onions. Bucatini. Been to Brindisi in my youthful reckless days. To Corfu and back via Brindisi, Euro rail pass, 4 week backpacking by train starting in north Europe (to Greece and back). Summer of 1997.
  12. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Last of the clams Calf's liver fried with onions. I like it with raw Sauerkraut and with or without bread. Iconic North German beach chair on label Kim, thank you! It's a classic design by a German porcelain manufacturer in Meissen, Germany. This translated article has all the background story. This particular series is called ("Saxon Blue"/"Sächsische Blau").
  13. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    4 kilos of clams. The fishmonger only knows them as "beach clams". They were gone in no time (3 meals). Another clam meal Californian IPA
  14. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    I looked at their menu, "Frittatensuppe". Frittaten are thicker than Flädle and often sliced in straight strips. Austrians and Swabians make a clear distinction between the two. Non alcoholic beers have been around all this time but the selection has got much bigger in recent years. Many years ago I had a bad dreams about non alcoholic beers so I decided to buy a bunch to check them out. Half of them were rubbish. Much has improved now in the taste department. Nowadays almost all mass produced brands have at least one alcohol-free beer and lots of craft breweries do the same.
  15. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Soft boiled eggs and parsley. Young potatoes, "essence" from the peel (in covered bowl). My spring elixir. And Riesling of course. The farm. The price drops half way into the (short) season. The price now (first week) is "expensive!". Bornholm is known for its high quality smoked herrings, but travel is impossible at the moment so I bring Bornholm to me. High quality North Sea smoked herring: How "Sun over Bornholm" smoked herring is served on the island: Oysters and craft beer from Berlin Bornholm official site: https://bornholm.info/en/
  16. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Monkfish (tail) in cream with crisp-fried Speck. Bread dumplings and steamed kale. Duck leggs with boozy orange sauce (I used Aberlour 12). So good I forgot it's supposed to be alcohol-free Spring has been cancelled. We had crazy weather from hell this week, night and day for 3 full days. My poor chives (3 pots). They are my hero herb. Only bloody black aphids can kill them. Happy to say my chives are thriving again now that the snow is gone. Hope my old bay laurel plant (in photo above) can make it through this spring.
  17. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Highly aromatic aged Comté (2yrs). Raw Sauerkraut Several types of brawn (with names in photo) Rye bread and non alcoholic beer More beer Pumpernickel and smoked herring Past Easter in Chilean Patagonia. Did a jump at 5:30pm, got up at 6 the next morning for another adventure. The tip of Villarrica can be seen in photo above, the snow-capped peak behind the canopy. Finally, made it to the crater of Villarrica. People for scale.
  18. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    SV pork belly Duck pancakes in top left corner. To eat I sliced the slices thinly and ate them like tacos. This half kilo piece lasted 3 different meals. The beer Some people like to eat till they drop, I like to go walking till I drop. Past Easter in Austrian Alps. It's still safe to be alone in the Austrian woods. Forgot this: croissant dough filled with chopped mixed nuts and poppy seeds. Unfortunately, the fine spring weather didn't last but I made the most of it. This is the first food photo made in the garden this year.
  19. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Everything is loaded with ginger and dried shimp in this meal. Pointed cabbage. Tomato-scramble egg soup Fried taukwa tofu, flavoured with home-made chilli oil. Nice Gose Yes, exactly. Thank you. And some more preps that I know of: Krautkrapfen (roll in dough and then bake or steam. Can be layered like lasagne) Soup, gulyash/gulasch, casseroles, stews, to fill potato dumplings, strudel, pancakes, Bratlingen/puffer (fritters), Kuchen (bake like a cake or tart) and so on. I love Sauerkraut cuisines!
  20. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Black pudding, calf's liver and Speck. With Sauerkraut and bread dumplings. The lowly smoked herring. Spinach with cream underneath. Weather forecast promises spring on Tuesday. So far nothing but rain and cold, and hail showers in March. Yesterday hail: But I'm so glad this is over!
  21. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    My imaginary Austrian granny would be proud of me! Button dumplings and scrambled eggs. Tyrolean-style cheese-bread fried dumplings in a broth of beef shin. Sauerkraut is a typical side dish. I like mine raw with crispy-fried Speck (a type of smoked bacon). 2/3 of Austria looks like this:
  22. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Purple carrots were cooked together with the octopus (on purpose). Like beetroots, purple carrots stain everything. Steamed halibut with Sichuan broad bean paste and fermented black beans
  23. BonVivant

    Lunch 2021

    Semolina pancakes Pumpernickel, scrambled eggs and shrimps. Red cabbage tossed in gherkin brine. And German beer alongside. I got Anchor again yesterday. One bottle shop near me still sells these particular 2. I also like the nice labels.
  24. BonVivant

    Dinner 2021

    Yellow puree is squash SV ginger chicken German beer The inside of a plane*. Still remember it? *My plane could not land in Lüderitz due to a big sand storm and had to return to the capital. The next morning they sent an empty plane to take the total of 5 passengers to Lüderitz again.
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