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Everything posted by rich

  1. rich


    Went last Saturday and had the grey sole, outstanding as always. My wife had the Pork Chop with Vinegar Peppers - the best version I have ever tasted. The chop was 2 1/2 inches thick and perfectly cooked. the peppers were as outstanding complement. Dinner for six came to $379, which included three bottles of wine. How can they afford this? Everyone had an app and two people had dessert. Some places just age well. This place not only ages well, it has also found the Fountain of Youth. Bravo guys!!!
  2. rich


    Yes I did. Enjoy the rest of Paris time. Went to Vinnum last evening - another top notch meal. For those who don't know, Vinnum, IMO, is the best restaurant in Staten Island. And since I live there, that's a good thing.
  3. Try a Bordeaux from the Pomerol region, which are predominately Merlot. Should be a great match with your lamb dish.
  4. rich


    Still as good as ever. Try the soft shells - tonight!!!
  5. Keep it simple is the best and let the cheese come to room temperature. Roast 1/4 inch slices of eggplant and tomatoes until the former is lightly browned and the latter is slightly shriveled. Stack with 1/4 inch slices of Mozzerella in alternate order. Top with a large basil leaf, drizzle with EVOO, salt and pepper - makes great spring/summer appetizer.
  6. rich

    Gelatin powder

    All types of aspics.
  7. rich

    Dinner 2019

    Used Vidalia onions in a Lyonnaise Onion Soup this past weekend. The result was extraordinary!!!
  8. Traveling to Anaheim next week for a meeting and will have time for one dinner with business associates. Can someone recommend an upscale spot? Price is not a concern, but it must have a good wine list and must be in Anaheim. Thanks.
  9. rich

    Le Bernardin

    Really like LB, but no one should feel honored to eat at any restaurant. As a paying customer, the honor is within the eye of the beholder.
  10. rich


    Went with Weinoo (and my wife and another couple) and thought there had their "A" game going last night. The soft shells were perfect and as I have said, the Chicken Provencal is the best chicken dish in captivity (IMO). We had the Two Angels Petite Sirah - at $42 a steal. All in all one of their top efforts and made better by the great company.
  11. Well, several years later this has changed. In my opinion, the best are now Wolfgang's and S&W. Sparks has fallen off the radar as far as I'm concerned. It appears to have lost ground after the expansion.
  12. rich


    Read this and the same is still true today. Nothing compares with Parkside. It's still the best of its type in the city. While others play with the Italian format, Parkside does the best Italian-American version. I realize now comparing it to Babbo was silly because it's an apple/orange thing. Babbo is an Italian-Batali restaurant and has no realtionship to the cooking of the Italian-American immigrant. It's only his version of what he thinks Italian food should be. So try Parkside, and take grandma, she'll love for it.
  13. Bringing back an oldie. This was a great dinner that was never replicated. The cost (even in 2003 dollars) was inexpensive. Thinking of calling both parties to suggest they bring back another version. I'm sure people here would be willing to pay $100 per for something similar. Yes?
  14. What does 2xinfinity equal?
  15. pork & beans grits cupcakes
  16. Would you like my pin?
  17. Again, possibly. I don't know anything about the women-hating angle, but the interior decorating part is fair and may have nothing to do with him being gay. He, more than any critic I recall, places a very strong emphasis on decor (lighting, music, colors, bathrooms to name a few) and ambiance. Even to the point of complaining when someone knocked over a lamp (Bouley review). So if someone said he should have been an interior decorator, can't they mean it as a non-sexual criticism? Does everything need to have a sexual overtone? I was under the impression most people got over that while in high school.
  18. Possibly, but I know male people who are interior decorators and/or women haters who are straight.
  19. I need to ask a serious question. Since I was one of two (I think H. was the other) who didn't know the Times critic was gay, nor did/do I care, how do so many people know what other people's sexual orientation is? Is there some web site that lists these things? And most importantly, why do people care what other people do in their bedrooms?
  20. It's an interesting point, but I'm not sure if there is a blue trend. I'm a big Zin fan and I enjoy all types for the specific reasons mentioned. It's the most versatile wine on the market and has the most unique and complex flavors in my opinion. So while I enjoy the blue versions, I also enjoy the classic bottlings. One of my favorite wines was the 1969 Joseph Swan Zin (and I still have one bottle that's waiting for that perfect moment).
  21. Sources tell me he's third in line behind Egan and Giuliani.
  22. Isn't that considered an oxymoron?
  23. The "controversy" was limited to an awfully small number of people. My only question for you is would you have had the same reaction if Reichl had written that review and made humorous comments (which she would have)? You'll probably say "yes"...I won't believe you. ← Nathan, I know you weren't speaking to me, but indulge my answer - I can't resist. The Times during Reichl's era would not have promoted that review as it did two months ago, because it was more of a real newspaper then. Reichl probably would have made funny comments based on her writing, but there's big difference in being funny and sophomoric - and that's what he was.
  24. I think we all agree with this part. (In fact, I think it's probably the best succinct statement of what's wrong with Frank Bruni as a restaurant reviewer that I've yet seen.) I just don't see where all the other stuff comes from. Not just your stuff, John. But everything from everybody. It's like, as far as many people here are concerned, Bruni couldn't possibly do a single thing right. His every move is apocolyptic. I mean, he rereviews a restaurant that arguably deserves a rereview: he gets slammed. He discreetly refers to his sexual orientation in a context so fraught that it would have been borderline fraud (and also astonishingly humorless) for him to omit it: he gets slammed. He reviews a chain that has been highly touted within the NYC foodie community: he gets slammed. I think all this carping diminishes the very real fundamental criticism that Bruni richly (no pun intended) deserves. ← I think I was the most critical of the Strip House and I know I wasn't crticizing him for reviewing it (and stated that many times). I was criticizing the Times for the manner in which they promoted it (and still think they were "tabloidish" about it) and him for the sophomoric/locker room humor in the review. I was very critical of the Chocolate Factory review because it didn't belong in the main dining column - and still doesn't. It was/is a waste of the precious fifty-two. Don't care what he chooses to re-review. But if he's going to re-review, have something more meaningful to say other than the word "sear." And yes, he does very little right. It's not his fault, he was just born that way (apologies to Jackie Gleason). Lastly, I don't think the "carping" (and I not sure I would use that word) diminishes the fundamental criticism. In fact, it enhances it by emphasizing his "NAC" mentality with respect to the NYC dining scene.
  25. Very true, but comparing the wisdom of McGee to that guy from the NY Times is like comparing Frank Sinatra's voice to Burl Ives'.
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