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  1. Thank you. I can't wait to try it. I'm sure I will ruin my first attempt, but I'll try again. Thanks EVERYONE!
  2. When I steam this (after I find a recipe), does the bottom of the flan mold sit in a bigger pan of hot water directly (half way covered with water, maybe?) or does the bottom of the flan mold sit on a rack ABOVE the simmering water, not in it? I have no idea what to do. I've contacted the company that makes it (in Portugal). They no longer sell it, but maybe they can help me with some sort of instructions. Thanks.
  3. I saw that recipe - it calls for a bigger pan and requires baking. The recipe does not match the mold - which is so stupid. Thanks, tho.
  4. Thank you! I diply one.dn't know it was a steamer mold until AFTER I received it. I was hoping for a recipe, but the store that sold it to me, didn't supply one.
  5. I purchased a mold (see link below) for a flan. It is small, and it came with no directions or recipe. It is meant to be used as a steamer (the store employee told me that today). I DID search google, but the recipes are for larger molds or call for baking. I am NOT a good cook or baker, so I need all the help I can get in order to not ruin the end product. Per the website, it has a five cup capacity. I realize this is a tall order, but I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance! https://www.google.com/search?q=Nicul+Flan+Pudding+Mold+With+Lid+Banho+Maria+Made+In+Portugal+(N.18+7.5"+-+18cm)&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS843US843&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#ip=1
  6. Thank you everyone!
  7. Two years later, and I'm STILL looking for a place that serves pumpkin ravioli in the Bloomfield/Livingston area. Any ideas anyone? Thanks!!!!!
  8. One thing I love about these groups is that you get to try something you may not be familiar with. I ate my first kale last week, and this pick-up I have collard greens. Today I ate my first mango. I thought I died and went to heaven! I had no idea how to cook the kale or the collard greens, so I went to the internet. I did that also when I received the mango. A Google search told me that a mango's skin was edible, not edible, poisonous and not poisonous. What the heck? To be safe, I skinned the mango and ate the skin like an artichoke leaf, just scraped the flesh off the skin with my teeth. I'm sure I ingested whatever poisons there were on the skin, but I didn't care - it was divine. I have more veggies and fruits than I know what to do with, but it's an interesting experience!
  9. There wasn't an opening for me at Bloomfield-Montclair. However, Purple Dragon had an opening in Glen Ridge and I joined them. I'm not certain how long I can be a member. There is so much food, even tho I share with someone. I'm not happy with the fruit so far, but the veggies have been pretty good. I love the idea, but cannot keep it up if I end up wasting the food. I keep looking for new recipes to cook all of it, but when you're cooking for one, it's hard to come up with recipes that are suitable.
  10. Here is the site - it depends on what you want: bloomfield-montclaircsa.org It is kinda pricey - not certain it is worth it.
  11. I am interested in attending - how do I sign up? What is the cost, where is the meeting point, etc, etc.????? Thanks! DonnaMarieNJ
  12. From what I understand, a CSA is more expensive than the supermarket, but the most inexpensive way to get organic veggies. Am I correct? I had never heard of a CSA before this week, and found out they do not all work the same way. A full share for me wouldn't work, because it would be too much food, so I will be asking to share with someone. All in all, are CSAs worth it? And does anyone know the Bloomfield CSA? Thanks!!
  13. I will be stopping at Cartagena on a cruise next week and saw online recommendations for a restaurant called "Crepes and Waffles." I can't find much about it online, except for a Bogota location. Does anyone know if there is a restaurant near the cruise ship terminal or at least somewhat near? I don't want to be meandering around Columbia and not find my way back to the ship!!! I know nothing about Columbia. Thanks!
  14. Thank you. I found that the market on Belleville Avenue is still open. I gather they had a problem with the phone which is why they didn't answer the few times I called.
  15. No, but I will! Thanks.
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