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Everything posted by McDermitt

  1. This is interesting: Here's the article. NY Daily News
  2. Was it Melting Pot? I didn't have TVFN at the time it was on but remember hearing about it from others.
  3. The Martin Hyde deposition. (pdf)
  4. If you watch and listen closely to the Dillions episode you can spot the sound of buzzing flies being dubbed in for effect. It is obvious in scenes where the fly "situation" isn't the topic being discussed or focused on.
  5. Chefs Aki Kamozawa & H. Alexander Talbot from Ideas In Food have published a book of photographs.
  6. Has anyone come across this site Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project If you browse the collection there are pdf scans of early cookbooks. I apologize if this has been mentioned elsewhere.
  7. And the winner is ... JULIA (if Ramsay follows through and pays for her education.) (And she attends a good school.)
  8. Has anyone watched the outtakes and extended scene clips on the fox website? Beyond Hell
  9. Do what I do, don't read the thread before watching the show.
  10. McDermitt

    Nicoise Olives

    Click and scroll down. Hope this helps.
  11. Fawlty Towers "Gourmet Night" 17 October 1975 I knew it would be too easy. Who could forget anything John Cleese was involved with.
  12. In trying to describe the chef as being drunk without drawing attention from the customers, the descriptions are : He's POTTED ... the shrimps He's SOUSED ... the herrings He's PICKLED the onions and he's SMASHED the eggs in his cups UNDER THE TABLE
  13. I wanted to tag this on the hell's kitchen season one thread, but as it is closed I thought I would ask here. ( please delete if inappropriate ) What is the real deal regarding Michael Wray winning? There was a shot of him this season at Tatou which left the impression that he was the proprietor. I came across this and thought it might be interesting. Eater LA ( I would also like to add that although much of what Ramsey and White have done and continue to do may be staged and scripted, I am still a sucker for it, love it, and can't wait for more. )
  14. I attended a culinary school years ago. The school has since been aquired by another school in the area. I have mixed feelings when it comes to hiring culinary school graduates, which I suppose makes me a hypicrite having attended one myself. Book learning is one thing, but work ethics are another. I never miss work, never view one job as being lesser ( or greater ) than another. Many of the students and recent graduates I come in contact with seem to think certain kitchen duties are beneath them. they feel they are on the fast track to culinary stardom. Always complaining about long hours and wanting pay raises because " I have a degree after all ". I do understand alot of this is due to youngness of age and having your ego stroked by instructors for 15 to 24 months. I know many people who never went to culinary school ( hell, many didn't graduate high school ) but they can work anyone, schooled or not, under the table. ( they do it to me every day ) I view every day as an opportunity to learn more. The only difference I can recall is the first day I attended culinary school we had an assembly with all the instructors. They started off by telling us we must be crazy..."why would you want a career in an industry which pays very little? You're gonna hate it, you must like having no life, working all hours of the day everyday of the week. You're best friend getting married? Too bad you can't go to the wedding. You have to work! No holidays off, working all the hours most people are out enjoying themselves" .... And the badgering continued. I ask many students if this happened to them. The response is always no. I think it was this brutal honesty which kept the truly determined to continue and those looking for instant gratification to realize this wasn't Star Search. I feel like it is the same as any other school, you get out of it what you put into it. I think I learned alot from school. I sadly feel many others may not have. I hate to think I passed up a true star because of subconscience hypocricy. Just because many do not learn and develop does not mean everyone didn't. sorry to run on like that.
  15. Let the lawsuits begin..... Burnt Chefs
  16. McDermitt

    Tourne Sizes

    Printaniere, the size of a large marble. Jardiniere, the size of a small quail's egg. -- from fifth edition of "The Professional Chef"
  17. For the curious
  18. From a British sitcom, triple fried egg sandwich with mango chutney and chili sauce.
  19. McDermitt

    Salsa Tasting

    Could the salsa be presented as a shooter of some sort? Good luck. Could you do raw oysters with a cucumber salsa? Does it have to include chips? Could fried oysters replace the chip? Not knowing the clientele or price range makes it difficult to target a specific group.
  20. Once an elderly woman ordered a strip steak. Her request was medium, no pink. After a prolonged "huh?", my only comfort was in thinking she had gone to many places and ordered well done only to given a burnt steak. To get the order out my only comfort was to believe she ment well done, not burned.
  21. k-grease Where he is now?...jlx_menu_(pdf)
  22. Is it true that Michael never went to work for Gordon Ramsay? Wow, does my nievite show that much.?.?.?
  23. Although I admire the contribution of Gordon Ramsay to the culinary circus, some things make me wonder when "reality TV" becomes involved.
  24. McDermitt

    Malt Vinegar

    Do these count or are they too much like fries/chips? Sea Salt & Malt Vinegar Kettle Chips
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