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Everything posted by canucklehead

  1. Two questions: 1) Is are the Szasz's the same people who used own the deli/coffee shop on South Granville? 2) Were the prosciutto and salami house made? Could it possible that they were from Salumi (if not how do they compare)? If someone is able to import Salumi stuff to Vancouver Island - surely they could brought into Vancouver. I am desperately hoping...
  2. On doctor's orders - I am trying to eat out less. So yesterday I only had two meals out. Lunch - Stella's On Commerial Hard to guage since it was a quiet lunch. Shared some plates with Mooshmouse and it was very nice. I liked the Cobb Salad - their version comes tossed. With crispy bacon and avocado - well, its hard to screw things up. Dinner - Chambar Introduced myself that Quentin and asked about my free beer - but I decided to take a rain check on it. I think Quentin is serious about the beer thing... so awaken the inner frat-boy in you and head on over. The food there never dissapoints me. Sat at the bar and I think it is actually the best seat in the house (as many other egullet people have pointed out). The bar is deep enough to hold all of the food I ended up ordering and still have a civilized conversation with my dining partner. Shrimp & harissa salad and Venison Carpaccio (holy mother was that good) - then Mussels Conglaise and Duck L'Orange (with nice bitter undertones - rather than tasting like Tang). All top notch. The service was great and Mark the barman and his team were all very friendly, relaxed, and professional. I think bar seating at Chambar is going to my regular thing.
  3. For Germans - there is the Vancouver Alpen Club on Victoria and 32nd. The have a restaurant attached but unfortunately - my brother went and said the food is not so great - a little on the heavy side. But if you want to be where everybody is speaking a foriegn language - then its your place. Here's what someone had to say in the GermansInBC website: Kinda speaks for itself doesn't it? (God I love it - it starts with 'let's face it' and then launches into full Klingon)
  4. The cabbage rolls are almost all rice (I don't think that there is any meat in them) and they are okay but I would hate to stack anything up against homemade. I've bought the frozen ones in Richmond and my recollection was that they were cigar sized and very lightly sauced. So - I think that you are stuck making cabbage rolls at home.
  5. I think that you are refering to the Ukranian church dinners served on 10th and main (church is located accross the UIC building on 10th). They have something similiar in Richmond. Here is a list of Ukranian church dinners accross the lower mainland - perogies! You may want to call ahead just to make sure the dates still all make sense. The dinners are good and have that nice unitarian church basement vibe. Definitely not a mono-culture and the Main st version is downright hip. You expect to see the guys from Arcade Fire sitting at the table next to you. Still - the draw are the perogies and they are pretty tasty. They are sold frozen for you to take home too.
  6. okay - I admit that I am OCD but I introduced some more friends to Diner last night. Looks like manpower issues are being tackled aggresively - more people on the floor and behind the counter - new server seemed to be much more knowlegdable. Burger was excellent - served last night close to rare. Arugala pesto pasta was very nice - herbal and peppery. Lemon meringue pie has been reworked and is now topped with a italian meringe that I love - and sweetness seems like it has been cut back. Chocolate souffles good as ever - but a little drier than before. Good to see them work through their issues and it is interesting seeing Heather adjusting and fine tuning the restaurant. My main fear is that their popularity may mean actually having to wait for table.
  7. Ling - the cake was delicous. Thanks for sharing it with the tasters. Each layer was pretty delicous and it was hard to pick a clear winner (though there was one layer that was not as good). I think that during the next round of tasting - the particpants should be particpants be blindfolded and fed by the staff from Earl's. Or vice versa. Really - thanks
  8. Many thanks kmk. I have gotten good number of people interested, but I need a few more people to keep the price of each entry reasonable. I think it would be fun for someone from egullet to go and enjoy what is pretty rare experience. So - just as a reminder - please PM me if you are interested in participating in this impromptu draw. (those who have already PM'd me and those who orginally responded by post are excepted of course).
  9. I said I was asking on behalf of a 'friend'! But I guess if you feel comfortable being so open about it - there you go. Dude - your cocktail feature - Ginger Scotch Smash - sounds excellent! It does look like Montreal is on a big upswing. Last issue of the Art of Eating had a big spread on the Montreal restaurant and food scene (my posting here) Good for them - I have a soft spot for Montreal and it's glory days in the 70's. I took a look on the online Enroute article re:the Gucci shop opening in Vancouver. Wow it is first class obnoxious! Ugh - Toronto writers.
  10. Yes - it is a list of NEW restaurants. Sorry if I was unclear.
  11. Here's the Rosemead website The English Inn Wow - those off season rates look great and the menus look fantastic. Now - I wonder if it would be just TOO sad if someone went by themselves for the weekend. Not me of course... I mean I am asking for a friend.
  12. Ummm is this a good thing or a bad thing? My understanding is that the list is a result of input from food writers accross the country. So my assumption is that you would have been involved.
  13. On the Vancouver thread the list of Enroute's Canada's 10 best restaurants was posted and Montreal has the lion's share of them Here's the List Number one was Garcon - besides seeing it on FoodTv's Opening Soon - I don't here much mention of it. I am glad it is doing well - the owners seem like good people. Just curious if the list makes sense to Montrealers.
  14. They do focus on curries - I work just accross the street and have dropped in many times for the daily curry. You get alot of food - it is a big portion. I wish they sold a slightly scaled down version for take out. Showcase needs to be re-decorated. It looks like a Red Lion Inn version of fancy. Ugly. OT here - but I wish hotels in Vancouver had more bakery/take out options. In Asian cities - Hotel bakeries and deli's were the first choice for downtown take out and cakes.
  15. That's INSANE I am suprised that you did not put him a stretcher. I agree with the Mr Ramsay's statements that generally - people cook less and this is not a good thing. However, as I said before, I am still not sure why women get the pointy end of the stick. I was watching a food safety show (only in Canada would this warrant a 1/2 hour of programing a week) and these kitchen experts were tsk tsk-ing a family for there poor kitchen clean up habits. Things have been set our fire, food is left out forever, the fridge is growing its own crops of mushrooms, etc... The visual shown on the program as these litany of crimes are described is the poor wife shuttling around the kitchen grabbing food and trying to placate the kids and husband. Then it turns out the woman is a GP with a busy practice and the husband is a stay at home dad. Good for them. Regardless of the earning arrangements - the message with the visuals was that it was somehow the woman's fault that things had fallen into such dis-array. Now - I don't believe in vast conspiracy theories - it is just that it is very easy to put people into set roles. Is'nt it good to live in time that such assumptions should never be made? People make their own choices. If they choose to cook less - well tough shit for them, they are losing out on something good. This is true regardless of gender.
  16. Good call. I went a few weeks back and the sushi is excellent. And you get to order other seafood delights also.
  17. I've seen Lilydale air-chilled chicken at Costco - but I am not sure if it gives you the same results...
  18. What? You who brought the Elvis Sandwiches to the White Trash Party... is this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?! ← Okay - that was strictly social anthropology... now if Gerald had added marshmellow fluff... that would push it into yummy land!
  19. Saw Mr Tritt on Breakfast TV this morning - trying out potential entries from City Tv. The Lamb/bluecheese/mango chutney combo sound very good, but not so adventurous. However, some of the more brave combos kind of had me scared: - Two blueberry waffles+maplesyrup+eggs (this was truly... uh... brave) - Peanut butter+bacon+bananas - Beets+fried eggs Hope the search is going well and I hope that egullet people are giving you better possibilities...
  20. Patrick - your stuff is always so beautiful. Damn! I've used the recipe in Jane Grigson's "Good Things" and it is very good. As mdhl says - the english and aussie versions are usually soaked through with the syrup. Ling's caramel sauce recipe is basically the same one that Jane Grigson uses. I doused a gingerbread cake that I got from Laurie Colwin (who gets it from Delia Smith) with the caramel sauce and it was really good. Especially when the caked aged for a couple days. Still - your cake is gorgeous.
  21. Dude - when somebody offers to make you breakfast - there is usually some sort of subtext involved. That breakfast better be crack cocaine good.
  22. You know what? Let's really have a draw and see if we can't get a seat for an egulleter in there. Due to my lack of the 'alcohol' gene, it would be a waste for me to go to the Trotter dinner, but I am willing to organize this draw in a fair way. The winner must take pictures and report back in an articulate and enthusiastic manner. Please PM me if you are really serious about participating - and based upon the number of interested parties - I will set the price for the draw (or let me know what your upper $ limit for participating in the draw is). I also promise that if I win the 6/49 jackpot tonight - I will pay for two egulleters to go and report back in. Not that I bought a ticket or anything... everyone knows that lotteries are voluntary taxation and who is dumb enough to do that?
  23. I've gone back a couple of times with larger groups (6-8) and the strain of serving a busier place definitely shows. The food quality is still good - and that chocolate souffle is still stellar - but the wait times are pretty trying. A meal for a large group stretches out to about 2 or 3 hours. Not good for those on the run. I will continue to comeback for that souffle though... heavenly. And they are introducing a gingerbread pudding souffle.... Just kidding Neil! Seriously - I think that the Vancouver Courier is posting a review soon - and if it is positive - this place is going to get slammed hugely (God help them). So if you go - be patient (and keep it to small groups), or just drop by for the souffles and you will leave satisfied.
  24. Lemon - thanks for the pictures. It looks like it was a pretty serious competition - wow. It looks like something worth checking up on next year.
  25. As a kolachy - or in one of their famous soups?
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