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Posts posted by fud

  1. ^ what percentage of BC restaurants subscribe to:

    1. Every waiter gets their own tip and it is their's to keep

    2. All tips are pooled and split amongst staff

    3. One of the above with a tiered system of tip 'skimming' for the head waitor and kitchen staff

    4. Something else? Explain.

    I know many chinese restaurants just pool and divide and I recall being at a hard rock cafe and the waitress mentioning a tiered system of 'skimming' so I am curious how many places do what.

  2. Simple for me:

    - Chinese Restaurant (like a real cheap one) 10% (even less if it's a noodle house)

    - Lunch stops generally don't exceed 15% unless the service is REALLY good

    - Dinner ranges from 20% to 30% but that only depends on whether I am paying and whether I am with friends who ALWAYS never pay enough into the bill (ie they don't even cover the cost of their food and then stare blankly at everyone like they are really wondering why we came up short on the tip)

    - If I tip less percentage wise I will try to pay in cash.

    - Exceptionally bad service will get very little to no tip and a comment on a napkin or card.

    - Offensive service will get $0.01 from me as a way to say "this was so offensive that leaving no tip would be too good". Thankfully I have never done this in Vancouver. Generally I will try to talk to the manager before it gets to this point.

  3. My Last three meals? I was taking a class all week and found no time to cook/eat but..

    Wednesday night - Brie/Goat cheese with Pistachios and walnuts, breaded and deepfriend on a bed of greens and an apple cider vinegarette with pear and kiwi salad (I had all the cheese assembled and frozen in the freezer, these 'cheese discs' are THE best. You can freeze hundreds of them and use em here and there.

    Thursday night - Delissio - 20 minutes in the oven but I topped it with some leftover Cambazola (mmm)

    Friday night - Company Christmas party at the Hyatt. It was standard boofay (buffet for people who can spell) affair. Roast beef, mushroom stuffed ravioli, about a zillion different salads and a salmon roulette (this was realy good). Plus a dessert buffet which was completely annihilated by the time I got to it.

  4. I stopped by to check out Quince and visit Chef Andrea.  I think she has a really interesting concept and the space to match it.  The large (!) kitchen will work well for the upcoming cooking classes:

    1.  Kids at Quince - Holiday Baking Class:  Sun Dec 18th 10am-2pm (Chef Barb Finley)

    2.  The Cutting Edge (Knife Skills): Jan 12 6:30-9:30pm

    3.  The Nine Day Basic - Intensive Techniques for the Serious Amateur: Jan 17/18/19/24/25/26/31 Feb 1/2 - 6:00-9:30pm

    4.  Specialties of Quince - Food and Wine Pairing Magic:  Jan 27 6:30-9:30pm

    5.  The Secret Recipe - Success for Valentine's Day:  Feb 9 6:30-9:30

    6.  Stocks in Detail: Feb 20 6:30-9:30


    Telephone number is 604-731-4645.  Location is 1780 W 3rd Ave.

    Also here is the updated Cityfood link. The last link provided has been superceded by the most current cityfood online report.

    OMG :blink:

    I know what I want for Chistmas! Thnks for the info. I recall not being able to find much out from the web site last time I checked and Chef Tony (from NWCAV) mentioned Quince on our last class.

  5. Dang,

    You took the wind from my sails...i was about to say "I saw Rob Feenie on the 99 B-line yesterday :biggrin:

    Welcome to the board!

    I actually never saw the iron chef he was in. I was hoping to find a copy for interest sake. I DID see one with Ron Siegal and it was awesome. I loved his presentation :)

  6. Are we being reactionary ?

    Absolutely. And IMHO unjustly so.

    What strain did this bird have ? Is the Food Safety people a bit quick to gas someone's flock ?

    I overheard my ulti-teammate mentioning she had to work the past weekend to sort this stuff out and the strain was certainly an H5 strain of a very severe nature (to birds). So the reaction was based on it being a very virulent strain to birds and fear that it may be a risk.

    I feel like we are overreacting but then again I also figure I'll be that guy laughing at the doomsday advocate the day before we do in fact blow up the world.

  7. Umm....  which London Drugs ........  inquiring minds need to know.......  to plan our burg.....      :smile:

    Oh well the CC on Broadway and Ash is one block from the London Drugs on Broadway and (is it heather?) I don't remember!

    We should swarm here and HSG. Imagine a "burger crawl". Start in the AM, get a breakfast sandwich at Melriches, then break and head to CC for their "Turbo" and break and then back to yaletown for some HSG lamb action and maybe twist the rubber arm for some Gingerbread pudding.

    Oh god I better start working out now.

  8. ^ Some?

    The 6-Day Advanced Serious Foodie course will emphasize the total utilization of various popular proteins, from boning/filleting to the application of key moist/dry cooking techniques as well as some interesting charcuterie preparations.

    I'm so jealous! I will be away around the time of the course so someone needs to do two things for me in the class:

    1. Pictures!

    2. Jackson Pollock Plating (at least once to humour me)


  9. 3. I have the privilege of staging at a well-known Vancouver restaurant today.  :shock: I

    That's the understatement of the century! best of luck Ling and bring me some leftovers!

    I had undercooked hashbrowns today as the building fire alarm went off mid-cook and I was forced to wait in the cold for 40 minutes while my hash was half cooked in my kitchen. Then I had no time to cook em so I ate em soggy. :hmmm:

  10. having problems accessing the site  :hmmm:

    is it just my connection?

    Hmm works for me!

    Some good spots (for listing sake)

    - Calhouns (Broadway west of Mcdonald) [they never seem to kick you out]

    - OurTown (Broadway and Main)

    I could have sworn I read on the forums here somewhere of a Coffee place that actually had a sign that said something about "For students, come in and just hang out/study".

  11. I think it was a show on the food network where the catering company lost power in the middle of the dinner service for 250 guests. The chef actually managed to pull in BBQs from all the local hardware stores and finish the meals on the grill. I'm guessing the ovens were electric (?).

    Pretty fast thinking!

  12. Cheese theft. It's got to be a big business, we're talking 10 bux a block for cheddar!

    As for .99 pizza, I dunno I think that's just pure market. I mean you can buy a whole pizza and sell it off by the slice for a buck a slice and still make money - assuming the pizza you buy is pretty cheap.

    There's a spot on commercial north of first which sells whole pizza's for $3.99. Why buy 4 slices when I can get an entire pizza?


  13. ^^ I bow down to the master of meat. Daniel you are truly a freak in the best possible way!

    The "bacon cake" has got to be one of the coolest thing's I've seen. I just made a "meat cake' myself recently but this takes 'the cake' :biggrin:

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