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Posts posted by Fred

  1. I find the entire menu really brilliant. Lobster, fantastic. Tuna, devine. Wine list, criminally cheap. Nothing on that list would make me cringe price wise. It's the one list in the city where I have no problems ordering anything because I know it's priced extrememly fair as compaired to shelf prices in stores.

  2. Holly-

    Great picture. I'll probably see Bet is a few weeks when I go home so I'll tell her there is a cult following out here on e-gullet. Lobstermans Warf in E. Boothbay has a good one as well and since my Dad's office is almost next door in the summer many of them get cosumed. So one day we are there and order a couple of fish sandwiches. Apparently one of the dishwashers caught a mackerel off the deck and so they brought us our sandwiches but my dads was still moving since they just slaped the mackerel between two buns and served it to him... wicked funny!

  3. Last time I was in Vienna I stumbled my way through some Heurigen which are ultimately local family run wineries that got swallowed up by the city during it's expansiton. Wonderful spots where you feel like your sitting in someones garden drinking the most god aweful white blend that seems like a cross of sav blanc, chardonnay, and crab apples but I digress the food is fantastic at each place and really a great spot to while away a day in Vienna.

  4. Monday is the "six-monthiversary," as I like to call it, of the day that I first met my girlfriend.  :wub:

    Unfortunately, other events have caused us to decide to celebrate on Sunday. What's a good romantic restaurant to go to that's still open on Sunday? I've already booked at Mendocino, through OpenTable, but I wanted to shoot this one to the peanut gallery to see if I can think of anything closer to her house - she lives in Logan Circle.

    Also, anybody know where I can buy nice pearl earrings in the city? (I guess that's for another, jewelry-related board somewhere...)

    Mendocino is a great choice my second would be Little Fountain Cafe. My question is why stop at Pearls why not go all the way.....Diamonds are Forever. Congrats and have fun.

  5. Bad day at work = Great meal at Mendocino.

    I pulled a 2001 Siduri Pisoni Pinot Noirfrom the cellar, then my brother and I ventured down to Mendocino. In addition to the Siduri, and since it was such a bad day we ordered up a bottle of Sine Qua Non Whispering E which was absolutley fantastic. As we decanted the Siduri an appetizer of Wild Salmon Coubiac with black trumpet mushrooms arrived for myself. fantatically rich and perfectly cooked salmon, crispy philo dough and earthy trumpets. My brother had the house made wild boar sausage which he proclaimed stunning and quite large for an appetizer. With the large Udon type noodles if your looking to make a meal out of Apps I suggest this. We both had the rack of lamb with the celery root and parsip gratain and Fiddleheads. The lamb was perfectly cooked with big eye's and very well seasoned, just how I like my lamb. The gratain was awesome, good celery flavor but not overpowering, while the parsnip was just sweet enough. I finished with the Two Blues, one from VT and one from ??? can't remember but they were both delectable. Great meal.

  6. Hey all I'm coming home (Boothbay) for about 48 hours next weekend and doing dinner with the parents in Portland Thursday night. What's new and a must try. I've done the following to death so I'm looking for something new and good.



    Street & Co


    Back Bay Grill

    Thanks in advance.

  7. I don't start driving in fourth gear, either, or brush my teeth after going to bed. I also do not board a rollercoaster while the train is still moving and full, of after it has left the platform. It would be nice if I could demand to ride twice, or even three times, in a row, though, and make others wait until I was done riding. Better yet, my own private roller coaster that no one else could ride.


    My dad alway's told me, "My house my rules, you don't like it live somewhere else." I could point out the corollary here but your all smart people.

    Oh yeah. Michael if I promise to get off in 90 minutes can I ride on the roller coaster too?

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