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Posts posted by fud

  1. I am wondering what the chances of dim sum in Victoria, or anywhere on Vancouver Island are? Any suggestions?


    I'd go with Don Mee's. It's pretty basic dim sum. Van Isle isn't known for having a large number of Chinese restaurants, unfortunately.

    Yeah selection is pretty slim. Don Mee isn't bad but if you're use to paying Vancouver Dim Sum prices be ready to be surprised.

    We're going to Blue Crab this coming weekend. Hopefully pics to follow.

  2. ^ My take. They saw you guys as an amazing opprtunity! Think of it. A focus group comprised of foodies who really know their food and do not generally fall under the category of people who go to CFDs too often. If CC is trying to "break out of the mold" what an incredible way to start. They seem to have the science and efficiency down and the kitchen/staff run like a well oiled machine. So what's left but the food.

    If they can execute well on this part of the equation they're going to turn some heads.

    Kudos to them. The report really shows that they took every opportunity to learn something back from this opportunity. Imagine if they just sat you down and said "ok here are the burgers - enjoy". Bleh. It would be good but I'm sure the review wouldn't have been nearly as interesting.

    Did they ban cameras since you're in their "test kitchen?" :biggrin:

  3. Wednesday Lunch - Thai Garden

    This is one of my favorite work-lunch spots since it has cheap lunch specials and their Tom Kah Gai is really second to none. I've only found one other place (in thailand no doubt!) that tastes the same. It's not exactly "authentic" to the purest sense but it is damn good with plenty of inedibles (galanaga, lemon grass, lime leaves)

    I had a thick curry and the soup. I wanted the curry to be hotter (4 peppers please!)

    Thursday Dinner - Congee Noodle House

    I had a hankering for Yoo Peen Jook. Yummy fish slices! The congee this time was really good! My friend was really impressed and she insisted we go back sooner rather than later. We also ordered a noodle dish (satay flat noodles). Pretty good. But I'd rather have another congee and some weet donuts.

    Friday Dinner - Work Cafeteria

    Mmm cold sandwiches that were made 6 hours ago. I really need to pack an emergency meal pack for late nighters :biggrin:

  4. Here's a question I'm trying to find an answer for, and some help would be appreciated: Who makes the BEST baguette in town?

    YOU! Baguettes are pretty easy to make (flour, water, yeast, sugar). And let me tell ya...fresh bread from the oven...it's pretty hard to beat :biggrin:

    Otherwise I really like the french bakery at Granville Island.

  5. I made this a couple nights ago. Wow. Yumm. I sifted the flour and baking soda together...well I call it sifting at least it was really an appoximation of sifting :biggrin:

    The Cake came out perfect and the conversion to pudding was a snap. I tried to make a cheeky carmel sauce by skipping out of the creme..it works but its not as...well...creamy!

    Really good tho but it certainly won't stop me from getting it from the source...HSG has drinks and atmosphere I can't compete with.

  6. Hee hee. The doorbell song on the main page!!!

    I simply must go to a place that:

    1. Shows off their chef ware in a hardcore toolbox

    2. Serves beef cheeks!

    I don't mind the stool in kitchen thing. That's cool!

  7. Just a quick note on this.

    Most restaurants do about a 20 to 30 % mix on desserts, meaning, 2 to three people in ten order dessert.

    DOV is 100 % dessert mix !

    We needed to get the order right out of the gate so desserts would be ready !

    Restaurant do not normally do that many desserts - it is dessert madness !

    I agree with Neil here. This is a game of logistics. It's a busier period I think for most places so tradeoffs need to be made and I'd rather order all three "choices" at the start and have them come on time. If I want the true relaxed experience I won't come during dineout. In a way its a neat experience to see a restaurant totally hopping like a well oiled machine during this period. It's madness! It's exciting to watch.

  8. ^ Kurtis you rock.

    I too am in the situation with many friends who dont't dine out often and look forward to the dineout period as much as I do. It is funny that Ling mentioned feeling like apologising to some restaurants because her friends don't tip 20% or won't order wine for I too have found myself in the awkward position of feeling the same way. In my case I try to "top up" the tip because I know the sevice was geat but when you have friends who are use to tipping 10%, 15's a stretch and 20's unheard of.

    Restaurants are businesses, I agree and from my experience this year I have heard at least 2 couples tell me "Wow! That was a wonderful experience we will be back soon (outside of dineout)". That certainly tells me that the point of dineout is not lost, turning new diners to your restaurants. I think it is working but of course we have to expect the select few who will only eat at these places during dineouts. And that's fine too. When I was in university I ate at fine dining places during dineout only because it was all I could afford. But now that I'm working I'm going outside this period. Perhaps dineout has an incubation period...

    I'm glad someone from industry said that regardless of the clientelle it was a good experience for them too. I really don't want to feel bad about inviting my friends to a nice restaurant simply because I fear we will all be deemed unworthy.

  9. DOV '06, for the Lumière tasting bar, was certainly the most popular year to date. The demand was overwhelming; during the first week of taking reservations, we received several hundred calls each day. Faxed and e-mailed reso requests, when printed out, made a stack of paper a couple inches think. Every available seat had been filled before the hostess could make the first call-back.

    No kidding. I bet I have a fax in there somewhere. Thankfully it was pointed out that the tasting bar sits around the same pricing as DOV so my first visit to Lumiere may well be outside this ridiculously busy period!

  10. We were warmly greeted and seated immediately in the little corner "booth" by the window- which would be a great table for a date- you can see everything but you are still tucked away in a corner.

    You know...the one thing that did really stand out in my mind about Aurora was the "greeting" on my first visit to the restaurant. It was pouring rain and I walked by and stopped shaking my umbrella off outside the door. Kurtis came to the door and opened it like a host welcoming me to his home. In fact I kept thinking to myself "oh my god, does he know me? I don't remember him...was he a schoolmate?" Thats the kind of feeling I got...like I was a welcome friend from ages past.

    Really, that kind of welcom helped to colour the most incredible meal I had there. You don't go to Aurora Bistro like you go to a restaurant. You go like you're going to a friend's house. That's why I like it so much. I wonder what they would say if I showed up with food for a pot luck?

  11. (And gorgeous height on that duck salad too!  :wub: )

    The soup looks awesome. Really nice use of colour. The salad is insane. What did they do? Convince each part of the salad to get up and make that formation? Surely no person actually did that. I'm quite certain from the picture, the individual leaves intertwined to make that lattice structure.

  12. Just keep in mind that people on this forum (especially those that contribute) might just be more into food and eating than the masses. So it is no wonder that these places may not appeal to us. It's not about the food. It's about the "going out". It's about the social aspect and finding a "funky" place to hang out.

    I have several friends who would look at a dish that puts pear and pork together and be utterly revolted. They would be revolted and then they would hunker down and eat a chicken(?) strip with some horribly sweet dipping sauce. That's their comfort food. They feel safe with it and they have no intention of trying new things. I wouldn't be surprised if they flew to Belize and tried to order the same thing at a local dive. And yes this annoys me to no end.

    I guess the best way to open a space that can cater to the masses and have something for everyone in a group is to cater to the lowest common denominator. This guarantees that you have a "spot" for everyone and people will want to congregate there.

    I really do wonder if food is even on the top 3 of these CFD type places.

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