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Posts posted by hollywood

  1. I tried it the next day (without the clip on the bottle) and it was warm and flat. A noticeable difference in my opinion. I give it a thumbs up :smile:

    If it was the same bottle, how was it sealed and stored? If not, not. Aw, you were just kidding. :smile:

  2. Dennis, I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that the testing results will be inconclusive at best. So, I suggest you get hold of the marketing people at Trader Joe's and work out some deal whereby they sell a Clip for say a $1.99 to everybody who buys a case of Two Buck Chuck. I think that's your niche.

  3. Also, if it works, i'm gonna buy one and put it on the nozzle when i gas up the T-Bird.

    Interesting idea. But be careful. VERY careful.

    You're dealing with Powerful Forces that Science cannot explain, but cannot deny either.

    If the polarity of the magnetized gasoline matches the polarity of the T-Bird's engine, you'll easily get over 100 miles per gallon.

    BUT, if you put reverse-polarity gasoline in the T-Bird, the first time you start it, you're likely to blow a hole in the space-time continuum, and End Life As We Know It.

    The decision is yours...

    Wouldn't the Clip enable you to power the T-Bird with Thunderbird, that's the word?

  4. I'm not sure that I am going to order up any of that Donatella Versace sausage...

    Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.

    Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755 - 1826), The Physiology of Taste, 1825.

  5. could we get back to electricity and traveling through italy please?  :unsure:  :raz:

    Our one source of energy


    All we need to live today

    A gift for man to throw away

    The chance to change has nearly gone

    The alternative is only one

    The final source of energy

    Solar electricity

    Meanwhile in the South of Italy....

    Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather

    Whiplash girlchild in the dark

    Clubs and bells, your servant, don't forsake him

    Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

  6. If the review were for Barolo, the review would be the same only the words bottylicious would be substituted for bootylicious. :laugh:


    Ain't nothin' like the real thing, baby. Sometimes there ain't no substitute.

  7. I definitely have all that stuff in my pantry. The problem is that I'd need a particle accelerator, a centrifuge, an electromagnetic rail gun, and an X-ray laser anti-ballistic missile satellite to separate them out from the various junk-food products in which they're currently bound up.

    i think "the clip" would help you there. :shock:

    Posing the question whether an electromagnetic clip would be superior to a mere alnico magnetic clip. Or, should we just hold out for blue kryptonite (sure, it might be a problem for the Man of Steel, but what about the rest of us? Hell, he probably doesn't drink anyway.)?

  8. designer Donatella Versace took her catwalk bows wearing low-rise trousers that clung to her body like a casing on a sausage.


    I'll bet that casing has S*N*A*P*

    Of course, I innocently thought the article was about [red] snapper.

  9. I'm on to your little game, Hollywood!  That Washington Post link re: Milan would have what, exactly, to do with food?

    Um, er, ah.... Wasn't there a reference to a Dijon-mustard coat? How about the "special occasion dressing"? And, wait a minute, what about the "zigzag patterns"? I'm getting the munchies just thinking about this.

  10. Because an individual is told that he must determine if there is a difference between two wines, his mind is subconsiously looking for the difference and in many cases, social stigma of not wanting to not perceive the change will cause an individual to confirm a positive.

    Not so. A proper double blind test would mean that, a tester given two glasses will be told that both may be exactly the same, or one glass may contain the test substance. There would therefore be no expectation of difference.

    So, you'll have a control group(s) that gets 2 of the same--both either magnetized or not?

  11. assuming that the eG/Wine Clip taste tests are a huge success, can anyone lend an opinion as to which catalogs they think TWC would do well in?

    Wine X magazine has The Wine Clip written all over it.

  12. We had a terrific meal at Tanino's in Westwood about six months ago.  And friends of mine who have very selective palates adore the place.  Details are sketchy in my mind (short-term memory loss has set in at an amazing pace) but salads fresh and perfectly dressed, pastas and risottos were perfection, the wine list seemed to interest my brother (the knowledgeable one of the group) and service was sophisticated yet friendly.  I would highly recommend it and wonder if others here have tried it with satisfaction.

    Tanino's is good, but it's not in Mori's league. In its league--Italian with nice vibe and good food--it's a cut above like all the Drago family spots.

  13. For some reason, I'm reminded of an Andy Warhol Coca-Cola ad that never aired. Andy stands holding a Coke for a long while, then at the last minute lunges Coke first toward the camera and says, "Eat Coke."

    As for fundamentalism, perhaps Heather has a point about relativism. Maybe Bayliss has levels of "purity"--an ideal CC level and then progressively declining, lesser of evils levels.

    What if a Dogma film maker were given tons of dough to make an action movie. If he used some of the money to make some really Dogma-tic films then would that be hypocritical? Who knows what Bayliss will do with the money? What if he makes an ad and lunges toward the camera with the sandwich and says, "Eat BK"?

    Maybe in the post-Grasso environment, Bayliss thinks getting us to think about this actually furthers discussion of CC principles?

  14. Paradoxically, the worse the sandwich is [and no, I haven't tasted one] the less hypocritical the endorsement of it is. Same with Mizrahi and Target, Halston and Penny's, any celebrity and just about any politician you can think of (hmmm...what's that do for Arnold on Arnold?). If it's really bad everybody knows it's a paid endorsement. It's more insidious if the product actually has some merit but to a thinking person is beneath the standards of the endorser. Somewhat off topic: didn't the FTC crack down for a while on celebrity endorsers of faulty products and services? Wonder if this would qualify for their scrutiny? Didn't Cybill Shepherd do ads for the meat producers while [at the time] acting like a vegan?

  15. as far as electricity goes, if we're doing 4 star hotels, do we need to worry about buying an adapter?

    Depends what for. Yes, they'll have hair dryers (not particularly effective ones, but they'll do). They will probably have adapters on site but you'll have to call room service for one right away before someone else gets it. Even if you bring an adapter, it seems like there are so many different plugs that you might not have the right size. The key thing is if you are an electric razor guy, be careful. Only use the specific earmarked outlet in the bathroom. Otherwise you could blow the razor. As far as computers go, if there isn't an appropriate outlet in the room, they probably have some sort of business/conference room downstairs where you can powerup.

  16. The hotel tariffs in Venice are roughly double the rates of anywhere else in Italy-- and Italy hotels are about 25% higher than their French counterparts.

    I think the only possible exception to this would be with regard to 4 stars in France. For some reason, the tax is significantly higher at the 4 stars, sort of a luxury tax.

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