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Everything posted by BryanZ

  1. Target is like crack for me. I usually shop speciality, online, or in places like Wegmans or Whole Foods, so the snack and frozen food sections of Target are just full of stuff I never knew existed, stuff I didn't even think was culinarily possible. I never usually eat frozen or snack-type foods. Still, it's hard for me to resist trying all the crazy stuff anytime I go. Anyway, thanks to this thread Ming Tsai's products beckoned. I had gotten some of his sauces from his restaurant as a gift a couple years ago, but this Target line a whole new beast. Check it. Shrimp Pad Thai; pretty tame if you ask me. But Cranberry Crab Rangoon; now that's what I'm talking about.
  2. She's no Heidi Klum but at least she's not as insane as Tyra Banks.
  3. Those desserts sound so awesome. I hope you'll be hanging around New York and eG for a while.
  4. nathanm, you're golden. I didn't quite account for syneresis effect before, but now it makes perfect sense. Thank you very much. It appears that Vadouvan was right all along. Figures.
  5. Some notes: Padma is a lot hotter than the woman from last season, that's for sure. Elia's red wine flambee actually did look like crap on a plate. Her snail dish was downright elegant, though. It was great to see that much transformation over one episode. Marcel isn't quite as sweet as Stephen. It does seem as if he was trying to come across as that character, no doubt enhanced by the editing. I thought it was hilarious how his application tape included making spherications. Besides showing you know how to use a scale, it shows no cooking talent or flair for the camera. Still, I like him, just not as much as Stephen. I feel bad that the camera caught him mispronouncing molecuar "gastronomy;" that's going to be played over and over and over making him look like even more of an ass. Ilan is like the metrosexual version of Harold, though it does seem as if he might have a bitchy side if the previewed rivalry between him and Marcel is real. In general, a lot of the food looked good, especially compared to Candace's chicken roulade from hell and Andrea's vegan-organic-bowel-movement-inducing cuisine.
  6. But according that same logic the gelatin wouldn't be able to hydrate in the liquid and do it's "thing."
  7. Does anyone else know what ASM NY is talking about? Other attendees.
  8. I think you're right. It seems that they're adding enough gelatin to bind to the particulate matter without geling the liquid. Once you strain through filter paper the gelatin and particulate matter are removed. I guess my questions now are do you have to chill (or freeze) the liquid or will hydrating the gelatin in the hot liquid and letting it sit at room temperature for an hour or something be enough? And there's the whole freezing thing I don't quite get. Why freeze if it's just going to melt through filter paper anyway?
  9. You mentioned it, but Serena's not bad for dinner. There's not a lot like it in the area.
  10. They are indeed very cool and helpful. I think we can figure it out though.
  11. Why indeed? Though I've never been to Nougatine, my mother was recently at Nougatine for lunch as the result of a business associate who couldn't figure out the difference between the two when making a reservation. She said Nougatine was "good" but routinely calls the main dining room "excellent and spectacular." The price difference is like $8 p/p or whatever. You make that up in extras and more attentive service alone.
  12. BryanZ


    The above from Sutton's article basically outlines why I'm still bitter about seeing the old Gilt go.
  13. Fogive me for being terribly reductionist, but I would say that the work of forward-thinking Spanish chefs in the field of molecular gastronomy/hypermodern cooking has had two major processes that have really changed the way many of us eat across the globe. 1) The creation of N2O espumas and lecithin-infused airs have fundamentally changed the way we think of the presentation of flavors. Traditionally heavy purees, sauces, etc ("tastes," to put it broadly) have been restructured toward lightness. 2) Gelifications and spherications of various methods have become quite the rage across the globe in the past couple years. From a presentation perspective alone, sphercation allow us to really see and taste the essence of food in a neat, compact, but novel package. Chef Adria is pushing forward in this regard as seen at the Spain's 10 Summit in NYC. My question is, what's next? What watershed technique or process will next spring from the hypermodern kitchen to spark massive discussion among the world's dining community?
  14. Chef Andres, Your work in popularizing both avant garde and Spanish cuisine in the US has been exemplary. In that vein, which style of cooking is more "you," that of El Bulli/Minibar or the types of recipes included in your cookbook and at your other restaurants? Are they mutually exclusive in your mind?
  15. Okay, here's an example. This is publicly available information so I think I'm okay to post this. I'll cite my source accordingly, but if the publishing parties don't want me to divulge this I'll quickly take it down. Other consommes are made in a similar fashion, with nearly all of them including the .5% gelatin clarification step. This process might be somewhat different than what Vadouvan outlined. Or not. The step in Vadouvan's process I don't quite understand is the freezing. Why do it? Some might wonder why I just don't ask Ideas in Food directly for queries of this nature. I like the discussion and the collective problem-solving and the new ideas that can spring forth. Source: Ideas in food. Innovation.pdf notebook.
  16. Not a bad start, but not exactly what I'm looking for either. I'm off to class now, but I'll keep looking in that vein. Thanks. Anyone else?
  17. Just made a lunch reso for mid-December. It should be noted that merely calling the restaurant is entertainment in itself. Particular gems included, "We'll ring you the day before to confirm your reservation." And, "No trainers are allowed in the dining room." To which I responded, "Umm, what?" To which she sweetly chuckled, "Sorry. Sneakers, sir." I was charmed. In regards to pricing, I think Vadouvan is right. They'll have a prix fixe $45 menu, an $85 menu, and a $117 tasting menu, all available at lunch.
  18. Just a a minor point, Country's doesn't offer an $85 menu anymore. The cheapest is now the four-course for $105.
  19. Pathetic pun aside, can anyone clarify how one clarifies a broth using powdered gelatin. My understanding is that one adds a very small amount of gelatin to a liquid needing to be clarified. This gelatin then binds to the small particulate matter and can be filtered out. Should the liquid be heated after the gelatin is added, how long does this process take, what do I filter through (cheesecloth, filter paper)? I understand this a typical process in clarifying juices, wine, and beer, but I can't find step-by-step guide. Clarifying broths with egg does impart an eggy flavor, so I'd like to try this out. I should note that, again, I first saw this idea on ideasinfood.
  20. BryanZ


    Perhaps the mods want to link this thread and the "Methylcellulose" thread. I just thought I'd post here since it's newer. Both threads have some good information. Anyway, I received some Dow Methocel today in a few different formulations. The advantage of the the Dow products is that each formulation has a distinct gelling temperature and thickening power.
  21. It's October now, so does it go up even more in November? I'm kind of confused in that regard. Is it lame to ask how much they charge over the phone for a given week or month? I'm thinking about going for (read: financing) a blowout meal in December and Masa is near the top of the list.
  22. I know this kid, we were friends back at the CIA. Great cook. Always thinking of new stuff to try out, but more importatly, the guy we used to throw the frisbee with, a normal atendee to our all-day drinking and cooking fests we had on sundays, and a really cool guy. You start the fan club, then I'll buy the t-shirts ← If you design a t-shirt I'll seriously buy and wear it. You should definitely include a really condescending one-liner. Something like "You have no talent and will fail." Oh man, I loved that guy. I only hope Marcel Vigneron can keep the glory alive. Hopefully I'll be 21 by the time they start casting season 3 (only half-joking).
  23. Anyone have a menu and prices? They're not listed on the site yet.
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