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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. Yay, I wonder if we'll get it in my dinky town. I can't imagine the chicken breast being as big in size here as it is in MI. I tried the biscuit this morning in MI( on my way back from the airport). It was good, and the biscuit wasnt dry. I detected no pickle flavor though. ← McDonalds' Canada at least has it on their website now, here, so I imagine it will be rolled out to all Canadian Mc'D' s pretty soon. ← Thats the Southwestern Chicken Sandwich, not the Southern Style Chicken Sandwich. I guess thats the substitute for Canada. The Southwestern sandwich is not availble in the US( at least I havent seen it in Florida or Michigan) Sigh!!
  2. Dessert - of course - for me. Ah, but what to make. Perhaps a couple of apple or pear cakes, great with chantilly cream. Also we could make some creme brulee chocolates - a la Kee's. ← I had to look: Kee's Chocolates ← Yup, over in the 'Confections what did we make?' thread a couple of us have made our imitation of these gems. By adding some brulee'd sugar we have (in my humble opinion) improved on the original. ← Are those the ones I tasted at your house? If so, they were totally yummy.
  3. Yay, I wonder if we'll get it in my dinky town. I can't imagine the chicken breast being as big in size here as it is in MI. I tried the biscuit this morning in MI( on my way back from the airport). It was good, and the biscuit wasnt dry. I detected no pickle flavor though.
  4. I'd like to do a salad( and I can do it for 90) and a dessert. I was thinking of a fruit cobbler or something with blueberries and peaches( assuming those are availble). I can also bring some fig jam if anyone plans a cheese course. eta: I'd like to pretty much decide what I'm going to do so I can bring whatever ingredients I need from home( ie: a tbls or two of baking powder, a certain spice, etc) This way we dont have to buy a whole container of something just to use a tiny bit.
  5. I thought about doing meat/cheese platters. I know that people eat a lot more when its a make your own type of thing. I made all the salads( tuna and egg) ahead of time. I also cut all the cucumber/lettuce so it went pretty fast. I think we ( 2 of us)made about 50-60 sandwiches ( they were all gone) in about 15 min. I did put out a platter of onions/tomato so people could add it to their own sandwich. I did put mustard and mayo on each sandwich too. If you put out bowls of that, it would cut down on your time. The egg salad was very popular. I used 6 cans of tuna( drained well, and process in the cuisnart) and there was a lot of tuna salad left. I made 2 vegan sandwiches ( hummus and avocado) and those went first. The other sandwiches were turkey and ham. I'm getting ready to leave for the airport to fly home. It was a fun trip.
  6. I laugh at this only because I still dont think I have it figured out. I ALWAYS end up making too much food. I really need to get a handle on this because I probably could have made about $100-200 more at the last catering job. I also seem to recall making way too much pasta primavera at the gathering in 2006. My first thought was to vote for #1. This was the easiest option last Thanksgiving at my Senior Dining meal. Of course, there were only 6 dishes and we did it buffet style. Is there room in the kitchen for everyone to be cooking at once? Or, is it feasible to have mini buffets( first apps, then salads, then mains) taking breaks between the courses? I know for me, I love having the breaks since I'm usually so full by the time dessert rolls around. PS: I wanna make a salad and a dessert.
  7. The way I understood the OP was that the group was short the .87. They didnt do it on purpose, they just didnt have it. Is this correct?
  8. I used the President for a Spinach, Strawberry, and Brie salad I made for a catering job. I got the Brie for 3.59 for a 15oz package( 40% off because it was expiring w/in a day but it was still good). I bought 2 packages, but ended up using only one. I did cut the rind off, because I hate it. I'd think you'd be able to get about 10 servings at least from one package of that. What about making a panini w the sandwich. When you melt it, it usually looks like you're getting more.
  9. The sandwich is 3.29 here in upstate New York, and the CFA sandwich is 2.55 where I used to live down south (Tallahassee). So .74, close enough. I assume your prices are Canadian. ← I'm not actually sure it's available here in Canada yet. I checked the McDonalds.ca site and there is no mention of it. Just the new Angus burger. I"m wondering if Cali got hers in Florida where she is currently vacationing. I suppose I could stop in to my local McD's. It's been a very long time since I've been in one, but in the interests of research, I could. ← Nope, not in Canada yet, at least not in my small town. I got mine in Port Huron, MI( border town). The 2.68 price was with tax.
  10. Whats a chicken lobster? Is it the same thing as a Canner? We get those in Canada starting in early May.
  11. Hi, Its me getting together with the OP. We've gotten together before when I'm in town, but it was in my neck of the woods( Ft. Lauderdale). Do you know the Tin Muffin cafe? I've eaten there before years ago( in Boca) and seem to remember that it was good. Any opinions? We'll just be spending the afternoon together.
  12. I cross the border 3-4x a month and knock wood, I've never been searched. They're pretty lax coming back into Canada, but they always ask me what I have when I cross into the US. I brought back 3 bags of mini potatoes last week when I knew full well they arent allowed. I brought back a marjoram plant too that isnt allowed ( its the soil).
  13. Thanks, an Eg member sent me the recipes in the regular mail. I made one of Molly Steven's potato salad recipes for my big catering job. It was really good. The mayo is lightened with some heavy cream that is whisked first. The salad also contains lemon zest and juice along with fresh dill.
  14. Wow, what a great find. Did you find it at a thrift shop or a yard sale? I use mine all the time. I should get out the camera and take some pics of all the great stuff Robin has been finding. She could almost make a career out of it.
  15. Its been years since I've had a CFA, so I dont know if I can fairly compare. However, I find it hard to believe that its 1.00 more. I paid 2.68 for a sandwich. Is CFA, really 1.68? Both my sister and I thought the Southern sandwich was pretty big. I actually had one last night and I ordered the bun without "margarine". I actually had to wait 4 min for the sandwich to be made. It came out piping hot. I also got extra pickles and a pack of mayo in the side.
  16. I've arrived in Florida Marcy said I can post the recipe but I wont be able to do that until I get back to Ontario. She thought she was an eG member but can't seem to comment. Hopefully she'll be able to figure it out so she can post it before I get back. Its soooooo good.
  17. I got 2100.00 for 50 people. I paid my helper 270.00( 10 an hour). That was well worth it. Don't think I'm cheap, I paid her more than she makes as a line cook at a country club in London. I'm pretty sure I made close to 1000.00. I say pretty sure because I added up all the food I bought up until Thursday and it was 500.00. I spent a lot more between Thurs-Sunday but I dont think it was more than 300.00-400.00. I actually could have made more than 1k, but I dont think so. I did probably spent about 100-150 more on food that I needed to. For instance, I bought 4 gallons of milk in MI. I then bought 4 bags( 4L) of milk on Friday morning at Shopper's drug mart( they have the cheapest milk). We never even used the bags of milk and there was probably half a gallon of regular milk left. I used all regular milk for cooking. So, there was 16.00 that I could have had as profit. I did freeze the bags of milk so it wont go to waste. The two things I ran out of( OJ and Ketchup) are the two things they asked for. I took home lots of leftovers too. I also took home spices, and lots of condiments that I didnt use up. When I can get to a calculator, I can give a better estimate.
  18. I'm in Detroit now, but when I get back, I'm going to ask Marcy if she minds that I post the recipe. Hopefully, she wont mind Thanks for all the compliments. Btw, is it tacky to tell you how much I made from the job?
  19. drumming African dancing. The woman(instructor) on the left lives in Long Beach, CA. I spent a lot of time talking to her about my favorite restaurants and shops that I left when I moved here. spinach, strawberry and brie salad. I used 2lbs of baby spinach( I bought 4, way too much), strawberries, cut up brie( I only used 1 of the packages I bought). I took the rind off because I hate it. I got cans of honey roasted macadamia nuts for 1.00 at big lots. I also threw in some red onion. I made a dressing with part evoo, part veg oil, sugar, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, a little soy and PC brand raspberry vinaigrette. I made 2 cups of dressing, dont ask me why. I probably used 1/2 a cup. I also put out the leftover greek salad that I dressed with paul newman's dressing. I left off the feta and called it a green salad. ready to dig in. lasagna. I used 3 packages of noodles to make 2 pans(there were just a few pieces left). I used 3 475g containers of ricotta and 2.5lbs of cottage cheese ( pureed). I used 2 family size packages of frozen spinach and a few eggs along with spices. I didnt pre-cook the noodles first so I used a lot of extra sauce. I used11 jars of classico sauce(on sale for 2.00). I felt bad about that because I can get san marzano tomatoes for 1.50 a can in Windsor,ON. I didnt want to use my stash because I dont know the next time I'll be back there. I kept telling myself that at least Classico is a high quality sauce. Nobody complained. This is Marcy Goldman's Garlic Slathered Stretch Bread. It was probably the most popular item I made. It was gone within 5 minutes. Robin came up for lunch and to help me pack up. She loves this stuff and she didnt even get any. I made the dough the night before, cutting down the yeast to allow for the overnight rise. The recipe calls for 4 cups of bread flour, but I used closer to 7 because it was so humid and hot in the kitchen. The dough is slathered with a mixture of chopped garlic, parmesan cheese, mayo, evoo, and Italian seasoning. Its topped with lots of shredded mozzarella cheese. One lady told me that this was better than sex, not the cake. LOL. I made 4 of these. Marcy's book is called A Passion for Baking and I highly recommend it. This was the last meal of the day and by the time lunch arrived(1pm) they were hungry. I got 11 hours of sleep last night and I feel way more refreshed. I was on such a high this weekend from adrenaline and all the compliments. Still, I dont think I could do this every weekend. Way too stressful. I'm totally ready to go off to Florida and eat out in restaurants. Robin is staying home with the boys but I made sure she has lots of leftovers. Thanks for everyone's comments and compliments. I feel very appreciated by my eG peeps.
  20. As the woman made their way thru the line, I could tell who was American and who was Canadian by their reaction to the word peameal bacon. The Americans would say " What did you call it?". Then I'd say " its what we call Canadian bacon". I diced up the leftover baked spuds and tossed them w/ Evoo, salt, pepper and fresh rosemary. We baked them in the oven. This is another Paula Dean recipe for French Toast Casserole. It was really good, I can only imagine how much better it would be with the praline topping( that I left off). I used the Jimmy John's bread that I froze. I also used a few pieces of Scali bread that I made a few weeks ago and froze.
  21. Here is my helper cooking the eggs on the flat-top. We did a small amount to see how it would work. It worked well, we did them all like that. The salamader was right underneath the grill and was really hot. Dana is telling me how hot it really was.
  22. These are the baked beans from Saturday's dinner. Sue and Gloria's Baked Beans. Once again, I made way too much.
  23. I put out a bowl of watermelon around 10:30am and it was much appreciated.
  24. We made a ton of it and it was appreciated. It was soooooo HOT. They had some at their lunch and last night as part of their snack. I also made Hummus( Cook's Illustrated Ultimate Hummus) and pita chips.
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